A/N: Kaaaaaay, I know I need to update my other fics, but im doing the best I can and a writer's block is not really helping me so much, but well, her ei leave you a once shot based on a chain letter (I hate those things…) that was send to me.
Oh yeah, and the status it's complete… but is not ;) Oh and please please please review,
I log in and I saw that one stories had alike 450 views in one day…
but I get like one review and well, that's pretty uncool :( and it makes me sad… and im not very happy when im sad ... so please review
that's all im asking :)

WARNING: Medium-Strong language

A True Boyfriend:
Duncan's Way

Part 1-

"You know what? I'm outta here" said the brunette and then she walked away trough the school's halls.

The punk ran a hand trough his face and Mohawk and sigh in frustration. He knows he had screw up, and had to make it up to his CIT Girlfriend. He should have said something to his so called "Friends".

He watched as his girl walked away and then at the guys, who Duncan consider as simple Punks Wannabees that only followed him around.

"C'mon Duncan" said one of the guys as they walked off. He had to make a decision. It was a good thing they were nothing but a little company.

"Know what?...Fuck you" he said calmly as he walked in the direction where his girlfriend had walked. He spotted her walking out the door, he ran and ran trying to reach her


When he reached the parking lot, he saw her getting into her car and puffy red and glassy eyes, at that time he felt like the biggest scum in the world.

He quickly ran to his motorcycle and turned it on, when he took another glance to Courtney's car and was no longer there, he looked around and found her red mini cooper leaving the school building. He was sure she was going home, he's never been at her house so he did as he planned, and he followed her. He maintained a good distance away so she wouldn't notice.

Once she saw her parking in an open garage next to her mom's car; he kept going, just to houses away he stopped and parked his 'metal monster' as he called it. Once his girlfriend was indoors, he ran to the backyard and climbed to a small balcony. He looked through the window to make sure it was his brunette girlfriend's room. It indeed was, the room screamed Courtney everywhere. When he saw her entering the room and throwing herself to the bed, she didn't cry she just, laid there. That's when he decided it was time to enter.

He opened and closed the door slowly making sure not to disturbed her. Her head was looking to the other side of the room, so he walked slowly and carefully, and once he reached her bed he leaned in and

"Hey Princess" he said, not to loudly, not to quietly

"Duncan? What the-!" she said before Duncan covered her mouth with his hand softly

"Shhshshsh, they're gonna hear you" he said letting go

"What the hell are you doing here?" she yelled-whisper "Wait! Did you follow me?" she asked in angrily

"What? You offend me princess. Now I can't visit my own girlfriend at her house?" he asked smirking grabbing her arm and pulled her close to him

"Why would you want me to be your girlfriend?" she asked trying to pull away from his grip, but failed miserably.

"If my mind serves me right" she struggled again "I'm 'just a bossy, snobby uptight bitch' right?" she asked now becoming free as she pulled herself away from Duncan/

"Hey Babe, I'm not the one who said that" he said trying to defend himself as he grabbed her arm once more and pulled her close to him again, this time their faces were just inches apart.

She looked into his eyes, those beautiful teal soul-absorbing eyes. In her opinion, those were his best quality, she could get loose into them for minutes, hours maybe. Duncan didn't want to pull away, he couldn't, every time he looked in her eyes it was like seeing a different side of Courtney, a side in which he could see everything how she was feeling, a side in which she was just herself. And they did there just stared at each other's eyes for what it seemed like forever, Courtney was the first to react, as she remember what was going on and she sighed

"I know it wasn't you… but at least you…" she said sighing once more running a hand trough he mocha colored hair.

"But I what?" he asked confused

"You should have said something!… You just stood there! You just stood there and did nothing!"

She pushed him away from her and tried to walk away from here, but before she could move any longer he grabbed her by the waist

"Duncan! No… let go!" she said struggling, and pushing him off

"No" he said seriously

"Ugh! Duncan. Let go of me!" she said hitting him in the chest with both of her hand, and he had to admit… it kinda hurt.

"No" he said looking her dead in the eyes

"What the fuck Duncan? Just let me go you asshole!" she said hitting him once more.

