Sorry I've been gone so long. High school's killing me. It is stressful… very very stressful.

But this… THIS is what I live for. Writing and music. Music and school being my life, and this being my hobby. Writing helps me in many ways… wouldn't you agree?

I don't know what I'm rambling on about.

Enjoy part two of my little Kindergarten story!

7 3~73~73~73~73

After finally getting the whole class to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, Mrs. Collie decided to start with something simple, something the whole class should know how to do:

Finger painting.

Finger painting, Mrs. Collie thought, was a good way to keep the kids quiet. They are always so focused on their pictures, they become silent.

She gave each child a smock and a paintbrush before sending them off to the back where the art tables were.

"I love finger painting." Theodore whispered as he and his brothers went to their own table.

"Me too." Simon agreed, pushing his classes up on his nose.

Alvin, meanwhile, has been thinking of new ways to make this class more… exciting. To him, Mrs. Collie was a drag, teaching stupid things like respecting your country and making new friends and don't eat that, that's glue! Alvin shook his head.

Mrs. Collie cautiously placed some paints on the Chipmunks' table, looking at Alvin like he was a bomb about to go off.

"Please be careful with these, boys."

Of course, this was directed towards Alvin, who grinned at the teacher. "Okay, Mrs. Collie."

Mrs. Collie hesitated, looking at Alvin to the paint in front of him, and then moved on to the next table.

"She's crazy." Alvin laughed. He took the small paint tube and peered at it.

"You're supposed to put the paint onto the paper plate and then use it, Alvin." Simon instructed.

"Like this?" The red clad boy squeezed the tube, and a rush of purple paint splattered all over Simon's face.

"Alvin!" Theodore squeaked, snatching the paint away as his two brothers stared at each other in shock.

Simon wiped the paint off of his face calmly, and used his sweatshirt to clean his glasses.

Alvin watched this apprehensively, getting ready to bolt, but Simon wasn't doing anything.

"Sorry, Simon." He smiled sheepishly, patting his brother on the shoulder. "My hand slipped."

Simon didn't respond, but Alvin shook it off.

Alvin didn't notice when Simon nodded to Theodore, and before Alvin knew it, paint was squirted down his sweatshirt.

"Theodore!" He cried, as the paint dripped down his back. "How could you?"

Theodore only smiled, but received a face full of green paint.


"You started it!"


"You're a Meany!"

All of a sudden Mrs. Collie's face appeared between them, her eyebrows raised. "What's going on he-" and suddenly she gagged, spitting out a mouthful of paint.

"Oops… sorry." Alvin said innocently.


Never, in all her years of teaching, had a child –ever- squirted paint in her mouth. Never.

She knew it was only their first day of school, and the children don't understand the rules yet. But Alvin needed to know who was in charge.

She gave him a timeout.

All the kids in the room gasped, and Alvin looked around boastfully, as if that made him cool.

Mrs. Collie brought Alvin over to a chair by her desk.

"Okay, Alvin. You have to sit in this chair for two minutes. You are not allowed to get up until I tell you to, okay?"

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you did not follow directions."

"But why do I have to sit in a chair?"

"To think about what you have done."

"But I can just get up from the chair, so what's the point?"

"You're not allowed to get up from the chair.

"Okay, so how are you going to keep me in the chair?"

Mrs. Collie blinked. This child was confusing her. "You have to stay here for two minutes."

Alvin was completely serious as he spoke: "Why?"

"Because you weren't using paint correctly."

"But how are you gonna keep me here? I can just get up and walk around. Are you gonna give me a seatbelt?"


"Are you gonna handcuff me to the chair?"

"Certainly not-"

"Are you gonna tape me down?"


"Then how can you make me stay in the chair?"

Mrs. Collie sighed to herself. "Fine. You can go back to your table."

As the chipmunk scurried off, Mrs. Collie pinched the bridge of her nose. "When did I become such a failure at teaching?"


Part two for you folks! Want a part three? Because I think this is going to be one of those stories where I do not have to update it, but if I want to or am in the mood to, I will!


Love you guys! Please review!
