Okay... writing again after so long feels really really weird. I can't get over it... I am actually writing the sequel... It's so exciting!

No then, to my dear and wonderful readers, I hope your summer has been going well. Mine has... mostly... I don't want to go back to school though... the retarded uniform is making us wear tights. I HATE TIGHTS! … okay back to the topic... ummmm.. if you've been looking forward to this sequel, NOW IS THE TIME! (I'm scared too) and my very own OC makes an appearance for... well.. a little less than the first half of the story... plz don't hate him as much as I do...

Here I go... ENJOY!

The sound of footsteps falling on dried and broken leaves echoed between the tall trees, breaking the solemn silence. Panting for the remnants of his breath, the small, silver haired boy advanced in a run, heading for some destination that, for some reason, he didn't know. The boy had no idea why, but he felt that he needed to be there. And so he ran, the long zanpaktou across his back bouncing with every stride.

While his destination was unknown, a sudden fear rose in the boy's chest as he approached a cluster of bushes. Sliding to a stop, his eye's wide, he tried to consider his situation. Even as he thought, however, it was almost as if the fear and curiosity impelled him to look past the bushes, and if he didn't obey, then... The boy's train of thought didn't reach beyond that point. Before even making up his mind, he found himself pushing away the leaves, and stepping through, into the forest's clearing.

The scene that met the boy's eyes caused the breath to gag in his throat, and the stench of it all wrinkled his nose. He stared, eyes wide, at the corpses below his feet, and of the blood that stained the ground all around him.

He took a step forward, even though he told himself to back away. The world spun before his eyes, blending into a nightmare of crimson red, the color he found himself staring at more often than not. The boy, breath unsteady, did all he could to calm himself. He had been in situations like this before, and he should know how to handle it.

Securing his state of mind, the small boy examined the area, searching for signs of life. With a start, he caught sight of a small movement by the edge of a tree. His heart beating faster, he stepped towards it, until the thing he was looking for took the form of a small child.

The boy regretted his reaction almost immediately after he set eyes on the little girl's face. Her hair was messed, and the huge, dark brown eyes stared at him emptily. Blood ran down her face, staining the innocence of her youth, and destroying her very life.

"How did this happen?" The boy's voice came in a hoarse whisper, a whisper he hardly even meant to utter.

Her gaze turning into a glare, the little girl's expression darkened as she responded, her voice not audible, but so empty and ominous that it resounded as a whisper inside the boy's head.

Don't you remember?

The little girl's eyes narrowed into an accusing glower.

You did this.

The boy's eyes widened. Finally able to back away, he stood stepping back until he was in the middle of the clearing. Without even realizing it, he shook his head, trying to deny the little girl's accusation. But his fingers shook ceaselessly, and soon his entire body trembled as he dared to lower his gaze to his body.

His zanpaktou was held tightly in his hand, though he couldn't remember unsheathing it, and blood stained its silvery surface, running down the blade and even reaching the handle, where the crimson substance covered his fingers and hand. It wasn't long before the boy felt the thick liquid weighing down his clothing and dampening his skin, and he didn't need to look any further to know what it was.

You did this.

The zanpaktou fell from the boy's hand as he shook. As it struck the ground, the boy followed it, falling to his knees and clutching his head, trying to shake away the scene.

You had a choice...

Shaking his head, the boy continued to deny it.

And this was the choice you made.

This could've been prevented, but you made your decision. You were selfish.

The boy's teal eyes tightened with the emotion he found himself unable to hide as he whispered a hoarse apology, his heart breaking with every word the entity spoke.

"But you don't regret it, do you?"

With a sharp intake of breath, the boy looked up at the familiar voice, and his eyes widened further. The forest and corpses were gone, leaving only blackness. Blackness, and a man.

The man whose brown eyes perfectly matched his brown hair, the man who was responsible for tearing apart the boy's heart, stood above him, staring down with the same superiority as ever.

"If given the choice once again, you choose the same thing, wouldn't you?"

The boy stared, wide eyed, even as he was completely speechless.

"You would. You know you would.


Toshiro Hitsugaya awoke with a start, his dream coming to an abrupt end. While his consciousness slowly found its way into clarity, the final word that had been uttered in his dream echoed on.


The boy sat up slowly, and placed a hand on the zanpaktou that laid by his side, simply for the comfort of holding the purple sheath, and feeling the weight of his precious blade in his hands.

Master? What's wrong?

The boy laid on his back once more, staring up at the trees that shaded him from the rising sun.

It's...it's nothing.

As the two fell into silence, Hyourinmaru knowing Toshiro wouldn't want to talk about it, the boy gazed around at the forest that had, over the past month, become his home. It felt odd, to say the least, to suddenly be unable to live in any built shelter, and the fact that he spent the long nights on the cold, hard ground felt exceedingly strange to the ex-captain who was used to the comfort of a proper bed in the Seireitei. Living as an outcast was not something Toshiro was very suited for.

