The Sinners

P.S.: this is a Kaname and Zero story, about the circumstances of their reunion after five long years. This is a BL story, still ongoing, but here is the first chapter:D; please review and sorry for the mistakes but i am too lazy to correct them:)

Chapter one: Her last words

It's been five years since she left the academy and went her own path with that man. It's been five long years since he last saw her beautiful and happy face and he heard her cheerful voice calling his name. Why didn't she choose to stay there and lead a normal human life with the rest of the people around her? Why did she choose to go away with that bunch of monsters hiding in a human body? No, they were ok, but the man that she loved, the man that made him the way he is today, that is the real monster; he hated him so much in the past, and he still does. These feelings that ate his insides were never gone still lingering somewhere deep inside for five years.

It is said that when you exchange your blood with a vampire you create a bond with the vampire, a blood-bond. From that very moment you can feel the other inside of your own being; you can understand that person's feeling, his thoughts, his life; you can feel the life floating inside of the other and it's the same for the other person as well. That is why you know that there is the bond. You can no longer feel the other only if the bond is broken and there is only one way to do so: it is required that one of the two which were bound dies.

Zero has been wondering around the world for three years.

Three years ago

One night, after two years since her leaving, he felt a tremendous pain striking his heart, invading his head and he heard a sweet voice calling him, just the way she used to: "Zero!". Then there was her image popping in front of him: she was crying with tears of blood and a sad smile appeared on her white face. Then she said: "I'm sorry, Zero! Take care of him! I'm sorry! Save … Goodbye, Zero!" The pain managed to invade his veins and tortured all his senses making him shout as loud as he could. The headmaster heard him and went inside his room and he became frightened at the scene his adopted son was making. He never saw Zero in so much pain before, not even when his blood thirst became unbearable, not when he almost sunk into Level E, not when he found out that Yuki was a pure-blood vampire and she was Kuran's little sister and promised one.

Zero's eyes became crimson red with the aching and his face contorted and became unbearable to look at; his fangs were so white and shining into the moonlight but they became stained with his own blood. The hunter was biting his own wrist in order to escape that feeling of loss and pain. Cross realized what had happened and he knew that the only way to make this stop was to shoot him. But he neither could bear to shoot his own child or see him suffering the way he did. "Stop it; you're only hurting yourself more and more. Zero, come to your senses, please." But Zero wasn't even paying attention to the blond man's words. He was consumed by pure pain, he shouted again, louder than before. "Zero…" The man rushed back to his own room, opened the closet, he took out all the clothes and then he opened a small door that appeared to be a door to a secret locker; there were only bullets of different kinds and some medicines and some potions kept in small bottles. He took out a blue bullet and put it into some sort of gun that was hanged above the bottles. Cross rushed back to his son's room and shoot him into his left shoulder. With a pained expression on his face, he said: "I'm sorry, Zero, this was the only choice; you would've done the same as a hunter…no, as a father. Just sleep, rest, and we'll talk about this tomorrow morning. I'm sorry!"

Zero seemed to calm down, he didn't hear a thing that his adoptive father said to him, but his eyes began to be purple again and his fangs retracted. He was now on his knees; he was holding his head in both of his hands. The pain was still deep inside his heart, but it didn't hurt as much as before. The tranquilizer took effect. The chair master came near him and helped him rise from the floor; he took him on the bed and made him lay on it. It appears that Zero was falling asleep. He couldn't say a word; he was only panting a lot and sometimes moaned in his sleep as if he had a nightmare, but his father could not wake him up. He was so sad because he had to see his boy suffer so much. He knew that Yuki meant the world to him; she became the sun that he never had in his life since the incident with his family and the whole thing that happened two years ago. He stood by his side the whole night listening to his mourns and his panting voice while Zero was in a world of terrifying dreams.

The silver haired boy knocked a few times at the door of the headmaster's office inside the Academy. He was given the permission to enter the room. A lots of things happened since that incident. The Association became insecure with the boss's death and the vampire council kind of disbanded because there were too many traitors among the elders. But Cross tried to keep a good relation with everyone. He still believed in a world where the humans can live peacefully with the vampires. So, in order to do that, he remained at the Academy and he became the new leader of the Vampire Hunter Association and he even implied new rules.

"Come, have a sit. Don't act as if we are strangers or as if I am your boss.", said Cross in a low voice. But the moment the boy sat on the chair in front of his desk, his face became brighter and Zero could see a big and warm smile on his face.

"I…I'm sorry about last night. I don't know what happened with me. It was as if I was returning to Level E stage but the pain was sharper and I don't remember anything about what happened after I lost control over my body and mind. All I could think was that it hurt a lot. Like…"

"Like a part of you has died…", interrupted the other man. "Tell me, I know that you drank blood from Yuki, and I also know that there weren't a few times that you did it. But I want to know, because you never told me this before; actually, these past two years, you didn't bring yourself to talk much about what happened, you became quieter and more depressed after that incident and you closed your heart. It's not good to your health, you know. And you also know that you can trust me. That is why I want to know, because I don't want to see that pained expression on your face. It makes me be in pain as well. You are my son, even if you don't consider me to be one, even if I am not the best father that you could have. I love you. So tell me the truth: did Yuki drank from you?", he said all of these words so fast and in a trembling voice. He never was like this, this wounded. He wanted to protect Zero and he wanted to stop that pain that was eating him inside.

Zero's eyes became bigger and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He never realized how much sadness he's brought to Cross. He realized his own selfishness and that fact that for two years he acted like a spoiled brat. Since when has he become so conceited? Has he been like this all the time and never thought of it because of Yuki? But now wasn't the time to think about his behavior. He had to explain to his father and to apologize.

