A/N: Woo, first fanfic! Eclare rules! Okay, so please don't hate because its my first. But I would totally love it if you guys read and reviewed. So thanks and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape, or form own Degrassi!

Chapter 1

Eli's POV

Maybe it was my running over her glasses. Maybe it was her deep blue eyes that had the ability to make you get lost in them. Maybe it was us getting assigned as English partners and skipping school. Maybe it was her hand on mine after I was getting back in Morty. Or maybe it wasn't any of those things. Maybe it was just her ability to grow on people. Clare Edwards, you have definitely grown on me.

Claire's POV

"So I heard about that action between you and Eli in English class yesterday," Alli said to me as I took my books out of my locker for my next class.

"What action?" I asked, trying to sound genuinely innocent.

"Oh come on Clare! Everyone knows!"

"Knows what?"

"That you and Eli are…" she paused for a moment, and her eyes glanced behind me. "Are English partners! I'll see you later Clare bye!" Alli quickly disappeared down the hallway, leaving me standing there, confused.

"Girl talk?" A voice behind me said. I turned and saw Eli standing there, leaning against the lockers, his signature smirk on his face. I suddenly started getting very nervous. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I glanced down at the floor.

"Um..y-yeah, sort of." I stuttered.

"Clare," Eli started, inching closer and closer to me. "Am I making you nervous?"

"Of course not," I responded, a little too quickly.

"Your eyes tell me different," he said, still smirking.

"Um…I have to get to class. Bye." I practically ran from Eli and my locker, towards my math class.

"Clare wait!" I heard Eli call after me. "You forgot your notebook!" I kept going, positive that the notebook he had, I wouldn't need.

Eli's POV

I watched Clare, with a raised eyebrow, as she left me standing at her locker and sped off to class. Then I smiled to myself. I loved the effect I have on her.

I turned back to her locker, which was still open. She rushed off so quickly, she didn't have time to slam it in my face. It was decorated with typical girly stuff that I didn't really care too much about. Then my eyes were drawn to her white board. I thought for a moment, then picked up the marker and wrote a little message on it. Satisfied with myself, I closed her locker, with her notebook in hand, and headed to her math class to give it to her.

I knocked on the door of Mr. Patterson's math class, and when he opened the door, I leaned against the door frame casually.

"Do you need something?" He asked, semi-rudely I might add.

"Yeah, Clare left this behind," I said. Clare glanced up from her desk and looked at me.

"Thank you, I can give it to her."

"It's okay. I got it." I slipped past the teacher and made my way over to Clare's desk. I hadn't even gotten there yet, and Clare was already blushing. I smiled at her and handed her her notebook. She mumbled thanks and gave me a small smile in return. I slid past the teacher again and out of the classroom, and his response being to slam the door after I stepped out.

Once I was outside, I realized that my heart was about the burst out of my chest. I was…nervous? Elijah Goldsworthy never gets nervous.

It's Clare, the voice in my head said. I thought about it for a moment, then shrugged it off and went off to class, 15 minutes late.

Clare's POV

I can't believe he actually came to my class just to return my notebook. I turned and looked at Alli and she winked. I smiled to myself and looked back down at my work, trying to finish the problem I had started, but the bell rang. Alli, always being the first one packed up, ran over to me.

"Don't try and deny it Clare, I know what's going on."

"Nothing's going on!" I said, standing up and swinging my bag onto my shoulder. Alli and I walked out of class and headed towards my locker.

"Mmhmm, sure it isn't. And that's why he went though all that trouble just to give you your notebook. Clare, Clare, Clare. Doesn't want to admit she's in love." I began to open my mouth to say something, but Alli stopped me.

"Don't even bother," she said, and left me to go talk to Drew.

I put in my combo and popped open my locker. I put my math books in and was about to pull my English books out when I noticed some writing on my white board.

"Wanna take off again? And this time, NOT do work? ;)"

I smiled to myself, pulled out my English books, and headed off to class.