Well, howdy. It's been a while, huh. So I figure I owe a final farewell to you all, as at this point, I think it's pretty obvious this story isn't going anywhere anymore. I did try. I made an honest effort to continue it, but I've really grown up since I started writing this, and I can't get myself to write it anymore, there are so many things I now consider… differently. At this point I've finished my first semester of college, which was a wonderful, fun, great experience, and will soon be leaving for my second. While it does make me sad to leave this behind unfinished, it's definitely for the best. I just wanted to finalize this and not leave anyone hanging anymore.

And it's true I had great plans for this story. I had the entirety of the rest of it planned out and it was to be wonderful and terrible at the same time. That hasn't changed. Heck, if you're curious enough and want to know what happens, I'll give you a quick version via message if you ask. Otherwise, it's up to your own imaginations.

Anywho, I don't imagine I'll probably ever write fanfiction again, but this account will be sticking around so people can still read what I have done.

Perhaps more importantly, however, I would be greatly honored if you would venture over to my DeviantArt ( .com) and take a look at what I have been working on instead. These past few years The End of Freedom had become a part of my style of storytelling, and I've had my own original story to write for almost as long as I've had this one. It's taken a long time, but as of today, there is one full chapter published on my dA. Believe me if you liked End of Freedom (still can't get over what a bad title that is) you will love the original I'm writing now. A lot of themes and character concepts are pulled from this and at times they are very similar. Please do me a great favor and give it a try, as that is basically my life right now.

Well, it's been fun, my dog is fluffy, and it's time to say goodbye. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this terribly long story and I'm sorry it's coming to an end before it's done. Please take a look at my dA page, and take care yourselves. Have a good one and happy reading!