Title – Weakness

Summary – Kagome thought she was a normal, intelligent Tuffel. How wrong she was. When the Saiyan's attack, her mother decides that the truth of her heritage should be known. Her mom removes the spell as the Saiyan's get to their house, ultimately saving Kagome. Now, she must learn to live...as a Cheeky Monkey.

Anime – InuYasha/Dragon Ball Z

Main Couple – Kagome / Vegeta

Genre – Alternate Universe / Romance / Adventure

Rated – M (Excessive Violence) (Excessive Sexual Themes) (Excessive Language) (Excessive Blood and Gore)

Disclaimer – I do not own InuYasha or Dragon Ball Z. (T.T) Must I continuously State this OBVIOUS FACT!

Lol, I have to write out the ages so that I remember.


The Boy's

Kakarot (Goku) – 3 – 5 – 12

Miroku – 18 – 25

Kouga – 14 – 21

Raditz – 13 – 16 – 18 – 25

Vegeta – 5 – 8 – 10 – 17

Shippou – 5 – 7 – 14

Others will come in later.

The Girl's

Sango – 9 – 12 – 14 – 21

Kagome – 5 – 8 – 10 – 17

Kikyou – 10 – 12 – 19

Chichi – 12

Bulma – 16

Others will come in later.

Keep in mind that ages will change.

Monkey's Name: Ringo

Meaning: Apple

Also, a little side note, this story will be mostly about the happenings on Planet Vegetasai and Freiza's ship.


Me: I can't tell you guys how many more times you'll have to read another "I'll update more frequently" line. With that being said, I hope you'll bare with me. I'm also thinking about going back and revamping my previous chapters. This story is...a bit rough around the edges...some serious friction and polishing is required to fine tune it. Anyways, let me know what you think.

Vegeta: Are you done, woman?

Me: ...gee Vegeta, I missed you too. One with the chapter!


Chapter Eleven


"Are you awake, Kagome?"

Kagome pressed a button in her space pod and Zarbon appeared on the screen before her. "I'm awake, what is it?"

"We grow closer to Frieza's ship. I merely intended on making sure you were ready for our arrival."

"I'm aware. How long do you think we'll be sticking around this time?"

"Not long, I'm sure. Your examination is tomorrow...right?"

Kagome shrugged, glaring out the window of her space pod. "Should be, Frieza doesn't let me linger on the ship longer than necessary. So most likely."

"Landing in T-Minus Thirty Seconds."

Kagome pressed a few buttons on her space pod as she prepared for her landing.


Shippou ran through the halls of the ship, avoiding one of the many soldiers in Frieza's employment, he jumped against the wall of the hall and pushed off with a large grin on his face as he flew off in the direction of the docking bay. "Mama!" Landing as the space pods were pulled into the bay, he watched as Zarbon exited his pod first before stepping in front of Kagome's. The pod opened, and Zarbon held a hand out for Kagome who took it and let her partner pull her up onto her feet. "Mama!" Shippou ran into her arms and hugged the girl who had so long ago saved him. She'd protected him, kept him from meeting the same fate as those of his home planet. More importantly, she'd given him the chance to live to fight another day, so that one day, he might be able to take revenge against the tyrannical alien who ruled over them with blood staining his hands. Innocent blood…

"Shippou, lets get out of the docking bay." Kagome said coolly as she looked over the soldiers who stood guard around the docking bay. "Are we expecting someone?" She questioned one of the lower class soldiers.

"Lord Frieza is off ship, he's due back within the hour!"

Kagome nodded at the answer she'd been given. "Relax, I asked a question, and I'm not Frieza. So you don't have to answer me like I am."

The guard relaxed a little, but looked to the other guard with uncertainty. "You aren't, but you are one of the favored warriors in Lord Frieza's employment...easily, you could kill any one of us."

Cold eyes leveled the guard as she turned away from him, "you're right...I could, easily." She left the guard standing there, unsure of what to say, if anything at all.

Shippou walked beside Zarbon, talking to the man with enthusiasm filling his voice as they made their way to the training hall. "Oh...!" Shippou laughed, "If you guys are going to see Sango, you won't find her."

Zarbon and Kagome stopped walking and turned their full attention onto Shippou who stood with his arms crossed behind his head.

"She...uh...well, she was sent by Frieza...to join the Genyu Force. An order that she was highly against following, might I add."

Kagome's eyes were wide in horror. "Genyu Force!? No way...Sango..."

"I don't even know what to say..." Zarbon was paralyzed in a dazed state of disbelief. "No...I'd rather not think about it."

Kagome closed her eyes, images of the Genyu Force preforming one of their strange "routines" filled her head and she cringed at the idea of Sango being apart of their little group.

Shippou laughed. "You guys are thinking of her doing those stupid poses, aren't you!"

"It's hard not to," Kagome frowned.

"I refuse to let myself think of a Warrior such as Sango, in such a humiliating situation."

"Frieza was displeased with the boys way of training, so he sent Sango to discipline them."

Smirking, Zarbon felt himself ease into the conversation, "that sounds much better. Honestly, you should lead with that in the future."

"That takes away all the fun."

Shaking her head, Kagome continued on to the training room anyways. "Training is training, be it alone, with Sango, or with Vegeta...it doesn't matter as long as I get to fight."

