I'm stunned into silence…. His scent…. it's soo strong with him this close to me that i struggle for a moment, almost forgetting that i am pretending to be human.

I take a quick look over his face while my brain tries to get a grip.

He has a strong jaw line that gives him that 'if he were to grow stubble he would be all ruggedly masculine' look, His cheek bones were high and prominent adding to the look…. He had these captivating Emerald Green eyes that seem to be bottomless… Gosh everything about him was simply….



If my heart still beat, it would be pounding angrily against my chest and I'm getting tingles between my legs that i've never felt before.

I take a short breath in and smell his scent and even though my throat is burning something shocking at his scent of cedar wood and eucalyptus, i didn't want to ever hurt him and i was feeling oddly possessive…

Which shocks me a little bit looking at him i notice he was also breathing faster than what would be normal and his heart rate was quite fast also.

Our eyes meet and his breath catches and his heart picks up again. I speak to give him a moment to gather his composure

"Yeah i do and i have science next so your more than welcome to walk with me, if you like."

I reply in a breathy tone and quickly get my books for the next class as he speaks again in his velvety voice that arouses me, which shocks me again.

"I… I think i will follow you as i am new here and i don't know my way around. Wh… When i saw you here next to my locker, I thought… I would ask instead of wandering around. Thank you for being kind and helping me though, not everyone has been nice around here." I smile at him and reply

"It's all good, I remember what it was like being new to a school. Well, let's go before we are late."

With that I walk off, with him walking behind me. While we are walking i feel drawn to him and find myself almost touching his hand.

I decide to re-adjust my shoulder strap on my bag instead as i don't want him to feel revolted over my cold hard skin. I look sideways at him, only to catch him glancing at me.

We both sort of giggle and i decided to speak.

"I'm Bella by the way." and i took an unneeded breath and handed out my hand, when he takes it i feel an electric shock that runs up my arm and spread throughout my body.

He replies in a startled tone making me think he felt the shock too and i get a sense of arousal from him that had i been human i would have blushed

"Im Edward. Thank you again for showing me the way here."

After he says this i noticed we were standing outside the science classroom and I giggle again, I motion for him to go in first and he gives me a crooked grin when he says

"Ladies first" I smile at his old school manners that were refreshing in this day and age and walk inside to take my seat at the back.

Once seated i see Edward walk up to Mr. Evocca, who then announces the new class member.

"Everyone, please welcome our new student, Edward Mason. He and his family transferred here from Chicago."

He then motions for Edward to sit by me and tells me to help him catch up as we are to be lab partners.

As Edward sits down, I get another whiff of his scent and again i'm almost overwhelmed by how yummy he SMELLS…. I groan internally

I shake my head and give him a smile. I hold my breath and decide to only breathe as i have to in order to talk, like what Jasper does and I also decide to go hunting right after school so that i am not a danger to this beautiful young man sitting next to me.

As the class went on i realise that Edward was quite smart and well adapt at Science, We were covering Biology at the moment and he was keeping up. We were getting really into our work as the bell rang.

"Well that sucks." I hear him say under his breath and i have to stifle a chuckle as i know i wasn't supposed to hear him say that.

He looks up at me and speaks before i can say anything

"So… um… did you want to come over after school and make a start on our assessment and homework?"

Oh shit…what the hell am i going to say to that?

He looks so excited at the prospect of me coming over, but i need to hunt or I'm going to kill him and expose us. So i say

"Um… I can't today…" When i see his crest fallen look I hastily add "But I can sometime this weekend?" He looks up at me with excited eyes and replies

"Really? Sweet! Here is my home number…" He rips a corner off a page in his book "Call me later and we can set up the day and time that suits you and i can give you my address." I take the piece of paper and our fingers touch for a moment and i feel the electric shock run up my arm again and gasp at the same time as he does.

I nod my head and tell him i'll talk to him later as i pick up my stuff as slowly as i could, but i fear it was still too fast and walk out of the room and to my locker to put my books in there.

