The Potter's home on Godric's Hollow's was quiet; apart from the occasional snores that could be heard within. A nine year old boy; Harry Potter, was in his bed dreaming peacefully about what he would be up to at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; when he attended in two years' time. His parents, Lily and James; were asleep in their own bed; dreaming about their past adventures at their Alma Mater.

Lily and James dreaming were interrupted by a strange noise; and it took them a few seconds to realize that the noises were coming from their son's; Harry's room. James jumped out of the bed; his wand already in his hand; as Lilly followed him at a run to Harry's room. Not wanting to waste time; James blasted the door from its hinges; and was about to attack the intruder; when what he saw stopped him in his tracks.

Lily; who wasn't used to seeing James look so flabbergasted; peered over his shoulder and into Harry's room. What she saw made her heart stop; and she rushed to Harry's bed; which snapped James out of his stupor. James walked to Lily's side; as gently tilted Harry's head to the side. James realized that Lily knew what was going on as he watched on, feeling helpless as his wife helped their son. Not wanting to stand there and watch; James kept his eyes on Harry as he spoke to Lily.

"Shouldn't we be holding him down or something Lils'?"

"No, that's the worst thing you can do at the moment. We just have wait it out."

James nodded; and knelt down in front of Harry's bed; as he and his wife waited out their son's little seizing fit. Finally; after what seemed like hours; but was only a few horrifying moments; Harry's body seemed to relax and it looked like the seizing had stopped.

Lily let out a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding as Harry slowly opened his large emerald-green eyes, which were looking dazed and confused as they landed on his parents. One side of his face was sagging slightly, and it took a few more seconds for Harry to completely come out of whatever was happening.

Harry was scared and confused. He didn't understand what was going on with him; and he couldn't help but be glad that he had his parents there; to help them through this; as he leaned over; hugging James fiercely; who hugged back just as fiercely. James and Harry noticed that Lily was no longer with them; as she walked out of the room. A moment later; Lily came back into the room with a rucksack; scrambling around Harry's room; as she collected some of his clothes.

"We're going to take you to St Mungo's Hospital sweetie, just so we can get you checked out and make sure that you're ok." Lily informed her son as James nodded in agreement. Harry, whose eyes had widened at the words hospital, opened his mouth to protest.

"I-I don't want to go mum!"

James, who was still sitting on the bed with Harry, hugged his son closer before getting off the bed, his son perched on his hip loosely, as they headed toward the fireplace. Harry continued whispering protests into the crook of his father's neck. It was all James could do as he comforted his baby boy as the small family reached the fireplace. Lily, who had reached the fireplace first, grabbed the pot of floo powder off the mantelpiece; grabbed a pinch of it; and threw some into the fireplace. Lily gave her husband and son a quick glance before stepping through into the fireplace.

"St Mungo's Hospital"

Lily and the rucksack vanished in a blanket of green flames with James and Harry following seconds later with Harry still crying and protesting quietly into James' neck. James spotted his wife as she went to check Harry in; as he walked over to one of the empty chairs and sat down; making sure Harry was comfortable. Lily joined them a few moments later and James handed over Harry obediently as Lily placed him on her lap; comforting the young crying boy. It took Harry a few moments, but he calmed down enough to sit quietly as he glanced around the room; waiting for the healer to call them in.

Too soon in Harry's case; and not soon enough to his parents; Harry's name was called. Lily placed Harry on his feet; and grabbed his hand; as he reluctantly followed his parents and the healer into the examination room.

James picked up Harry and sat him on the examination table; before conjuring a pair of slippers; placing them on Harry's feet; to keep him warm. They listened as Lily explained to the healer; who had introduced himself as Healer Davis; what had happened. Healer Davis nodded as he took notes; before walking over to Harry and started examining him. He clasped his fingers gently around Harry's wrist; checking his pulse, then waved the wand over Harry's body; checking the temperature.

A few minutes went by as Healer Davis waved the wand over Harry; before he placed his wand back into his holster and grabbed the parchment with the results and his notes. He asked them to follow him to his office; and James picked up Harry before following Lily and Healer Davis in his office. Healer Davis placed the parchments on his desk and sat down in the seat behind it; before gesturing the Potter's to do the same.

Healer Davis looked solemnly at the Potter's; and took off his glasses; placing them on his desk; before he turned back to the small family.

"Harry has epilepsy."