Caution: This chapter contains content that may not be suitable for younger (perhaps younger than 16) readers. If you are at any point uncomfortable with the text, please exit. The content I am referring to will be preceded by a bold X.

I've noticed that the gaps I put in previous chapters did not show up (I do my editing in the word processor on my computer rather than the document manager, except for author's notes), so I will fix that and mark all gaps with a small, not bold x.

Chapter Ten: You are the only exception, and I'm on my way to believing.

Five years later…

Her stomach dropped when she finally saw her reflection. Alli and Darcy stood beside her, her mother tying the corset strings in the back. She sucked in, as her mother directed. Darcy and Alli giggled and twittered about how beautiful they thought she looked. Clare thoroughly examined herself, finding she had curves she didn't even know about.

"Mom, I think it's tight enough," she mumbled. Her mother's hands were hesitant, but they then tied the strings into a perfect bow. She joined her first daughter and her second daughter's best friend in their chatter about Clare, squealing occasionally. The words 'beautiful', 'lovely', 'amazing', and 'gorgeous' were among the most commonly spoken; she just could not believe she looked this good.

While they fumbled about her, preparing for the day, Clare took these few remotely quiet moments to herself. She cooperated with everything, but her mind was miles away.

She thought about the past five years, spent magnificently. She thought about learning how to drive in a hearse; finishing high school; moving into an apartment with a roommate; finishing college; Darcy's coming home; Alli's marriage, divorce, and then second marriage; Adam's reassignment surgery and newfound relationship; her parents' divorce and rekindling; everything. Most of the minute details escaped her, but there was one person she could remember almost every moment spent with. She smiled at the thought, coming back down to reality.

"Clare, doll, it's time!" Darcy shrieked, grinning. She faintly smiled back. Getting off the stepstool, she turned and followed Alli and Darcy.


Eli turned and looked in the mirror, straightening his jacket. His tie hung loosely from his neck, his shirt untucked. He looked pretty snappy, if he did say so himself. To his surprise, he didn't have to say it himself. The men around him chimed in that he looked sharp, one of them going as far as saying 'handsome'.

"Okay, Dad… 'handsome'? Really?" he taunted, smirking as he turned to his father. His dad gazed at him with pride, grinning.

"Oh, shut up. You know 'handsome' fits!" Adam piped up, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. If I look handsome, then I must say that all of you look rather dapper yourselves," Eli stated in an English accent. The four shared a brief laugh, admiring themselves in their matching suits. Each in the quartet added final touches to their ensembles.

A knock on the door drew all four heads in that direction, Mrs. Edwards' head peeking around it. "Eli, it's time," she squealed. His stomach tightened and he gulped before forcing himself to move and follow her.


With her father at her side, Clare's mind was still abuzz with different things – mainly memories – as she followed her sister and best friend. As she got closer to the walkway, she felt queasy. A plethora of new thoughts chased away the old ones. All her fears ran through her brain: what if she tripped? What if she stuttered? What if she zoned so far out that she missed all her cues? What if she couldn't find her voice to answer when it was her turn? The piano began to play a slower, prettier version of the infamous tune, making that moment's biggest fear vomiting.


Eli fidgeted as he stood next to the priest. Pastor Davis smiled and shook his head at him, clapping him on the back. It took all he had in him not to falter under the weight of the older man's hand. His mouth was dry, and his heart raced. He could already feel himself starting to sweat. Attempting to ignore the previous nuisances, he focused on various things in his head: he recited the multiplication table; he sang the chorus to his current favorite song; he tried to remember if he had paid the rent that month. Even with every distraction he could muster, his stomach clenched when the music started playing. He watched as the procession came.

Darcy and Adam walked together first, Darcy being Clare's maid of honor, Adam being Eli's best man, and the two of them being a couple. Alli and Drew came next, followed by Clare's cousin, Lacey, as the flower girl. The knot that had been gone for five years nestled itself once again as the soft song turned into the infamous tune.

She walked by her father's lead, keeping a firm grip on his arm. The bouquet in her left hand was gripped in a fist; she bit the insides of her cheeks as her eyes darted all over the church, catching glimpses of everything. All of her nervous habits piled on top of one another while she padded down the aisle. They reached the end of their stroll, and she turned to her father.

