NCIS: Forever & Always

Summary: Tony and Kate are slowly growing closer, but neither of them admits it, until it is too late. The chapters are dates not chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS, wish I did, but don't.

Rating: T, for language, not suitable for young eyes.

A/N: The Last chapter just like I promised.

Dedication: I know that people don't usually do this, but I am dedicating this story to: Kate, Tony, and Tate, I know that they are all characters but still, come on, no Tate fan, or Kate fan, wanted Twilight to happen, so that is why I am dedicating this story to them.

August 23rd:

Kate and Tony decided to get married on this day because, as Tony put it, this was the day "Kate came back from the dead." Everybody was there except for Tony's brother. Gibbs walked Kate down the aisle since he thought of her like a daughter. Everything was perfect for them.

Epilogue: 5 Years Later

Tony and Kate are still happily married, celebrating their 5 year anniversary. They have 2 kids, one girl named Emily, she is 3; and one boy named John, he is 4. McGee and Abby also got married 3 years ago. Gibbs started dating the new director, Jenny Sheppard. They are still dating. Kate and Tony still work at NCIS as field agents. They often look back at all the times they flirted, and didn't notice, and laugh.

A/N: It is really short, I know and I'm sorry, but it is the end. So give me an overall review! Criticism is good for me because I want to be a writer some day, so please good or bad reviews, I will take anything. R&R.

:P For all of those who read this whole story, there was a reasoning behind the title. Forever comes from the 12th chapter when Tony says that Kate is his FOREVER. And Always, well I'm sure you guessed it, comes from the first chapter when it says "He ALWAYS listened to them bicker…" ;D

Thank you for reading this, and check out stories that might be coming sometime.

Sporty Girl 8