Chapter Thirty: The Getaway Bus: Part Two

Author's Note:

Okay, first off, I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I have a good reason though! Aliens! In the attic! Okay not really. My sister's computer was acting up, with her security program, and I was afraid I'd break her computer or get a virus, because that would be very BAD. I've decided this is ultimately, finally, and forever-ly the last chapter. That's why it's longer. Again, I'm sorry for not updating. Writers tend to procrastinate their last chapter because they don't want it to end… I'm no exception XD

No one's POV:

The escaped campers aboard the stolen school bus were desperately trying to get rid of the two crazy camp counselors on their case. They had to escape. Chris and Chef would not torment them for another minute. "Hey guys, we emptied Justin's suitcase! We're out of ammo!" Gwen called from the back of the bus.

Courtney ground her teeth together angrily. "Damn it, things aren't looking good!" she hissed, putting her foot even harder on the gas pedal.

"Hey we're in an 80 miles an hour speed limit area! The last thing we need is to get pulled over, the cop to find out this bus isn't licensed or we're insured, and we all end up in juvie like Duncan!" Noah exclaimed.

"He's got a point," Duncan admitted. "Cool it down there babe."

"Don't call me babe!" Courtney screeched angrily. "I know what I'm doing!"

"You look like you're a character from a road rage game," Noah sneered sarcastically.

"Hey, we could sing to take away some tension!" squealed Lindsay. "The squares on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and-"

"SHUT UP!" the whole bus yelled.

Lindsay put her head down in shame. "I liked your song," Izzy smiled.

"Really? You thought it was good?" Lindsay asked.

"You put Celine Dion to shame," Noah muttered. Yet another sarcastic remark.

"You shut the hell up about Celine Dion," Duncan growled menacingly. (A/N I couldn't help it, I had to poke fun at Duncan's fear XD)

"Wait a second! That's it! Lindsay's song is how we'll stop Chris and Chef!" Izzy exclaimed.

"What are we going to do, throw her in their car and she'll sing them to death?" Heather asked. The whole bus considered that idea.

"That'll be plan B," Trent said.

"No! We'll turn Chris and Chef's wheel tires into squares!" Izzy exclaimed.

"What's surprising is, that's not your craziest idea," Noah said. "But obviously it won't work."

"Wait! Izzy is on the right track, we just need to take out Chef and Chris's car tires!" Bridgette exclaimed.

Duncan grinned. "So shall we do this the legal or illegal way?" It was a trick question. There is no legal tactic to taking out car tires. If there were, Duncan would have gone to juvie twenty-one times instead of twenty-two.


"Okay so here's the plan, Princess, you pull over, and Chris and Chef will do the same. Then, you get out of the bus with Gwen and Trent. You three talk to Chris and Chef, and while you distract them I'll go tire slashing," Duncan grinned.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoy this," Courtney groaned.

"Looks like you don't know better Princess, because I do enjoy this," Duncan winked. "Now pull over Princess."

"Don't call me Princess." Courtney growled and pulled the huge bus over on the side of the road. "Come on Gwen, come on Trent," she sighed. The three walked out, as planned, where Chef and Chris were waiting out of their car for them. "Hi," Courtney said awkwardly.


Crap this isn't going well for me, Courtney thought. "Gwen, say something," she whispered. Her goth friend didn't reply. Courtney turned around and saw Gwen making out with Trent. "Damn it!" she hissed. (A/N A little taste of her own medicine XD)

"We're waiting Courtney!" Chris exclaimed.

"Uh…" the prep stammered awkwardly. "Okay, I can explain…"


Duncan didn't waste any time climbing out the back of the bus and towards Chris and Chef's car. With practiced skill, he slashed the two front tires, hearing the air being compressed out. He grinned to himself. He enjoyed doing illegal things. They were so much more dangerous than legal things. Quietly the delinquent walked to the back of the car, and before he slashed the next tire, he heard a, "HI!"

"Jeez!" Duncan hissed, almost dropping his knife. He turned and saw Izzy, crouching beside him. "Get out of here!" he ordered.

Izzy shook her head. "I came to leave a surprise in the front seat of their car."

"What kind of surprise?" Duncan asked.

"It's a surprise!"

"Tell me crazy girl!"

"Okay! Peanuts."



"Seriously you liar, what did you leave in their front seat?"


Duncan had enough. "Whatever," he grumbled, slashing the last two tires. "Let's get back in the bus."

The two scrambled back in through the open window, and Bridgette cupped her hands together saying, "Ca caw! Ca caw!"

That was the signal. "We'll get back in the bus and turn around," Courtney lied to Chris and Chef. She grabbed Gwen and Trent by the shirt collars, dragged them onto the bus, and rolled her eyes at Duncan, who had taken the driver's seat. "You slash them?" she asked.

"Course babe," Duncan grinned.

