A/n: Hey! New story~! Hope this one goes good!

Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Carnations are white,

Just like you

~~~~Five Years Ago~~~~~

Twelve-year-old Matthew Williams held his older brother with widened eyes. It was a dark cloudy and rainy day, perfectly fitting for the horror of what had happened. It was September, September 21, if he could recall correctly. This was a day he wouldn't soon forget. Today was the funeral of Francis Bonnefoy, his father. He felt tears on his shoulder, which he noticed was from his brother. At first, he told himself he wouldn't cry, but the tears slowly made its way down onto his face. His other father, Arthur, had one hand on Alfred's shoulder, his other on his. He could feel Arthur's sadness. Although Matthew could tell he was trying to hold it together for him and Alfred. It was truly terrible.

"Well, maybe this is for the better," Arthur had told them. After all, his father was quite sick for a while. But Matthew knew him better than that. He knew Arthur was just as upset as the two of them.

"Alfred, don't cry," Matthew started, but chocked on his own sobs. "Just don't cry."

"I'm sorry Mattie, it's just…so hard! I never thought…" Alfred said back, still crying. Arthur knelt down and hugged the two brothers.

"It's going to be alright, just be strong," Matthew sniffed and nodded.

"Yeah, be strong for papa right?" Arthur put up a weak smile and nodded.


"And I'll be strong to dad!" Alfred chipped in, his voice still shaken. Arthur ruffled his hair in approval.

"That's right," and before to long, the funeral ended, but the melancholy of that day still lingered in the hearts of many, but Matthew stayed strong just as he promised.

Thank you~! R&R~!
