
Chapter 17: What in the world

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, or the reference to "LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem (Everyday I'm Shuffling)" All rights go to their rightful owner.

A-a-a-a-and here we go! Let's go!~

Gin turned in his bed; glaring at the sun that dared to shine in his window. "I'm really gonna kill the sun one day..." he muttered as he rolled out of the bed to get dressed.

Gin was not a morning person.

Me: *knocks down the door* !

Gin jumped, and hid in the closet. He was now wide awake, as I only called him by his last name when I was very upset at him.

Me: I'm gonna kill him. *Brings out Yami no ryu* Come out coward! I know you did it!

Gin: And what exactly did I do?


Gin did a double take in the closet. I was gonna send him to Jigoku over a Yakisoba Packet?

Me: That was the last spicy chicken packet!

Gin comes out from his hiding place with Shinso drawn.

Gin: Now Cooly. I should tell ya now, although ya might not believe me. I didn't eat it! It was your little brother!

Me: *smiles sweetly* hmmm, I see. I think I should mention that my little brother hates spicy chicken.

Gin: *sweat drops* B-But... *starts edging towards the door.*

Me: But what?

Gin:... There are always exceptions! Yeah, that's it. Even though your lil' bro hates spicy chicken, it doesn't mean that he hates the soup base! *grins triumphantly*

Me:... you have a point. But still! That guilty look on your face just proves what you did! Submit yourself to your punishment!

Gin: THEY ARE JUST INSTANT NOODLES! *runs past me and shoots out the door*

Me: THE WERE D*** GOOD ONES THOUGH! *chases after him*

As I chased Gin around the house; smashing many windows in the process. A hell butterfly came flying in, delivering a message to Gin and I. Just in the nick of time for Gin to. I had him pinned to the floor, ready to send him to my happy little pit.

Me: dude, luck is always on your side. Not fair. *helps Gin up*

Gin: haha, maybe God just loves me...

Me:... Uh huh *shoots Gin a skeptical look*

Gin:... Lawl, as if he could actually love someone like me, I'd ding dong ditch his house non stop.

Me: so let's see this message.

Hellbutterfly: Gin Ichimaru is to be reassigned to Ottawa in Canada as of two days from now. The duration is unknown. Cooly, please don't come to Seiretei.

The room is dead silent, except the sound of the soft beats of the butterfly's wings.

Gin and me together:... Aw HELL NO!

Gin: that is NOT cool

Me: *summons zanpakuto* This means war

Gin: Whoa! Hold your horses!

Me: what horses?

Gin: Haha very funny. But I mean, just going there and rampaging the area will only speed up the process. We have to make it very slow... annd painful.

Me: Hmmm? I'm listening.

Gin whispers the plan in my ear, and my grin grows to the size of alaska.

Me: you sure it'll work?

Gin: *nods* positive. There's no way that it can fail.

Me: alright, it'll take a day to prepare, but I'm sure when we finish with them they will be shuffling away. *snicker*

Gin: alright, you get this half, and I'll get this half.

Me: But I don't WANT to go to Russia!

Gin: why?

Me: It's too cold... and I can't buy it. I'm not legal age.

Gin:... wha... I guess you're right... so let's switch places...

Me: M'kay! I always wanted to go to Germany!


Me: *salutes* Godspeed Gin.

Gin: *salutes* good luck in Germany.

As we part our ways, we then shunpoed all the way around the world for what we were trying to get.

One day later...

Me: *carrying huge sack of stuff* *gasp* I made it, crazy Estonians...

Gin comes back, also gasping for breath. Carrying a sack of equal size.

Me: *pant* what happened to you?

Gin: *wheeze* Those Canadians; I went there for some of their really good maple syrup on the list. They thought I was mocking them! They are really scary when they're angered. It went something like this.


Gin walks down a store in Ottawa. He frowns, this is where he was supposed to be moved? Sighing, he goes to the clerk owner, and smiles a bit at his "Canadian accent"

Clerk: H-hello! What brings you here eh? *A bit freaked out about Gin's grin and eyes*

Gin: Uhm, *glances down at list* Can I have some of your best maple syrup?

Clerk: *narrows eyes* what?

Gin: *scratches back of head* You see, I need to get some maple syrup from here. I came all the way from the states to get it. My friend and I are making something that requires something in your maple syrup that we don't have in ours. (*cough* Real sugar *cough*)

Clerk:... Are you mocking us?

Gin:...So I was wondering... what?

Clerk: You bloody Americans! Even though our flag is a maple leaf, we are not obsessed with Maple syrup!

Gin: *steps back* Whoa! I never said that, and I'm Japanese!

