The Dare

The voting

Karin's POV

I was in my room and thought this is the week.

I turned on my radio

"Happy Couple Week! As you may know, every hundred years, our shinigami girls get to choose five single boys to express their love this week! The results would be in today at noon, so stay tuned!"

I ran to the Shinigami Women's Association to vote. In there, I got into a line with a hundred girls in front of me. After an hour, it was my turn.

Nanao said, "Please write the boy's name on this slip of paper."

I wrote Toshiro's name on the slip of paper I love him, so I want to know if he loves me

I put my paper into the box.

At noon, I turned on the radio in hope.

"Now, due to the voting of the girls, these five men were picked! The first man is… our Kuchiki Taicho of the sixth squad!"

Oh no! There's four left! There may be hope…

"The second lucky man is… Abarai Fukitaicho!"

No way!

"The third man is … Ichimaru Taicho of the third squad!"

Why can't Toshiro be picked? I thought, being impatient.

"The fourth is none other than out substitute shinigami Ichigo Kurosaki!"

Aww man! It can't be him. I'll never get it out from him.

"And the last shinigami is…"

He'll never be picked…

"Hitsugaya Taicho of the tenth squad!"

"YES!" I screamed!

"Hey what's all the commotion?" asked my taicho, Genpachi Zaracki.

"N-nothing's the matter Taicho."

"Good. Now get to work. Yachiru doesn't know how to sign papers, so it's your job, third seat."

"OK" I said, signing the loads of paper my fukitaicho was supposed to sign.

As my taicho left, I thought I'm such a lucky girl.

The drawings

Toshiro's POV

Ring! Ring! It was 8 o'clock. I turned on the radio.

"Happy Couple Week! As you may know, every hundred years, our shinigami girls get to choose five single boys to express their love this week! The results would be in today at noon so stay tuned!"

Damn it's today! I hope I'm not picked. I thought If I'm picked today t-then

"Taicho!" said Rangiku , "Today is it! I'm voting! I hope you are the lucky one!"

"Matsumoto you better not pick me! If you do, I'll take away your shopping money and make you do my paperwork for a month!" I said burning up.

"Holy crap! Well bye, Taicho! See you later," she said chuckling.

I continued doing my paperwork until…

"Now, due to voting of the girls, these five men were picked!"

It's time!

"The first man is… our Kuchiki Taicho of the sixth squad!"

Yes! It's not me.

"The second lucky man is … Abarai Fukitaicho!"

Goody! Now there's three more left

"The third man is…. Ichimaru Taicho of the third squad!"

Two more left… two more.

"The fourth is none other than our substitute shinigami Ichigo Kurosaki!"

Now there's only one more. It is definitely not me. There's a hundred shinigami left to choose from so it is not me. There's only a one percent chance it's me. I thought hopefully.

"And the last shinigami is…"

Not me, please..

"Hitsugaya Taicho of the tenth squad!"

"Noooooo!" I stared in shock at the radio. I wanted to break the damned thing. I heard Matsumoto chuckling behind me.

"Matsumoto! Damn it!" I exclaimed. "Y-you did this on purpose!"

She said, "But Taicho, I really want to know who she is."

"No more shopping money for you!"

"No please don't take it away!" she whined as I put her wallet in a locked drawer.

I pushed her outside and locked the door. Damn. Why did they have to choose me? Why not Hisagi or Kira?

As I signed my paperwork in frustration, I thought of the ways I could confess to her.