A/N: Yes, hate me xD
but well, here's the END of this fic

A True Boyfriend:
Duncan's Way

Part 4-

I'm not the type of guy that wakes up early in the morning and get's ready to go to school, that is worried sick if he gets late to class, let alone fail a subject. You see, I'm more the type that get's late to class, or don't even bother to show up at all. I could care less about failing or not, I know this stuff, I don't need to prove it.

Yeah, I'm that kinda guy, but ever since she appeared, since she showed up unexpectedly in my life, everything changed. I changed. I get up early and I do go to school, because she is there, I get worried for getting late to class, because she is in all my damned classes, I don't want to fail because I wanna stay here, with her.

With Courtney.

Damn that chick creases me in ways you can't even imagine, but I love that. I love everything about her, the way that she is with me, it's real, she doesn't pretends to be someone she is not, she is not fake, she is authentic in every single way. And unlike every other girl I've been with, she never tried for me to like her, she didn't even needed to try.

So I made my now common morning routine, woke up at six, shower and change, cereal, and drove my motorcycle to school.

I arrived and said my 'hi's, I stole Harold's homework, scared a few freshmen, and then I saw her walking by; she was making her way to her locker.

I swiftly made my way to her; seconds later I was walking behind her, still she didn't notice, so I took my chance.

I place my hands on both sides of her waist, and pull her back to me. I heard her gasp, she totally didn't saw it coming.

"Morning princess" I whisper in her ear

"Duncan!" she hissed getting out of my grip "you scared the hell outta me" She glared at me and turn around. But I wasn't before I notice something odd in her eyes, they were… reddish and… puffy.

I just said puffy didn't I?

I reach for her arm and turn her around once more. She tried to pull away, but Im stronger then her. I took her tiny face in my hand and made her look at me. I was right. Her eyes were puffy (I said puffy again, damint) and reddish. She had been crying. Someone had made my princess cried. No one does that without paying for it.

"Okay… who's ass am I kicking?" I said, and I had to put my hand away from her face so I could clench them in anger.

"None, unless your planning on going back to juvie, Juvie." She said and I scoff at her

"Im not kidding, princess" I told her

"Me neither" she said and she began to walk away.

No way, she thinks she's going to avoid the conversation… she is so wrong.

"Courtney!" I called for her, and then again, but she just kept on walking. I hurry up and began to walk next to her.

"Princess… Dollface …Sunshine…Sweetheart?… Babe?… hey im running out of nicknames here!" I said but she didn't do anything, she just walked, looking down to her feet. I was getting tired of this.

"Courtney…" I said, standing in front of her, holding her by the shoulders, looking her dead serious in the eye.

"Look, It was nothing… I … I just had a talk with my father on the way... I just don't want to talk about it"

"Sorry princess, but your gonna have to talk"

"That's… really not a good idea…" and then I saw that guilt on her face… the kinda guilt you feel when… well… when you feel guilty. Duh.

"It was about me wasn't it?" I asked her, letting go of her shoulders. She just nodded to me

"Yeah, he started about things about: how you weren't good for me and that you don't deserve me, that I deserve someone better and so on" she said, still looking guilty, like of that would hurt me. I know his dad doesn't like me at all, and once he find out about us I knew he was going to try to break us up, but I know Courtney, she way to strong for her parent to mess with her life.

"Oh… And… You?" I asked her

"I just stayed quiet all the way to school, there's no use trying to convince him anymore, no matter how much I tried… he's made up his mind… he's just like me In that way" she said laughing slightly. I smirk at her comment.

"Really? And how exactly did you made up your mind?" I asked placing my hand on her waist and bringer her closer.

"Im going to be with you, no matter what" She said smiling to me and wrapping her arms around my neck, giving me a peck on the lips, leaving me wanting more… damn this chick is good.

"We should go to class" she said letting go of me. She tried to move out of the way, but she didn't move that much, so she ended bumping into me. Sometimes, her stubbornness makes her look so cute. I just said cute didn't I?

"Sorry" she said before moving away to walk; only this time… I was the one that blocked her way. Hey I need a little fun

"Duncan" she glared at me, which I responded by bumping her back

"C'mon princess you know I love ya' right?" she didn't answer, but I notice how her cheeks went red with embarrassment.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?" I said bumping her back as I talked. I thought she would only get more annoyed, but then a saw a smile formin on her face, I couldn't help but to smile my self

"Stop it" she beginning to laugh

"Huh? Huh?" I said one more.

"You okay… you" she said between laughs as she looked me in the eye.

"Damn straight" I smirked and hold her close to me. Once more, she wrapped her arms around my neck, she sigh and then spoke.

"Damn it Duncan, you know, in your own kind of way… you are the perfect boyfriend for me… too bad he can't see it" she said, not sounding sarcastic at all, her voice was confident and real. There's just too many thing to love about her.

"Well…" I began as I rested my forehead on hers "You can see it, that's good enough"









-When you see her walking
Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

-When you see her crying
Ask her "Who's ass am i kicking?"

-When she ignores you
Give her your attention

-When she bump's into you
bump into her back and make her laugh.

A/N: I KNOWWWWW it sucks, but well, it's finally over . Please review, don't be afraid to tell me it sucks… just don't do it ^^
Okay so, let's catch up: HARRY POTTER WAS AWESOME! CAN'T FREAKING WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE! I loved Tangled ^^
im addict to The Walking Dead… though I didn't really like the ending… Dexter… still my favorite Serial Killer. Hm… I think that's all
OH! CHEK OUT THE STORY: Forbidden, from my friend and partner "hermione2411", it's a Cirque Du Freak (movie) fic.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
If I die before I wake,
I ask the lord my soul to take.

I Try To Fly, But All I Get Are Broken Bones;
-The Dramatic Runner