Clerk: Oh, and everyone in California is asian eh?

Gin: Hey! You're going a bit far! And I'm from the east coast! Not the west!

Clerk: But you said you were Japanese! So you lied!

Gin: *mentally facepalms* No! I moved from Japan, to Virginia!

Clerk: But you still ask for Maple Syrup! What do you think the maple syrup is to us eh? A drug or something? It's just for pancakes! We just came up with the idea!

Gin: I never said any of that! You're just coming up with the conclusion eh? *slaps mouth*

Clerk:... Ohhh, now you're getting it! *gets hockey stick*

Gin: I'm sorry! It just slipped!


Gin: #$T *runs out with a hockey stick hurling after him*

Five minutes later...

Gin: Crazy Canadians. How am I supposed to get Maple Syrup now?

Old woman: Boy, you were really asking for Maple Syrup.

Gin: *exasperated* yes! Why else would I come all the way from Virginia to here?

Old lady: *snickers* all right, here you go. *tosses a jug of maple syrup*

Gin: wha, thank you!

Old lady: hmmm, see ya Captain Ichimaru.

Gin: *pales* that voice... N-no, you can't be her.

Old lady: ahhh, it's been such a long time since I last saw you sixty some years ago. When you told me that we couldn't be together, and why. I still remember. I didn't believe you; so I through a can of maple syrup at you along with a hockey stick. But since you haven't aged I guess what you said is true. We need to catch up- wait, where did he go?

Gin: *shupoes across the border back to the states* crap, that was close. Crazy old woman. Just a can and a hockey stick? Yeah right! Threw a freaking chainsaw at me, couldn't walk for weeks. Guess it's time to head back.

Me: HAH! That is Hilarious!

Gin: Not! That was the scariest thing I've ever seen. She was so beautiful back then... and now she's all...

Me: Old?

Gin: yeah, what happened to you?

Me: okay, so the stuff you had in your list was weird.


'Why does Gin need an Estonian to sing in this bottle?' I wondered as I finally landed in the Baltic country. The sun was shining, and everything was peachy... I wonder how long it will ask.

Me: First a huge freaking dog from Germany, a boomerang from Australia, and then two horses from Lithuania! Now this?

Man: *in Estonian* you seem to be lost, can I help you?

Me:...Gosh, I hate speaking in different languages... Yes, Um do you guys have a choir nearby?

The man sends me a surprised look and smiles. He points in a direction and I run off. I finally arrived at the choir, and walk in.

Me: Uh, hello?

Everyone: *stare~*

Little boy: What is a Asian doing here?

Girl: I don't know, how are we going to talk to her?

Me:... You do know I speak Estonian right?

Man: What do you need little girl? Lost?

Me: Nope, just need you guys to sing in this bottle.

A woman grabs a steel pipe.

Man: *Twitch* Although your Estonian is flawless, I take it you are American?

Me: *shrugs* Yeah, so?

Man: We do not take insults very lightly.

Me: It's not an insult! I seriously need you to sing in this bottle to these lyrics! I came all the way from Lithuania to get here! Just sing it! *Thrusts a piece of paper into his hand.*

Man: we will sing it...

Me: Yay.. and go!

A few minutes later, they're done and I bottle it up.

Me: Thanks!

Man: don't think you're off the hook... *everyone gets a metal pipe*

Me: What, you speak English? Oh S*** *runs*

after losing them, I shunpo across the ocean. Time to meet up with Gin!

Gin: ahhh, haha.

Me: what was all of that strange stuff for anyway?

Gin: Come, I'll show you!

We both disappear into my room. Explosions and neighing ensue.

Finally, we finished.

Me: Three explosions, one dog, three spoons of maple syrup, the finest vodka, some herbs from China, and the bottle of singing Estonians all in that little vial... wow.

Gin: yup *holds up a vial* of course we'll be watching from a safe distance.

Me: hmm, so what was the boomerang, horses, snow from Antartica, and this rose from France for?

Gin: okay, watch. *tapes vial to one of the two horses side* so this will spread the stuff all over the place. And then put this rose into this horse's mane so it isn't affected by it... And now we take this snow and cork the vial with it instead... and now, It goes to Seiretei!

Me: what?

Gin slaps the horse; it neighs and gallops into the portal to Seiretei.

Me: why snow?

Gin: so then it's easier to knock lose with this boomerang.

Me:... why does it have to be from Australia?

Gin: The make the best ones! And the ones from here don't really work... okay, ready the monitors!

I turn on ten T.V's and see every inch of Seiretei.

Me: so what are we going to do now?

Gin: wait for it.. *gets ready to throw the boomerang* wait for it... Now!