"Good, now get out of my seat, I'm still driving."

"You were driving. Now I'll show you how a man drives."

"Sexist!" Bridgette shouted.

Courtney crossed her arms. "Do you even have your license?"

"Yeah," Duncan said. He started the bus, jammed his foot on the gas, and laughed as everyone fell over from not holding onto something. "Before the cops took it away!" he laughed.

Noah sighed. We were better off with Courtney driving.


"I can't believe it! They're driving away!" Chris exclaimed.

"Get in the car we can still catch them!" Chef ordered. When they got in their car, Chef noticed a jar with a peanuts label. "This yours?" he asked.

"No," Chris answered. "But let's have some."

"Yeah, okay," Chef agreed. He opened the bottle.


"Explosive peanuts," Izzy smiled. "Explosive peanuts."


Three months later…

"I can't believe fall is here," Bridgette yawned, stretching out her arms. She smiled. "Let's hope this season won't be as hectic as the last one."

"We agreed to never bring up this summer," Gwen snapped. "Don't break that agreement."

"Yeah Bridge, we were under oath," Courtney laughed.

"Oh whatever," Bridgette smiled. "Despite everything, I had fun this summer."

"You didn't get lost in the woods," Courtney mumbled under her breath. Luckily Bridgette or Gwen didn't catch that.

"Well here's my house, I'll see you guys tomorrow at school," Gwen sighed. She walked up to her front door. "Bye."

Courtney and Bridgette waved goodbye and continued down the sidewalk, purposely stepping on crunchy leaves as they walked. "Did I tell you Geoff is taking me to see a movie tonight?" Bridgette asked, her voice full of excitement.

"You did," Courtney smiled. "Good for you."

"Hey guys! How are you?" a bubbly voice asked. The two turned around to see Izzy and Noah walking on the same sidewalk as them.

"We're good," Bridgette smiled, "Why are you two together?"

"My teacher paired me with crazy girl," Noah answered sourly. "She hates me."

Izzy laughed, oblivious to what Noah just said. "Are you guys going to Friday night's pep rally?"

"Yeah, will we see you there?" Courtney asked.

"No, Explosivo doesn't like pep. He says I should skip it," Izzy answered. Noah rolled his eyes. "Anyway, see you at school!" Izzy smiled. They walked past each other. When Bridgette and Courtney were a good distance away, Izzy turned to Noah and asked, "Are you upset we're paired together Noah?"

The bookworm looked around. No one was near them. "Yeah, it's a little upsetting considering how crazy you are," he answered slyly. Noah then kissed Izzy on her cheek, almost her mouth. "But I like your craziness."

Izzy blushed. So this is lurve…

"Bye Courtney!" Bridgette exclaimed, once she reached her front porch. "You should go home too, it's getting late and you've got your class speech."

"Don't worry, I'm going straight home," Courtney smiled.

Bridgette was about to question that, when she got a phone call. "Hey Geoff! How's my love bear?" she asked into her phone, going into her house. Courtney shook her head and smiled.

She started walking again, all alone, going down the bare sidewalk. Instead of turning left to go to her house, she kept walking straight, allowing the chilly wind to blow through her hair. For the next ten minutes she walked, until she came to a wide grass field filled with trees, bushes, and a small pond. She walked by a sign that said Crossman Park. Finally, Courtney stopped walking, after trudging through the muddy grass. And when she stopped walking, she sat down on a wooden park bench, and felt a warm arm slide across her shoulder.

"Took you long enough," Duncan smiled, embracing her girlfriend.

Courtney shrugged. "School took longer than I thought."

"That's why I skipped class babe," Duncan replied.

She rolled her eyes. Really the only pet name Courtney warmed up to was Princess. After enjoying one more moment in Duncan's embrace, Courtney stood up, and walked towards a huge Oak Tree. She clicked her tongue. "Come on Britney," she beckoned.

There was a rustling in the branches. Then a flash of gray and black, and down from the tree was Britney the Raccoon. She was no longer a baby, but full grown to the size of a cat, with those same beady eyes, fluffy tail, and challenging expression. Courtney could've sworn she saw Britney smirk, a trait she picked up from her 'father'.

"Coo," Britney purred.

"You're getting to heavy to pick up," Courtney laughed.

"Prrrt prrrt!"

"Oh alright. Jeez Duncan, she's getting demanding," Courtney grumbled, picking Britney up.

Duncan smiled and stood next to her, petting Britney's head. "She gets it from her mother."

Author's Note:

AAAHHHH! That's all. That's it! The end of Parenthood Is Never Simple! WOW! All I can say is I had a blast writing it, and I'm very happy and thankful you wonderful readers liked it!

As a final note, Chris and Chef didn't die from the explosive peanuts. Just saying lol.

Anyway, please do a final review! And thank you for reading! Really, thank you so much! You all rock!