He lifted her veil slightly and said, "I know I can see you perfectly fine through it, but it's the meaning of me lifting it that counts, right?" She nodded her head. He leaned down and kissed her cheek and put the netting back down, continuing, "You're all his now. I love you." He took a seat with her mother to the left. She turned to the front, finally seeing him.

Butterflies replaced the nausea she previously felt. He looked… so many words sprang to her mind. Gorgeous, wonderful, lovely, marvelous, beautiful; she couldn't find a word strong enough to describe how handsome he looked. Like both their fathers and his two friends, his suit was black. While their shirts were white, though, his was red. She smirked in remembrance of his insistence that he wear it; his shirt caused the color scheme of their wedding to be black, white, and red. Blushing down at the roses in her hands, she joined him by Pastor Davis.


The breath he had just pulled into his mouth caught in his throat as she finally came into view. She was absolutely ravishing: her auburn hair was pinned under a classic birdcage veil; her arms and shoulders were bare, and her dress was a simple white sweetheart-cut, corset-back dress with a pick-up gown, a ribbon separating the straight top from the ruffled bottom. He remembered so fluidly how she raged on about every detail of her perfect dress. His stomach loosened its knot as she took her place beside him.

They both turned to Pastor Davis as he cleared his throat. He began the ceremony by saying, "Now… before we get into the meat of this get-together, I feel the need to say something about the two young people before me.

"When I met Clare, she was just an infant. She was quiet and smart and very adorable. As most siblings do, she looked up to her sister, Darcy, and the two interacted as most siblings do." He chuckled, and the audience laughed back. "I watched her rise up from a baby to a child to a young lady and finally to the lovely – still young, might I add – woman that stands before you all. Her family grew up in this church, so I was thrilled to hear about her engagement. Naturally, I became involved in the plans shortly after the announcement was made.

"I had heard about this boy during her adolescence, mostly from her mother. According to her, he dressed in all black, drove a hearse, and often looked like he wanted to throw things at you," he laughed out, winking at Clare. Her face was flushed, but he continued, "But I didn't get the chance to meet him until the plans were being prepared. To my surprise, this boy dressed in all black, drove a hearse, and often looked like he wanted to throw things at you." Everyone laughed again, Pastor Davis further encouraging it with a frightened look. "Now, of course, I felt it was my duty, both as Clare's pastor and as someone who watched her grow up, to interrogate- I mean, get to know this boy she was so obviously enamoured of.

"Well, it took me ten seconds standing in the same room as these two to see that the feeling was completely mutual. I might even go as far as to say that he was more so enamoured of her than she was of him, but I'm not entirely sure that any one body could contain such emotion for, such attachment to another human being. The way they look at each other, the way they function so well together… oh, boy. I immediately agreed to marry them. Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew that this was right. I knew that they had such love for one another, even through the disagreements about certain arrangements, that they could be connected with one another in holy matrimony for the rest of their lives.

"And so we begin… Eli, repeat after me: I, Elijah James Goldsworthy-"

Eli spoke gently, his mouth still dry. "I, Elijah James Goldsworthy-"

"-take you, Clare Giselle Edwards-" Eli repeated what the man said. "-to be my wedded wife."

Smirking, he echoed, "-to be my wedded wife."

"To have and to hold, from this day forward-" He spoke again. "-for better, for worse- for richer, for poorer- in sickness or in health- to love and to cherish 'til death do us part. And, hereto, I pledge you my faithfulness." He gazed in Clare's eyes as he reiterated every word the man spoke at every available pause. Her brows knitted together and a small smile crept on her lips. "The ring, son," Pastor Davis said. Eli turned to Adam, who presented the ring. Holding her hand out, he took it in his and slowly slipped the band onto her finger. "Now, Clare… repeat after me: I, Clare Giselle Edwards-" began the pastor, going over the same words as before. She searched Eli's eyes as she recited the vows, his face blurring once the tears finally formed.

"… 'til death do us part, and, hereto, I pledge you my faithfulness." Adam handed her the other ring; she hurriedly pushed it onto her groom's finger, eager for the ceremony to be over.