Gin hurls the Boomerang at the vial at the horses side, setting the deadly music free. Shortly after it returns to his hand, he quickly closes the portal and fist pumps.

Gin: time to enjoy the show!

Me:... want some Yakisoba?

Gin: sure.

Both of us: *slurp*


Shunsui:... Hey Nanao-chan!~ Why don't you sit down and have a drink with me! We're off duty.

Nanao: Please captain, I don't like drinking... what? *starts to shuffle*

Shunsui: are you dancing?

Nanao: I-I don't know! Whats happening? *starts to do the shuffle out the door.*

Shunsui: *squints* Is that a horse? *starts to dance* no! I must inform Yamamoto! *tries to reach the alarm* no! NO! *follows Nanao.*

Toushiro:... was that a scream I heard?

Rangiku: Captain!~ why don't you come and play with me?

Toushiro: Matsumoto! You know very well that I will not... Do I hear music? *starts to dance*

Rangiku: Oh! You look so cute!

Toushiro: *blushes* I don't! Why am I shuffling?

Rangiku starts to dance to.

Rangiku: I-I can't stop!

Toushiro: struggles to reach Hyourinmaru. Sit upon the frozen heavens, Hyourinmaru!

Nothing happens

Toushiro: My reiatsu, it's sealed!

Rangiku: where are we goin?

Toushiro: I don't know!

After about three hours, everyone was shuffling in a giant circle.

Hisagi: This is quite awkward.

Byakuya: Agreed..

Rukia: who would do such a thing?

Nicci: Who do you think? Gin and Cooly are best buds, but we decided to relocate Gin because we thought they would create too much havoc. I think they didn't take to our words all too kindly.

Siari, Harribel, Seconda, Ace, Harribel, Rain, Stebbin, and Timmy: So we just happened to be here when this happened?

Yamamoto: yes...

Harribel: Hey, check it out. Ace is busting out the moves over there.

Ace:... what, I can't enjoy myself?

Timmy: whatever, *walks away* I have to use the restroom.

Kenpachi: how the hell is she walking away.

They all stop dancing and grin.

Rain: *taps ear* Earplugs. We were lip reading.

Ace: the jig is up, Cooly told us to come here and make sure everyone was shuffling.

Siari: ahhh, she hasn't changed.

Kenpachi:... where's Yachiru?

Stebbin: Seconda! Timmy! Bring out the cage! *waves hand*

Seconda and Timmy come out with a cloth covered cage. Revealing that Yachiru was inside.

Kira:... Why is Yachiru-san in a cage?

Seconda: Well, it's the little treat we have for you. From us and Cooly.

Timmy: *dumps a lot of chocolate inside* Well, all I can say is good luck my friend. *opens the cage door.*

Nicci: *throws marker into the cage* You guys have about four hours!

Everyone who can vacates the area.


Yachiru:hehe... Hehe. TeHe *grabs marker* let's make your faces look all pretty!

Yamamoto: Yachiru, stop!


Yachiru's carnage began. Although I'll leave it up to your imagination what she did with it. All I can say is, is that marker has a seemingly infinite amount of ink...

four hours later

Me: Bwahahah!

Gin: Hehe!

Me: that'll teach 'em

Gin: oh yeah.

Me: *sigh* I guess this is the last prank we'll get to pull

Gin: yeah... I'm gonna miss you.

Me: me to.

Kira comes in with a U.F.O doodled onto his cheek.

Gin: yes? I'm almost done packing.

Kira: necessary.

Me: what?

Kira: From Canada. *hands letter*

Gin: To Ichimaru Gin. Is this.. a restraining order?

Kira: Yes, it just came in.

Me what does it say?

Gin: Well, it says that I am never to set foot again on Canadian soil. That I have showed great

disrespect to their elder, and was a very offensive person. They have labeled me as a potential threat to their national peace...

Me: whoa.

Kira: So as such, Gin will be staying here. Another Shinigami will take his place. Also, Captain. Why? Why would you let Yachiru do all of that to us? Half of Seiretei is covered in ink...

Gin: *shrugs* your fault my friend.

Me: Wow, this is awesome! The probably will never ever suggest something like that again!

Gin: I should thank Timmy and the others later.

Me: Yup, forever in my computer.

Doooooone! what do you guys think? Oh, and great news. I have decided to make this story the way it was meant to be from here on out. Short and Random. It's your guy's call. If you do want that, I am thinking of making each scene shorter, but have two or three of them per chapter. What do you guys think? Thoughts? Reviews are always welcome!

The one and only,

-Cooly-chan!~ :)

P.S if any of you guys have an idea for a story, let me know in a review or PM me.

-Cooly :)