A/N: I wrote this, but decided to put it up. I'm not proud of it. What you do think? Dominique1234 is amazingg and I was talking to her while writing it. Go check out her stories. Okay?

Words: 210

Disclaimer: Noneeee is minee.

Clare looked at him.

His lip was bloody and his right eye was beginning to bruise. He had a victorious smirk planted on his face; he acted as though he just one the lottery. She had seen him look like this after he and Fitz had gotten into a fight, but that had been ten very long months ago.

"How did this happen?" she whispered to him.

"He was looking at you too much for my liking." That was his answer. Simple.

"Who was looking at me way to much?"

"That new kid. Thomas? I don't know. I didn't like how he was looking at my girlfriend," he told her, putting a noticeable emphases on the two words 'my' and 'girlfriend'.

Clare felt a realization. "Is Eli Goldsworthy jealous?"

"No," he answered her quickly. A little to quickly.

"Of course not."

"I'm not jealous. He was just looking at you to much. I had to set him straight."

"That's called jealously."

"I'm not jealous, okay?" he asked her, getting a little annoyed.

"Really?" she questioned disbelievingly.


"I think jealously fits you."

She walked off then, but not before she heard Eli shout, "How?"