Well, as I had a lot of fun writing that last Doctor/Master story, and I was watching Doctor Who again today (when I have nothing to do all day, I end up re-watching said show), I figured I'd give it another go, see what might happen if they traveled together.

So what the hell, here we go.

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The Doctor walked into the TARDIS, shrugging off his coat and draping it over the rail.

"Before we go anywhere, Doctor, I'm changing," the Master said, stepping past him. "A Prime Minister needs to look the part, but the suit really isn't me. Not to mention it's terribly uncomfortable."

As his new companion disappeared into another room, the Doctor leaned against the rail, inhaling deeply. This had not been what he had planned for after Cardiff. If Jack hadn't – No, it wasn't his fault. Well, really it was, but this wasn't intentional. Besides, this was a good thing. Here was another Time Lord, when he had thought them all lost, never mind that the Master had succumbed to madness. Perhaps there were others still who had escaped Gallifrey's fate.

And yet he had lost two companions to gain this one. Although he hadn't expected Martha to be thrilled at the idea of traveling with the Master, her cold refusal had taken the Doctor by surprise. Jack's departure was less unanticipated; he still had business on Earth. But despite the man's factual existence, the Doctor would have enjoyed traveling with him again.

"So, where are you planning on using to distract me, Doctor?" The Doctor's head snapped up; he hadn't heard the Master walk over. "You know, I'm not going to just disappear. Not right away, anyway, even if you're still in shock that I said I'd come along."

"I had a few ideas," he replied vaguely, walking up to the TARDIS' console and flicking switches and pushing buttons as casually as ever. He wasn't in shock, exactly. Certainly surprised, though. The invitation had been desperately thrown, and even as he asked it, the Doctor had expected the Master to revel in the chaos he was creating and refuse.

"We can leave this planet, we can fight across the constellations if that's what you want, but not on Earth!"

The phone was silent, and the Doctor waited for the inevitable mocking reply, the obvious refusal.

"All right."

The Doctor pointed to a large lever across from him, giving instructions now just as easily as he had with Rose. "Pull that down, halfway, then hit that yellow-green button on the left." He looked up just in time to see the Master rolling his eyes. "I do know how to work this, you know."

The Doctor nodded, turning back to the monitor. "Yeah… right. Sorry." He punched in coordinates, having decided upon the jungle planet of Cammara. There weren't too many ways the Master could get into trouble there. Time? Hm. The whole 32nd century was rubbish, the years 6032-6091 were a bit…violent…but the Master obviously had some issues to work out, maybe that was a good idea, then.

He moved right, alternating between grabbing something for support as the TARDIS lurched and trying to stop it from doing just that. Occupied with yet another 'better if it was working properly' problem, the Doctor didn't notice as the Master typed quietly, changing their destination.

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Well, that's that for now. Reviews would be nice…^.^