A Second Chance

"Hey! Nowaki-sensei!" The nurse called him. The children were all clinging to him.


"Did you bring an extra set of clothes just in case?" Nowaki remembered this was about the time he had called Hiroki to bring him that set of clothes. It wouldn't be like the first time, vowed Nowaki. "Ahh I forgot them! I'll ask someone to bring them over." To the kids, he said "Hold on, I'll be right back. I just need a minute to make a phone call." He walked outside for the reception and called his home phone.

Hello? Hiroki's voice was so… reassuring.

"Hello? Hiro-san?"

Yeah. Nowaki? What's wrong?

"Ahh I need you to bring something over for me if it wouldn't be any trouble"

Ahh you damn brat; Forgetting stuff all the time. Nowaki realized how much he loved it when Hiroki did that. He knew that his lover had his weird pride thing and because of that, his Hiro-san couldn't express his feelings correctly.

"It's a black bag."

Yeah I see it. It's on the couch. I'll bring it over.

"Thank you Hiro-san! I love you!"

Damn brat… saying such embarrassing things. Fine I'll see you later. Hiroki hung up. Nowaki walked back into the room and was instantly tackled by the kids. Ten minutes later, the kids were finally put the bed and he was almost done. He saw Hiroki and like last time, was tackled by his sempai. "Sempai, please get off!"

"Why so cold Nowaki? I didn't get to hug you enough today!"

When he finally managed to get his sempai off, Hiroki was already gone. He started running after Hiroki but his sempai stopped him. "Where are you going?"

"It's something important" Nowaki replied and ran after his lover. He chased him into the dark streets in the city and lost him. Where is he? Nowaki was getting more anxious and worried by the second. He didn't want Hiroki to die again. He couldn't bear to see his lover die twice. He turned right and then left to see a dead end and a group of people raping Hiroki. "Hiro-san!" he yelled. The men looked at Nowaki and scattered, leaving Hiroki on the ground, bleeding. "Hiro-san…" He picked up his lover who was hyperventilating and crying. Nowaki ran back to the hospital in his effort to save Hiroki before he bled to death. Luckily, a doctor was free at the time and was able to help Hiroki.

Half an hour later, he was told that Hiroki was fine and he could be discharged tomorrow morning. Nowaki ran in to see Hiroki. "Nowaki…" Hiroki whispered his lover's name tears ran down his cheeks. "Hiro-san… you'll be okay you'll be able to get out by tomorrow."

Hiroki nodded and turned his head and mumbled something. All Nowaki was able to hear was a strange something bunch of words but he knew what Hiroki was asking. "All right I'll stay." Hiroki blushed and smiled slightly but it was gone. "Stop smiling you damned brat." He said and soon, Hiroki fell asleep.

Nowaki sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. He heard the door opening and when he reopened his eyes, the little boy from before was there. "Thank you." Whispered Nowaki. "Take care of him." The little boy said before disappearing back outside. Yes, he would take care of Hiroki. Nowaki said to himself. Before smiling and drifting off to sleep while dreaming of his lover.

The End It wasn't too bad right? if it was, sorry! :]