"I…", he was searching for proper words. "Before she left, I had a chat with Yuki. We wanted to say goodbye to each other. And yes, she drank from me!" The moment Zero said that, the headmaster closed his eyes and sadness became a mask on his face. He exhaled and opened his eyes again and looked at Zero.

"You and Yuki created a blood-bond. It's a bound made between two vampires when they suck each other's blood. The bond is strong. So strong that you can feel what the other vampire feels and sometimes hear his or her thought, feel the life running through that person's veins no matter how far he or she is. I believe you never realized this because the bond wasn't that strong. She only drank once from you. It's somehow the same as the bound made between a pure-blood vampire and the human he is turning into one of them. But there is something else."

"But when that woman died, I could feel it even if I never drank from her. So the bond made between a pure-blood vampire and a mere human that becomes vampire is made even if they don't exchange blood."

"Yes", said the blond man. "But if that human doesn't drink from the pure-blood, he is to become a Level E, a monster. If one exchanges blood with a pure-blood vampire, the bond is created, no matter if the other is human, a new-born vampire, made by the pure-blood, or a noble vampire. That doesn't matter. And, as you could tell already, the bound can be broken."

"How?", asked Zero with a trembling voice. He stared to shiver after thinking a little; his eyes became wider and he started to say something but the words didn't want to come out. "Don't tell me…please…it's not that …" Zero put both of his hands on the desk before him with such a rage that Cross blinked in surprise. And he wasn't the king of man to be easy startled by such a tiny thing as a loud noise or a person's anger.

"It's exactly as you suspect. Death. The bond is broken by death. If one of the two vampires dies, the bond is broken. I heard stories of such things, never seen it myself until last night. You could only be in such pain and shout her name like that if she…", he couldn't say it himself. And then, without realizing, his tears started to flow in his pale cheeks.

"No, that is impossible. Think about it: Yuki is a pure-blood vampire and she has an escort of very powerful vampires with her. Not to mention that she is with him. It's just absurd. Every way you look at this it's just stupid to think that she is no longer here. You really are an idiotic father. How can you even think that? Tsk…" Zero shouted and after he calmed down he sat again on the chair with his hands crossed on his chest and looking away, on the window. Then he only took a glimpse at his father and saw that his tears didn't stop from falling. The glasses could hide his wet eyes anymore. Through his tears, he managed to say: "I couldn't get a hold of them for 4 months. I send letters but no reply. I tried to call but there was no answer. Even the hunters that were sent to look after them don't know where they had disappeared. The noble families can't be trusted. I knew something was going on but I always trusted my men and Kuran-san and Yuki. But I've lost track of them. And when you snapped last night, I thought that…I can't go myself to look for them because the things in this country aren't settled yet. I couldn't send you because I didn't want you to worry. How foolish of me. For two years I received letters from Yuki…and if she didn't tell me where they were, the hunters told me. But now…I don't even know what to think…"

Zero was staring at him and he could feel his pain because he was the same. For some reason, all this time he knew that Yuki was happy and safe. He felt that way. He sometimes dreamed about her being happy and talking to him just the way she did when she was still human. But last night…her crying appearance and her strange words of goodbye made him ache. He felt as if he was about to throw up. He frowned and looked at the chairman. "I'll go. I'll look for them. I have to. And we have to be sure of it. We can't go on supposing this and that. It's stupid. Give me everything I need and I'll go as soon as the preparations are made. As you said, you can't leave this country until everything goes back to normal between humans and vampires. But I can't keep guarding a school all my life. I am a hunter, I was born one."

"I can't lose you, too." Said Cross almost begging him to stay.

"Don't be absurd. I'm not a child. And losing what? She is not dead. Don't say stupid things again or I'll bite you. I need weapons, money and tablets. And also, I need information: everything that you've got, where were they last seen, what were they dressed like, everything…You hear me. I'll find them…I'll find her and give her a big scold because she didn't keep in touch with her father. She's not at a rebellious age anymore. I'll make her regret making us worry so much." Said Zero in a cheerful and optimistic voice.

"Ok, then let's begin preparing!" said Cross.

Present day

That was the beginning of his mission, the mission of finding them, the vampires that were traveling with Yuki and Kuran. Zero was in s small abandoned cottage in the middle of the woods. It was winter and the weather worsened by the time the sun set. He was hungry so he took another pill of that synthetic blood. It was disgusting but was the only thing that could keep him sane. After that he opened a bean can and started to eat it. He braced himself and tried to make himself warmer. He couldn't make a fire because he didn't want to have unwanted guests in this place: be them human or not. He started to count the days. I send him letters about my location two weeks ago, which means that I still have two more weeks before I start writing again. I have enough pills for five more days, which means that soon I have to get out of this damn forest. If the information is correct, those idiots are near this forest.

Zero took out of his pocket a picture with a big and old mansion in it. It looked as if it was abandoned for centuries and his informant told him that he has seen a few weeks ago a group of vampires that looks as he described them. He was close. Finally, after three years of pursuit he was finally able to meet with Yuki and the others. She was alive; he knew it in his heart. Or at least that was the lie his heart was telling him in order to keep him alive. His eyes became heavier and he wanted to get some sleep. Zero was aware of the fact that he could not fall asleep, not on this kind of weather or place. He'll freeze to death. He has to remain awaken.

But as the storm became stronger, and the night deeper, he couldn't take it anymore. He closed his eyes only for a bit and he was dead asleep. In his dreams he always saw and heard only one thing: a crying Yuki and the sad words "I'm sorry, Zero! Take care of him! I'm sorry! Save … Goodbye, Zero!"