His eyes widen when he heard those words coming out of his 'pure and prudish' girlfriend's mouth. That's when he realized that, she must have been really angry to just go on and swear like that, specially to him.

"Im not letting you go, so stop trying" he said playfully

"Duncan! What the fuck do you want?" she asked, and he saw the hot fire in her eyes.

"Damn, princess. I didn't know you can swear just like a truck driver" she said laughing

"Ugh! Why won't you let me go you bastard!" she asked

"You wanna know why?" she asked before pressing his lips gently at his fuming girlfriend, her eyes widen, but it wasn't long as she closed them and kissed him back. The kiss stayed gently for a couple of seconds but then it turned to a passionate kiss, not a hot-heavy-passionate kiss, more like a loving-angst-passionate one. Then he pulled away and said his answer.

"Because I love you...duh"

She looked up at him in surprise; her eyes bright open and mouth hanged a little, which he thought looked adorable. But then her look changed, and he saw that she was trying to look deep into his eyes, like if she was trying to figure out what he was thinking, if he was saying the truth, if he was lying, if he meant anything he just said. He looked hold her hands and sigh.

"I do Princess, I do mean it, I love you, more…then anything, and a bunch of stupid punk wannabe losers aren't gonna change that" she looked down to her feet, just to have him cup her chinin his hand and made her look up to his eyes.

"I. Love. You" He said dead serious

Can't believe I'm actually saying this he thought as he ran a hand trough his face and Mohawk.

Can't believe he's actually saying this she thought, is he serious, he's never said that to me.

She felt her eyes watering, her tummy fluttering and her heart beating faster and faster, What was this boy doing to her?

She never cried, even if she felt like if the world was crushing her… So why was she feeling the need to cry? Was it because she was sad? Because she was happy? Confused?

A Single tear, a single tear fall through her cheek, and that was all it took to make the green haired bad boy to wrapped his arms around her and hold her tight, bruing his face in her chestnut hair that smelled like

Vanilla? Nice… he thought with a smile

"Sorry… didn't mean to make you cry prin-" but he was cut off by her breaking voice

"Why?" she asked into his chest

"Wha-" but was cut off once again by her brunette girlfriend

"Why would you love me… I mean I am a bossy, snobby uptight bitch, I am, and way more than that, I'm a bossy, snobby, overachiever, goody two shoes fun crasher ,party popper boring bitch… why on earth would someone love me? Why would you love me? I've been nothing but a complete bitch to everyone…towards you…tell me how can you love someone like me?..." She sniffed onto his chest as more tears fell from her eyes. He didn't say anything, he just hold her to his torso as she let out more and more tears.

Next thing they know they were Laing on the bed, same position, he was holding her in his arms as she let the pain out. The tears were fading away, and so were the sobs…. A Few more minutes pass before she completely stopped her crying.

"You okay now hun?" he asked pulling away a little so he was able to see her face.

She only nodded in response. He really felt bad now; he didn't know this situation could pain her that much, but the comment she said next really caught him of guard


"What? What do you mean?" he asked in shock

"For break down on you like that… and…" she sigh "…and for you know being… a bitch to you and stuff" she said that last part as a whisper but loud enough

"It's okay…besides… I like it when you get all bossy and in control…" he said with a smirk on his face now

"really?" she asked trying her best to not sound as happy as she was in that moment

"It's hot…" he said smirking mischievously at her. The former CIT just chuckle at her boyfriend's pervert behavior

"Duncan…"she half groan "don't ruin the moment…" she said into his chest while hugging him once more

"Sure princess" he said rolling his eyes playfully

"And don't call me princess" she said now going back to her normal self

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say…"he said as they laid there in her bed, doing nothing but cuddling with each other, just enjoying being with one another, hut before the punk teen open up his mouth

"…So you wanna make out?"






-When she walks away from you mad
Follow her

-When she pulls away
Pull her back

-When she looks at you in your eyes
don't look away until she does

-When she pushes you or hit's you
Grab her and don't let go

-When she start's cussing at you
Kiss her and tell her you love her

-When she looks at you with doubt
Back yourself up with the truth

- When you see her start crying
Just hold her and don't say a word