The boy placed his hands beneath his head and tried to relax. As the wind picked up a bit, a few leaves scattered through the air, and Toshiro closed his eyes, still too tired to force himself out of the makeshift bed he had made with some blankets and a pillows provided to him by Ukitake.

His mind much to unsettled to relax, Toshiro only tried to block everything out, and hope to fall back into a sleep, this time without any dreams.

"Good mornin'!"

Toshiro's eyes shot open and the boy nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice that came from directly in front of him. Unable to hold back a short gag of shock, Toshiro found himself face-to-face with a wide smile and two squinted eyes.

For some reason the boy couldn't fathom, people always found the need to wake him up by putting their face right in front of his. It was a regular habit of Momo's, and Rangiku even did it when they first met. But opening your eyes to see the creepy smile of Gin Ichimaru was something completely different.

The boy gave a small spasm of surprise and bolted upright, missing Gin by an inch as the older soul reaper dodged easily.

"Wha... when...?" Toshiro stuttered incoherently as he struggled to regain calmness.

A small snort of laughter interrupted the boy, and he turned to see Ichigo, walking in from the side of clearing, smirking obnoxiously.

"You... you guys..." The boy's initial shock was quickly turning into anger, and he could almost feel the stress mark on his forehead.

"Sorry, Toshiro... but the expression on your face was pretty worth it." Came Ichigo's response.

The boy gave a huff and let it slide. While he was irritated that he had been so rudely awoken, the boy was still only wearing his shitagi, and he stood, gathering the rest of his robes and walking away from his visitors.

"Hey, where 'ya going?" Gin asked, continuing to uphold his creepy behavior.

Toshiro turned and gave the man a look of fury. "I'm getting changed, you idiot! You could've waiting until I was actually up before you came sneaking up on me!" With that, the boy left the clearing, heading for the nearby river, leaving the two soul reapers to exchange dubious expressions.

When Toshiro was finally back in his shihakusho, he leaned forward to the crystal clear water, scooping a fair amount into his hand. With a sigh, he splashed the water into his face, the chilly liquid most welcome to the boy.

Giving another heavy breath, Toshiro considered Ichigo's appearance. The teenager had only come to the soul society once over the past month, and had subsequently continued to annoy Toshiro for the remainder of the day.

With a low groan, he picked himself up and headed back towards where he knew Gin and Ichigo were waiting for him, knowing all too well what Ichigo would spend the next several hours bugging him about.

In a small village not too far off, a young soul reaper slowly took a seat on a small bed inside the building that he once called home. His deep blue eyes, hidden behind thick locks of wavy brown hair as his head bent down, narrowed slightly as he tightened his grip on a small hairpin in his hand.

"Akite?" The teenager looked up at the sound of his name, and his eyes came to find the face of the village elder, the man's expression sympathetic. "I heard you had woken up... Are you sure you're well enough to be over here?"

Akite's eyes fell downcast. He stared solemnly at the ground below him, and ignored the elder's question.


The elder stared at the silent teen, until his curiosity was settled when the boy uttered a few quiet words.

"It really happened, didn't it? I thought it was a dream... I wish it was a dream."

Seeing where the conversation would lead, the elder gave a slow nod and sat by the teenager's side.

"You've been in a coma for month and a half... when we first found you, your condition was critical, and Kana was already..."

Akite gripped the hairpin in his hand, his expression turning into anger. "But that soul reaper... I know I've seen him before!" The teenager struggled for memory as his head pounded, "I just... I don't remember..."

"Toshiro Hitsugaya."

Both Akite and the elder looked up at the new voice. A rather muscular man, several years older than Akite by appearance, entered the small bedroom. While the young man was no soul reaper, he was extremely burly, and the scars he had across his body only proved his rough nature. He wore a loose shirt that revealed plenty of his tanned chest, and baggy pants that were bunched into a pair of leather boots. A large scar that stretched in a line from cheek, onto the bridge of his nose, and to his forehead in a diagonal wrinkled in disgust as though the very name he spoke was spiteful.

"It was Toshiro Hitsugaya. He used to be the captain of squad ten." The man, by the name of Domoji, spoke brutally and continued his revelation, his eyes fixed on Akite. "He's the one who killed Kana."

I hope you all realize this chapter literally took me all day to write... I started at 11 and im done at 6... that majorly sucks, but it's the first chapter, and I put A LOT of effort into it. The dream part was not very easy. Trust me.

Anyway, when it comes to Akite and Domoji, there (obviously) will be more development on their pasts and their intentions... those two and the elder are really the only OCs that really do anything important.

Surprisingly, I really really don't like Akite, but I like Domoji.. which is weird, because Domoji is the kind of all brawn and no brains guy and I usually don't like that... it's strange... but for you readers... you've just been introduced to them so I suppose it's too soon for you to make any judgments. But if you want me to, I'll draw a picture of them so you get a better idea of their description...

I must depart! (that sounded weird), so I am begging you, plz review me! I really despise the beginning of this story (ohhhh but the ending is so eppiicccccc) so plz support me! PLEASE?

Shitagi- The white undergarment Soul Reapers wear when they go to sleep

Shihakusho- Soul Reaper uniform