"By the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife." Pastor Davis grinned, his hands on their shoulders. He turned to Eli and said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Eli's fingers delicately handled Clare's veil, lifting it over the back of her head. She felt her eyes prickle again. He smirked and cupped her face, his thumb catching a tear. All the muscles in her body tensed as he leaned in closer. Their eyes glanced over one another's face. Just as it happened for their first kiss, their noses grazed and she breathed out his name. In one swift movement, his lips were briefly on hers before he pulled away slowly, grinning down at her. She smiled back. As the church filled with applause, they turned and scurried down the aisle, hands grasped together.


The reception passed by quickly. All of the guests congratulated them, and everything was spectacular. Still, Clare couldn't help but wish that time would go by faster as she danced with numerous friends and relatives. Eli found himself hoping for the same thing.

As a way to save money, the two decided to stay in the hotel the reception was held at instead of going off to some island. A master suite awaited them at the end of the night; it sounded more and more appealing as the number of people in attendance trickled down to fewer and fewer. It was finally just Clare's parents, Eli's dad, the bridesmaids, and the groomsmen. After all the loose ends were tied up, this group began to disperse.

Darcy and Adam left first; they claimed tiredness, but it was obvious that the room they reserved was calling for them to have some one-on-one time. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards were next, and they really were tired. Clare's mother made a big deal about her baby being all grown up, but Clare handled it in stride. Eli called a taxi for his very intoxicated father; Clare worried that he would get himself in trouble, but her husband assured her that everything would be all right. Drew went with Mr. Goldsworthy to emphasize Eli's reassurance. It was finally down to Alli.

She strolled up to the newlyweds, smiling. "You know, I'm so glad you guys made it. I haven't met a couple more meant for each other," she sighed. The two rolled their eyes in turn, and the trio shared a short laugh. The little Indian girl wrapped her arms around her best friend, squeezing. She whispered in her ear, "You're so beautiful, Clare. Love you."

"Love you, too. Thanks," Clare murmured back.

Alli wrapped an arm around Eli's torso, mumbling, "Hurt her and I'll kill you."

"I love you, too, Alli," he muttered and felt her smile against his shoulder. She waved goodbye as she left, and the couple finally headed to their room.


Clare gasped slightly as Eli's fingertips brushed her bare back. He chuckled to himself, saying, "Don't be so jumpy. I'm almost done." She couldn't help but be jumpy. This situation had presented itself many times before, but they agreed to wait, and it was far easier to do so. Even when they first started living together, the tension was never this high. The dim, warm room and the tingle of his skin on hers didn't ease it. Her mind wandered to all the times before when they had come so close… She jumped again when she came to, his hands tapping at her elbows. "I need you to lift your arms up."

She did so and then realized what Eli was doing; by the time she figured out why he told her to lift her arms, he had already started lifting the gown up. Gulping, she ignored the butterflies and let him take it off. He set it aside with her veil and his suit jacket and tie, making sure to lay it down properly. Clare stood in the same position as before, only with her arms covering her chest.

He gazed at her from across the room. His stomach churned as he looked over her; she hadn't worn a bra, and her panties were form-fitting lace. He smirked at how out-of-character that was and walked towards her. She took a sharp breath when he placed his hands at her waist, his lips on the back of her neck. Leaning back into him, he smiled against her skin. His grip moved from her waist to her hips; his fingers edged into the only article of clothing she had on.

After lacing their fingers together, she whispered, "They were Alli's idea. She figured that, uh…" Clare's head clouded as he kissed from her shoulder to her neck. It was amazing how he could still do that to her after years of being together. "That, uhm… She thought you would like them."

"I do," Eli mumbled against her jaw. He took his hands from hers, beginning to unbutton his shirt. She turned around, finally facing him. Blushing, her hands fumbled with his belt. He slipped out of his dress shirt and dropped it on the floor, letting her unbutton and unzip his pants. She pulled them down and bit her lip. He smiled at her, like he had been doing all day, and guided her backwards to the bed.

Clare's mind was completely blank as she fell back onto the mattress. She felt like she had forgotten how to breathe; Eli gazed down at her, his eyes running over her body. He leaned down and placed a peck on her lips, trailing down to her collarbone. Her hands were at his neck, fingers lingering in his hair, and he picked her up by the hips to move her farther on the bed. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he hovered above her, his teeth working her neck. A small whine escaped her mouth as he pressed into her. He smiled against her throat and picked his head up to look at her.