As i close the door of my locker i get ambushed by Alice as she hugs me and squeals in my ear

"Ooh Bella, you're going to be soo happy! He is perfect for you and i really can't wait to plan your wedding!" I try to peel myself away from her as i see Edward walk to his locker.

He smiles at me and looks at Alice with a confused look and something else that looks almost like…



What the hell is that about…

Oh Gosh he can't…

like me…



I gulp as Alice looks at my face and then follows my stare to see Edward next to us putting his books away in the next locker over, which was on the other side of a hallway entrance.

To my horror Alice walks right over to him and puts her little hand out and says

"Hi, I'm Alice and I'm Bella's sister. Nice to meet you." I watch in amusement as Edward looks at her, then me and then back to Alice. I give him a half smile and he replies

"Hello, I'm Edward. Nice to meet you too. Why are you so hyper? I didn't think we were allowed coffee in school?"

I burst out laughing at this, which earned me a furious look from Alice and a confused look from Edward.

"Sorry… But… She is… always like this…" I stammer out in between my laughter.

The bell saves us from anymore talk and we go to our next classes after i say to Edward that i will talk to him later and he repeats the same back.

I give Alice a hard look and tell her that after class i got to hunt as Edward's scent is making me really thirsty and she tells me that it is fate that i found him and the one who's blood sings to me.

I just roll my eyes at her.

After school ends we all get in our cars and just as i was getting into the driver seat of my electric blue BMW Z3 roadster, i look to see Edward and the big burly guy with the brown curly hair get into a silver Volvo.

As they drive by Edward and the other guy wave at us and i notice that Rose is standing next to me waving as well. I give her a look as we get into the car and once in she speaks up before i can say anything.

"I need to hunt and Alice told me you needed to as well so i'm riding with you."

I nod my head and i drive us out towards our favourite spot to hunt in… well the place we normally park our cars when we say we are going camping during sunny days anyway.

— — — —

As we were walking back to the car Rose speaks again

"I can't believe I found another guy that i can trust and he is soo HUNKY, but why the hell does his scent have to make me so thirsty?"

"I don't know Rose, but his brother is the same with me and i got his home number because i have to do a science assessment with him as he is my lab partner, so i am going to call him when i get home. Did you want me to see if you can come over too?"

Rose gives me a look as if to say 'don't you dare bitch', but then it changes to 'but get info about him'.

I shake my head and smile at her, feeling happy that she may finally come out of her shell now. We drive home in silence and once home we see the others in the lounge room.

They look up at us and we join them to hear Carlisle talk about the new head nurse at the hospital.

Her name is Esme; she is a widow with two sons. She has mousy brown curly hair, with bright Emerald green eyes. She is kind, gentle and yet very efficient at her job.

Man he has it bad if his gushing was anything to go by.I smile again at him because he deserves to have someone to love, someone he can be intimate with after all the years he has been alone with only me as company.

I excuse myself and run up to my room as i hear Alice explain that i was going to call Edward. I shake my head and pick up the phone in my room.

I feel what would have been my heart beating against my chest as i dial his number and listen as it rings

Ring, ring…

Ring, ring...

After the fifth ring started I hear a kind, gentle and motherly female voice say "Hello?"

"Um… Hi… It's Bella, Edward gave me your number to call him to arrange a time to come over to start our assessment for science, Is he available to talk?"

I bit my lower lip as i wait for a reply, hoping that it wasn't too late to be ringing

"Oh Hello dear, Edward told me about how kind you were to him today and that you might be calling. Hang on i'll just go get him."

There was a short pause which contained his name being called out, him replying who was it and my name being said, which then i hear him say really and then running foot steps before I hear his breathy velvety voice say in an excited tone

"Hi Bella, how are you?" I smile as i reply

"I'm good, sorry i couldn't come over after school, i had some stuff i needed to do for my dad before he got home from work at the hospital. so… when did you want me to come around to do this assessment?"

