Authors Note: Hi there! Just so you know, I won't be following the plot on Degrassi as much as some people. I'll keep some of the scenes the same, and mention others, such as when Clare and Eli meet, but I'm changing the dialogue and etc so the story is more of my own! Enjoy, read, review, whatever floats your boat! Eclare forever3


Clare's POV.

A lot can change in a week. For me, it was actually 9 days. I had three big changes in my life in the past 9 days. 2 out of the 3 were bad. One though, made me forget about the other two.

Number one: 9 days ago, I met him. Elijah Goldsworthy. I was fighting with Alli about my glasses, since no one noticed that I even got rid of them. She threw them on the ground and then I heard a crunch.

There was a hearse on top of my glasses. I heard screamo music, and then he stepped out. I was flabbergasted. A hot boy, actually, a VERY hot boy got out of the hearse. He was dressed all in black, including his hair and nails. And the best part is – he was wearing skinny jeans. No one knew it, but me, yes me, Clare Edwards, was a sucker for a guy in skinny jeans.

After that meeting, I knew I wanted to get to know him, and learn about his likes, dislikes, and eventually even secrets. When we got paired as English partners for the year, I was ecstatic. And now, 9 days later, I was able to call Elijah, well actually, Eli Goldsworthy a friend. I hoped to be more of that, but I know, I know, goody goody Saint Clare would never catch that kind of attention from a boy like Eli.

Number two: 9 days ago, my parents weren't fighting as bad as now. For almost two months, they had been "arguing" and "disagreeing", but nothing more than an occasional yell here or there. Now, it was full out fighting. Dishes and other items being thrown, and broken. I think you get the idea. And now, they fight every night. My mom told me that her and my dad were probably going to "take a break" for a while in the near future. She cried the whole time. He's not gone yet though. Hopefully they will fix things.

Number three: 9 days ago, Alli was still my best friend. It's not really that we aren't friends anymore, but she and I have been disagreeing lately. It's not her fault, or mine, but both of ours. She complained that I spent all my time with Eli (and this was kind of true, but he's GORGEOUS, smart, and sweet, who wouldn't?) But I would rather spend time with Eli than Alli because all she talked about was Drew, who was only using her. Whenever I brought this fact up, she'd flip out and say that they "have something special". Yeah, right.

So Alli really wasn't a person that I wanted to be around, seeing as she didn't care that I became friends with Eli or that my parents were fighting. Well, she didn't really know about my parents, but I swear! I really did try to tell her. When I tried to explain why I wasn't as cheery as usual, she would interrupt with another Drew story.

Although all of this was happening, I still had Eli. He would always listen to me, and I would listen to his problems too. He didn't mind if I just sat there and cried, because he understood how I felt about my parents. He was always there for me, to listen or cheer me up with his famous sarcasm or cute smirk. He knew how to turn my mood around and make me blush like crazy. The one good thing in my life, Eli Goldsworthy.

Authors Note: so this I my first fanfic, hope it doesn't suck too badly? Please review for suggestions, compliments, constructive criticism, whatever you'd like. And this was just a prologue, so in the rest of the story there is going to be actual dialogue and other POVs too. I just needed to set up the story! Hope you like it.