Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they are not mine.

She was without a doubt, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Wrapped in thick, alternating layers of love and Magic, Will Stanton was afraid for one terrible moment that she was not even human. Mentally pushing past the curtain of power that surrounded his Grandmother, looking to see if she was truly still his, he noticed two things: the magic was entirely passive, and those were the same eyes that had watched over him since he was born.

Somewhere during her very long life, his Grandmother had had repetitive, prolonged contact with magic similar to the High Magic that he used as an Old One. The purity in the love and magic that had been used to mark her was breathtaking. His parents and all his siblings carried similar marks upon them thanks to spending so much time around him, though terribly crude by comparison.

All this occurred between one breath and the next as Will waited for his turn to greet his Grandmother. Being the youngest of nine often meant being last in line for hugs. That had never bothered him though; those were usually the best ones

"My little Will!" She called in greeting, pulling him into her arms. He let himself savor it, caught up in the power of a hug that is truly meant. "Or not so little Will," She said letting go to look into his face, "what has happened?"

He had forgotten how perceptive she could be. Fighting back the boy he appeared to be, the part that almost instinctually wanted to tell her everything, he settled for answering like an Old One. "You would not believe me if I told you."

Shock stole over his features as Magic began to pulse wildly around her. In the blink of an eye, a beautiful young woman dressed in an odd gown with a crown on her brow was sitting in his Grandmother's place, an enormous lion looming behind her. "Try me," challenged the woman in Grandmother Susan's voice. "I believe in a great deal more than one would expect."

AN: In response to a personal challenge: to write a Narnian crossover. While I usually love crossover, looking in the Narnia section kinda freaked me out. Several of the fandoms listed could only be classified as crack (not exactly my cuppa). The ideas for Another Begins and another DiRxCoN that has yet to be completed(not related) both popped into my head while writing this.

There was a whole other part to this story that I cut 'cause it was taking too long and was kinda going nowhere. Mostly Will getting his pants knocked off by Susan & Aslan. Please let me know what you think (even if you didn't like it) and why.