Another pause

"Nah it's all good, hang on i'll ask my mum what we are doing this weekend…"

Before i could speak i hear his end of the phone being put down and fast footsteps going away from wherever the phone was put done and i faintly hear him ask the question, which his mum replies that Sunday would be best as they needed to go out food shopping on Saturday. I hear Edward say thanks, more footsteps coming back towards the phone and then Edward is saying

"Is Sunday ok with you?"

"Yeah Sunday is good. What time?"

Before Edward has a chance to answer though i hear a booming voice in the background say

"If your future girlfriend is coming over, tell her to bring her blonde bombshell of a sister with her so she can help me with my car and then maybe i won't have to ride with you in your tiny rice bubble of a car"

"Emmett, shut up!" I hear Edward growl and i swear i almost had an orgasm just hearing that and then Edward is back talking to me apologetically

"I don't know if you heard any of that, but please excuse my brother, Emmett. He has no manners what so ever. Also i think he has a crush on your sister"

I was about to reply as i hear something crash just outside my door and i open my door in time to see Rose running down the stairs. I smile and continue

"It's ok Edward, Rose is very gorgeous and i think she may have a crush on him too, though she won't admit it first."

We both giggle and i just know that Rose is going to hit me for that, but i will gladly take it, serves her right for eaves dropping.

"Anyway i have to go to bed, but i'll see you at about… um… 9am on Sunday?"

"Sure Edward… um... what's your address?"

"Oh gosh, sorry i almost forgot to give you that… um… do you have a pen and paper handy?" I smile as i just wanted to tell him i had a photographic vampire memory, but i just said


"Ok it's 234 Forest Rd. It's the last street on the left as your driving out of town towards Seattle. Our house is the last house in the street, right at the end with empty lots on either side and nothing but forest behind us."

"Ok see you then" I smile knowing that this would be perfect if i wanted to visit him without the car

"Night, Bella." he sounds like he is smiling that crooked grin again

"Night, Edward. Sleep Sweet" I reply and hear him gasp as he says bye one more time and hangs up.

I hang up as well and walk over to the door to my balcony and run out into the forest towards Edward's place. I don't know why, but i just felt like i had to be near him.

Once i am out there, i sit back and watch as all the lights go out one by one, I hear the two boys exchange good nights with their mum, footsteps going up what sounded like stairs and doors closing.

As i was about to go and see what room Edward was in i hear rustling behind me, I look back in time to see Carlisle and Rose emerge out of the forest.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask in confusion as i look at them

"I could ask you the same thing, Bells." Carlisle replies.

I smile at him knowing right then and there that Alice was right… yet AGAIN, these three were our new family members and we would watch them to make sure we were the only predators around them.

In two days, i would be coming around here, but till then i would watch him sleep. We wait for a few hours to pass, before even thinking about going near the house.

I take a guess and climb up to the top windows and look into one facing the forest where the moon was streaming into the room. I am rewarded for my correct guess by seeing Edward laying there in bed, bathed in the light of the moon and i quietly gasp at the beauty before me.

He has one arm above his head, his hair perfectly tousled, his face was towards to window and his other hand was partly under his shirt on his tummy, leaving a small patch exposed enough to reveal he has a small strip of hair trailing from below his belly button to the top of his PJ bottoms where it disappears….


I distract myself from just rushing in and sexually attacking him right there by opening his window further and carefully opening the fly screen that was thankfully the old fashioned variety that was on a hook that i could lift it up with a credit card.

I sit in his computer chair next to the bed and watch him sleep for the rest of the night till the sun is almost up.

I sigh as i leave out the window, making sure there were no traces that i had been there and jumped down from the little ledge, only to see Carlisle and Rose waiting for me.

As Carlisle, Rose and i are running back home to get ready for the day, i can't keep the smile off my face and the feeling of excitement at going to school i now had and the thoughts of Edward's face sleeping out of my head.

It's going to be a long two days before Sunday...