Chapter 5: Of Dark Plans and a Jolly Mayor

Author's Note: I apologize for the long wait in updating. I have finally gotten over my fear of this whole plagiarism deal and am ready to move on.

But first, I would like to make things clear in this note. I will not accept any offers to help with writing this story nor will I help any other author write their own versions for their Pokemon Colosseum fanfiction.

If anyone copies my work, I will take action and will do whatever I can to protect my own story.

With all that said, DO NOT COPY MY WORK and enjoy this story :).

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon Colosseum. This is my own novelization of this amazing game.

The Under/Underground Passage:

"I cannot believe Evice had the nerve to interrupt my show just for some surprise!" The angry click of Venus's heels echoed throughout the clean, chrome halls of the secret passageway.

Dressed in her best and elegant gown, Venus was ready to put on her show that was bound to send all of her beloved fans in a frenzy. Tonight's show was going to be the announcement of the grand opening for the Deep Colosseum which would be hosted by the queen herself.

To her dismay, before she could even start with her program, Ein had the nerve to call her cell demand that she meet him and Dakim right away.

Ugh, Dakim. At the thought of the wild brute, she shuddered. She had spent all this time in the organization hoping to avoid all contact with the wild man.

Upon seeing the white wall and number pad in front of her, she quickly typed in the password and jammed her thumb on the 'Enter' button. After a few moments, the wall slid down. She strode into the grand room and immediately covered her ears from the howling that resounded throughout the empty room. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NOISE?"

Ein and Dakim shook their head as Venus continued to shout obscenities. The scientist felt his head throb as he heard the woman come closer to where they stood. "Now what was so damn important that I had to walk all the way down here?"

"Calm yourself, woman." Dakim's voice reverberated around the empty room, demanding that there be silence. His eyes were closed as he folded his powerful arms. "See for yourself, this gift that Master Evice and Ein has given us will not disappoint."

Snorting at the brute, she stepped closer and gasped. She now knew the source of the growls.

In front of her there stood a cage housing three beasts. The Legendary Beasts Entei, Suicune, and Raikou. She ignored the first two and set her eyes on the most elegant one of them all. "Suicune." Venus cooed at the beast as it stared at her blankly. "I'm surprised how you could have pulled making these three into Shadow Pokemon off, Ein. I heard that these three were quite the handful."

He smirked and pushed up his glasses. "No job is impossible for the great scientist of Cipher."

"As you can see, Evice has ordered that we each take a beast in order to help strengthen our team." Ein walked over to where Raikou sat and kneeled. "Since I was in charge of this whole operation, I get first pick, and I choose Raikou."

Venus let out a 'humph.' "Well you can keep Raikou, my eyes are set on Suicune." She cast a look of disdain over Dakim. "And you will keep Entei, I presume?"

Dakim ignored her and took out a Pokeball, aiming it at Entei. The ball opened and closed shut, blinking a few times before stopping completely.

Ein and Venus's eyes widened in shock. "Er, Dakim, you do know that there's no need to rush, right? They're already ours so-"

Dakim ignored Ein as he placed his two massive hands on the cage and bent the cool metal until his hand could reach in and grab the Pokeball. Once he pocketed the ball within his sleeve, he began to make his way out of the room, leaving his colleagues to deal with the last two beasts.

The scientist sighed as he pulled out a key from his lab coat. "He does know that I have the key to the cage, right?"

Venus huffed in annoyance, pulling out her own Pokeball in preparation for capturing her gift. "Forget the brute and open up the cage already, I'm late for my show as it is."


Phenac City:

Wes didn't know how to feel with a girl following his every move. As they both made their way towards the Mayor's office, he listened as she ranted on and on about how beautiful Phenac was. Feeling annoyed with the girl, he stopped and glared at her, causing the girl to stop talking immediately.

When Wes glared at her, Rui felt her heart race. Everything about Wes emitted an aura of danger, but for some odd reason she felt safe with him, even if he was glaring at her in annoyance.

"Listen," He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. "It's nice to know that you love this city so much, but could you please keep it to yourself for now?" Attempting to soften his gaze, he looked down at her. "It's been a pretty rough morning for me and I'd really appreciate the silence."

Rui's eyes widened and she quickly nodded her head, making a motion across her mouth indicating that she was zipping in shut. He shook his head slightly and made his way toward the Mayor's house. She really is weird.

They reached the mayor's office as Wes raised his hand, intending to knock on the door. Before he could do so, the door opened, revealing a very strange man.

He stepped out of the office as Wes raised his eyebrow. The man was…unique to say the least. With flowing silver hair and red eyes, he was dressed in a tight fitting outfit that showed off his strong physique. He regarded Wes with a simple nod.

"I like the look in your eyes." His voice was surprisingly deep for someone who looked so strange and feminine, Wes thought to himself as the man strode passed him. "I get the feeling that we'll meet again soon."

Wes felt Rui nudge against his side. "Uhm, Wes? Can we go in now?"

He tore his gaze away from the silver haired freak and nodded. "Let's get this over with."

Forgetting about the knock, he entered the office and was met with a fat man sitting in his desk. He fought back a laugh. This city is full of freaks!

"Oh ho ho ho!" The mayor laughed and stood up, lumbering his way towards Wes and Rui. "And how may I help you young people this fine evening?" Seeing his gesture, Rui stood in front of Wes and bowed.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor, my name is Rui and this is my, er, partner, Wes." She gave him a nervous glance as he shrugged in response, staring off at the TV sitting beside the desk.

"Well it's nice to meet you Rui and Wes." The mayor gave them a smile, "I am known as Mayor Es Cade." He let out a laugh. "Now, what is it that you would like to discuss?"

Rui began her explanation of how she had been kidnapped when she witnessed a strange Pokemon emitting a dark aura. The mayor let out a gasp, showing his disbelief in the situation. "My my, it seems as though those hooligans are at it again."

Rui blinked in response. "What do you mean by 'again,' sir?"

Es Cade sighed and sat down in his chair, shifting through the papers. "As you know, Orre has been notoriously known for high criminal activity."

Wes cracked his knuckles as Es Cade continued with his explanation. "As mayor of this lovely city, I've been doing all I can to keep such activities away from it." He stared at Rui and Wes, giving them an almost pleading look. "I will look into this, believe me, but I need you both to keep your eyes on the lookout for these thugs."

"Ah, yes, we will Mayor Es Cade!" Rui clapped her hands in excitement. "Right Wes?"

Wes grunted and waved his hand. "Whatever."

Es Cade caught sight of Wes's right hand and saw a strange contraption covering his whole right arm. "Uh, young man, if I can ask, just what on Earth is that strange contraption covering your right arm."

At his statement, Wes's eyes widened. Rui suddenly looked down at the machine, feeling grateful that someone else had pointed it out. "Yeah Wes, I was meaning to ask you once we left…It looks really strange. What exactly is it for?" DAMMIT! He searched through his mind until he came up with a believable excuse. "It's a cast, to help my arm heal from its sprain."

Feeling satisfied with the explanation, the mayor let out a laugh, pounding on his desk with his ham-like fists. "Ah, but of course! Why else would someone be wearing something so odd." Wiping his eyes, the mayor turned his gaze to Wes. "Listen young man, you seem like a strong Trainer. Why don't you test your skills in the Colosseum challenge?" Colosseum challenge, just like Willie had just said.

"In fact the first Colosseum challenge is in this city." Folding his hands on top of his desk, the mayor smiled at Wes, giving him a knowing look. "This will help you get stronger. So what will you say? Will you take the challenge?"

Wes smirked. "I'm always up for a challenge."


I apologize for any mistakes and I hope you enjoy this story :).