I don't know, I actually feel like that last chapter could have been the last one, but I suppose this could be a little ending or something. It'll be short, but I think it'll be good. Thank you so much for the reviews.



I couldn't believe what was happening, it was everything I could have ever imagined and more! Howard was kissing me, and everything felt so perfect. Howard loved me too.

We sat there kissing until we parted for much needed air, then a thought popped into my head that instantly ripped away my good mood.

'What if Howard is only doing this because he feels guilty, what if he's only doing this because it didn't work out with that jazzy girl in the shop, what if… what if, he doesn't really love me?'

"Vince, what's wrong?" Howard asked, and I realized how I must look. I wanted to smile again, and say that everything was alright, like it was a minute ago. Who cares why he was doing it, I just want to kiss him again. But I couldn't live like that; I had to know, even if the truth would hurt.

"You don't have to do this Howard" I said sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to pretend just because you feel guilty, or settle with me because it didn't work out with that girl. There are better people out there for you Howard, you shouldn't have to stay with me because you think it's you're only option or something." I replied, and tried not to cry.

"Where's all this coming from Little Man?"

"Really, its okay, I'll be fine." I looked up and smiled. But Howard just looked at me sadly, and even though I knew what was coming, I couldn't help the tears that fell silently from my eyes.

"I know you'll be fine." Howard smiled, before swooping down and kissing me again. "Because I'm not going anywhere."


"Remember what I said Vince, 'when I make that leap across the physical boundary, it'll be forever sir,' I don't take things like that lightly.

I couldn't help it anymore after that, and I broke down into tears.

"I love you Vince" Howard chuckled.

"I love you too Howard, so much" I cried, and leaned over to kiss him.

'Thank you, for the gift of love'

The End


Alright, honestly, I think that's a good ending, but if you guys really think it should continue, let me know, and if so, I would really appreciate your suggestions on what to do next. Maybe I'll have a sequel of something… Hmmmm, anyway reviews are love.