"You okay?" he asked, smirking. Her mouth hung open a little as she nodded. Their lips connected for a moment before he pulled away again. "So, uh… do you want to…?" His tone was suggestive, that smirk tugging harder at the corner of his mouth.

It took her a few seconds to remember how to speak, but she finally said, "I'm a little scared. A lot nervous."

His expression changed to serious. "Why?"

"Because, what if… okay, I know we're both virgins, but you had so many more opportunities to experiment than I did, so what if I'm not, like… what if I'm not good?" She looked away, biting the insides of her cheeks.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Clare, don't be silly."

"I'm not being silly! What if I mess everything up and ruin the mood?" she questioned, raising her voice in her anxiety. He pressed his lips together and sighed. Her mouth morphed into a small pout.

"Clare, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. You are mine, I am yours, and I don't want that to ever change. We've been intimate before, and-"

"Not this intimate," she murmured. He rolled his eyes.

"No, not this intimate, but we've come very close, and you've never disappointed me once. I might have had more experience, but what you do comes naturally. No amount of intimacy with anyone else could have prepared me for what I have with you, so I don't really think you have anything to worry about."

She stared up at him, head cocked to one side, and softly asked, "Really?"

"Really. We just… we go together, Clare. I don't know how else to explain it." She smiled and reached up to peck his lips. He leaned back down to kiss her more deeply, going back to nipping at her skin.

"Eli?" she breathed. He hummed a response against her chest. "I want to." He stopped and looked up at her. She propped herself up on her elbows, unwrapping her legs from around him.

"Are you sure?" She smiled and nodded. He reached over to the bedside table and opened the drawer, pulling out a condom. She took it from him and read that it was ribbed and lubricated 'for her pleasure'. Smirking with a brow raised, she looked at him. "What? Alli suggests underwear, Adam suggests condoms. You can't tell me that it doesn't sound nice," he teased, taking it from her and holding it in his mouth.

"I didn't say that, now, did I?" she said with a suggestive tone of her own, arching her back so he could slip the last garment off more easily. His boxers joined the lace on the floor, and he ripped the package open with his teeth. Her fingers tousled his hair as he slipped it on.

Eli came up to meet her face, his hands on either side of it, and her legs locked around his waist again. "I love you," he whispered.

Clare smiled and mumbled back, "I love you." They pressed their lips together as he pushed into her. She turned her face away and gasped, her thighs pressing against his sides and her hands curling into fists in his hair.

He paused, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, yea. Initial pain. Just… give me a second." He waited as she collected herself, getting used to the feeling of him inside her. She nodded her head and breathed, "Okay, okay. It's okay." He moved very slowly out a bit, inching back in. Clare moved her arms under his and put her hands on his back. Her nails pressed into his ribs as her hips reached up to meet his, a rhythm beginning to form.

The discomfort she felt at first faded. Her body tensed in reaction to his movements; he thrust faster in response to her reaction. She arched her back again, nails digging deeper into his skin. He let out a moan into her ear and pressed his forehead into her shoulder. Biting her lip, she whined in her throat.

He groaned out her name, aware of how close he was to his climax. She moaned softly as a reply. Her nails went back to forming crescents in his back as she threw her head back into the mattress; he made quicker movements, brows knitted together.

With his face in the crook of her neck and her legs snaking tighter around his waist, Eli came and started to slow down. Clare's body relaxed after she too reached her peak, resting her hands at his sides and loosening the grip her legs had around him. They panted alternatively, heartbeats still racing and still sweating slightly, and he collapsed beside her. She looked over at him. He smiled and pecked her lips, getting up to dispose of the condom.

Eli returned to find her repositioned with her head on one of the pillows. She beckoned him beside her, and he obliged, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she nuzzled into his chest. They fell asleep together for the first time as a married couple, officially connected to one another in all the ways they ever wanted to be.


I hope that was a satisfactory ending. I apologize for any discomfort caused by the ending, but I felt I didn't write it in bad taste.

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, if you decide to. So many people favorited this, so thank you, too.

I'm curious to know if any of you would be interested in reading another Degrassi fic from me. I have a few ideas, so just let me know if you would want to see it!

