A/N: Ok, well, originally there was a disclaimer and all kinds of other crap inside the first one-shot. But, that got lost in the mail. So here it is now:

Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever owned Star Trek or anything involved. If I did, hell, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction, I'd be writing the screenplay for movie number 2!

Hope you folks enjoy!

It wasn't a happy day for anyone on the U.S.S Enterprise. They'd been docked three days, and, back home, the immeasurable losses had to be faced. Each starship was a little community all its own, and on board, you mourned one at a time, as people were lost. Back home… Back home, the friend you'd had since kindergarten might still be there, but he might be the only friend you still had.

That was much how it was for Nyota. Gaila, her Orion roommate, had been killed. So had Sarah, John, Jena, Cory, and countless others she'd hoped to share the wonders of space with. She'd never felt quite so alone. Spock was still more distant than usual, trying to make a decision about his future. Jim was suffering bravely through the trial, and getting the Enterprise back in working order. Bones would sit and chat for a minute, when they passed in the cafeteria, but really, no one else was still there for her.

She'd have been glad to talk to Sulu, if he was around. And she barely knew the man.

She found herself, like so many times before, sitting at a counter of an off-campus diner, trying to drown her sorrows in coffee.

She heard the barstool protest when someone took the seat, a few stools away to her right, but didn't look up.

"Green tea, please." Nyota knew that voice, damn it. She knew that voice and she didn't want to. She wanted someone to talk to, but not the kid.

"Lieutenant Uhura?" Her crewmate asked softly.

"Yes?" She returned.

"Miss Uhura, I… I wanted to know you were alright? I have not seen you smile lately…"

"Oh, I'm fine. Just lonely, I guess. I… I lost a lot of good friends." She offered a sad smile, before looking back at the cup between her palms.

"Yes. There are many people I miss also. I had a friend on the Enterprise who was hurt. Someone I looked up to very much."

"Tell me about him." Nyota said absently, not really thinking about the implications. The Enterprise meant it was someone she knew, too.

"Her. Well… She had dark skin, like chocolate. Her eyes were brown. She had long black hair, and a bright smile. She was the best communications officer we had." She looked up to raise an eyebrow quizzically, taking the time to curse Spock's name for the action.

"You are not the same, Uhura. You may be physically fine, but not so underneath."

She smirked. "You're a smart little kid, aren't you Pavel?"

"I'm not a little kid." He said, somewhat indignantly. "I am seventeen."

"You're little to me."

He shrugged at that.

"You're right, too. I miss so many people… It's just… Hard. Nearly everyone I knew was on a different ship…"

"It was the same for many of us. Have you spoken to Commander Spock?"

Nyota knew that there was a sneaking suspicion about her and the Vulcan, but the question still took her off guard. "No. Why?"

"We have not seen much of him since we landed. I had a question yesterday, and I went by his office. He covered it when I entered, but he seemed upset. He lost many students in this, as well as his home."

"I suppose you're right. I just don't know what to say to him anymore… What do you say to someone, after they lose everything?"

Pavel thought for a minute. "Normally, you would apologize. Say that you are sorry for their loss. To a Vulcan… To a Vulcan, you say that you wish things were different. That you wish there was something you could do. You say… That you will be there for them, even if they do not think they need it. Tell him that he has people behind him to lean on."

She turned on her stool to look him in the eye. "Who are we talking about, here?"

He shrugged. "Whoever you think we're talking about."

Nyota shook her head, sliding off the stool. "You're a smart little kid, Pavel." She noted, laying a hand on his shoulder as she passed.

"Thank you." He muttered as the door closed.