"Then perhaps you wouldn't mind trying your luck against me."

Silence fell in the hall as a familiar voice sounded from behind the group. The cocky tone was unmistakable, and Kagome would have turned around to face the newcomer, if her body wasn't frozen in place.



Zarbon and Shippou both called out to her, one in curiosity towards her silence, the other in worry for her non-responsiveness.

Shaking off her nerves, she finally spoke, and if only she could have filtered her words before she said them…

"I apologize, my prince, but I tend not to fight those weaker then me, unless with the conviction to see them dead." She left the hall in silence. She herself was dumbfounded by her comment...and more so by Vegeta's silence thereafter.


"Tch...you just going to let her talk to you like that, Vegeta?"

The muscle head next to him growled out, hungry for a fight. "Calm down, Nappa. I will take care of Kagome in my own way, on my own time. She has nothing to do with you however, so you needn't worry yourself over one mouthy little Saiyan."

"..." Zarbon raised a finely lined brow before walking off in a different direction, not needing to go to the training room any longer.

With both Kagome and Zarbon gone, Shippou sighed before walking up to Vegeta, "welcome back, how did your mission go?"

"The planet is ready for auction,"

"I'm sure that Lord Frieza will be pleased...he should be back any minute now, actually. I should inform you, he has requested both your presence, as well as the rest of the remaining Saiyan's, upon his arrival. I have already laid out fresh armor on your beds."

"Are you his new lap dog?"

"...I'm insulted that you would think so. What I do is to survive, Nappa...or are you a willing slave to Lord Frieza?"


"Nappa! Go ready yourself for Frieza!" Vegeta watched the brute stomp off, he really was all brawn and no brain. Though, he was far more interested in the boy in front of him. "You've gotten a lot braver since I last saw you."

Shippou smiled, shaking his head as he did. "I've always been this way, Vegeta. You just haven't been around to see...or simply didn't care to notice. There are other things you never noticed, too. I have to go and greet Lord Frieza, he's approaching the ship as we speak. Please let Mama know of Frieza's arrival and her mandatory presence in his look out." Shippou bowed and left the teen Prince alone in the hall.

"Mouthy...just like Kagome..."


Spinning and kicking the air, Kagome ignored the annoying throb in her chest. She'd been fighting with herself for years over her unyielding sense of compassion. Trying to force it out with the Saiyan blood that flowed heavily through her veins, by way of fighting...and killing. Sweat along her brow, and the heat of her body as it was pushed into overdrive through way of training, had long since become familiar to her.


"...what do you want, I already said I wouldn't fight you."

"Frieza wants us cleaned up and presentable in the next ten minutes. He wants us in the look out, all of us."

She lowered her leg and let her feet touch the ground as she turned a curious look to her old partner, and forever Prince. "All of us?"


"...what for? He never meets with us as a group. Scared of a revolt...or so I always assumed."

"Don't assume." Vegeta scoffed, knowing full well that the few Saiyan's left weren't enough to cause the Lizard to fret. "Come on, we don't have much time to waste."

"...right." They walked quietly back to the room they'd shared for the past twelve years and counting. Neither speaking, neither knowing what to say that could heal the absence of presence. Finally, Kagome sighed stopped walking. "Vegeta?"

He turned and raised a brow at her sudden bout of frustration. Not that he himself wasn't feeling something similar, but at least he wasn't showing it.

"Look, I'm sorry...I'm sorry for how I left things, and I'm sorry for earlier. I don't know what to say, or how to fix what I did...but...I really am sorry."

Watching her, he noted the slight tremble in her arms, and how her fingers were tightly curled into fists. Curling his fingers into a fist of his own, he watched her close her eyes as if anticipating a punch of some sort. Growling, he raised his fist and through it forward, stopping short of a hair. The air flow changing slightly around her as her hair lifted around her, opening her eyes, she stared at his tightly closed fist before turning confused eyes to Vegeta. "...I made my own share of mistakes, Kagome. I was a huge part of why you left in the first place, so don't go apologizing for anything that wasn't your fault. ...I..." his fist shook with the anger he felt, "...I'm sorry."

Tears started forming in her eyes, but she was quick to shake them off. A weakness...she knew they were, she knew he hated to see her cry, she wouldn't ever let him see her cry again.

"No," he stopped her as she turned to hide the tears that were trying to fall away from her eyes. "I'm not done. Look at me."

She shook her head, "I'd rather not."

"I was wrong, Kagome. About a great many things...the biggest being...you. You are one of the strongest people I know, and your tears don't make you weak...they make you civilized and compassionate. If anything...you are stronger for showing you compassion and heartache...I can't...I'm not even sure if I remember how to...and that thought alone, scares me."

Tears fell aimlessly down her cheeks, no longer was she able to hold them at bay as she listened to him speak. She shook her head wildly, hair flaring around her shoulders, the length of which had grown out past her hips. Gravity pulled at her body, and she felt weak against it as she fell to her knees and continued to cry for the seven years she'd lost away from her Prince. A pair of strong arms lifted her and carried her in such a familiar way, back to their room, and held her closely as she cried. They would most likely be late for their meeting with Frieza, but neither really...cared.


Me: Here is chapter eleven, I really want brownies right now. It's random, I know, but I have been thinking of brownies since I started writing this chapter. Oh, read and review, much love!