All right, guys, this isn't a chapter, but it's a needed announcement.

I do apologise for the long wait, here. However, this story has rather abandoned me. It's becoming a chore for me to write, and due to that, it's really not my best work that I have sitting around here. Et alors, there is going to be a break. (Yes, yes, I know. There already has been. Again, I apologise for the few months (bloody hell…) that this has just been silent.)

I don't mean to just forget about this. I will pick it up again at a later date. It's just that right now, the story itself is rather dead to me. XP

I'm not doing this for reviews, or anything (because I just realized that this might be taken as a silly attempt to get more reviews….), merely for the reasons stated above.

Again, my apologies.

Yours 'till death,
