Chapter one has been edited on 06/09/2014

Let You Go

He broke her heart and in the end she was the one who changed. On the outside she isn't the same Serena that everyone once knew. But she never changed her heart. She still acts like the same girl she used to be but now when it comes to relationships of any kind… she turns cold and distant, afraid that she'll get hurt again. The only people that she keeps close are her friends and scouts. Because of her broken heart she stopped doing things that she loves, one of which is going to the Crown. Now with spare time on her hands and her grades are finally up to A's, Serena decides to help out with the school play. But what's going to happen when two college students (one first year and the other second year) are asked to help out with the script and music and one of them knows Serena? Is her heart going to break again? Or will this old friend be able to help her?

Their break up ended with pain, tears, confusion, loneliness and change. Serena was more confused and hurt but she didn't let that stop her from going on in her life. She managed to shove that emotion to the back of her mind and then, within the past few weeks, completely forgot about the jerk that broke her heart. Yes she did see him at some of their battles against evil, but that didn't stop her from moving on.

Serena had changed but it wasn't just her appearance, she was now more independent and took on with her responsibilities. She was no longer dependent on others and Luna liked this new sudden change. But there was also another change that Serena had developed. Since Darien was her first and only true love, and he was the one that broke her, Serena had become a little bit cold when it came to new relationships. She pushed away any guy that showed any interest in a long term relationship with her. But Serena never showed any negative emotion or feeling around anyone especially her friends.

Serena had decided that she also wanted to change up her look, but Luna had convinced her not physically do it since it would change the appearance of Sailor Moon. So Luna let Serena use the power of the Luna Pen to transform her into the new look that she had wanted to change to and it wouldn't change the appearance of Sailor Moon. Serena had the Luna Pen make her eyes a bright green and her hair shorter, a few inches past her shoulders, and she changed the color to a dark ash brown. The Luna Pen also made it seem like to everyone else that this was always Serena's look, well everyone except the Sailor Scouts and only them.

Serena stopped wearing her old clothes and started wearing skinny or regular jeans, a band t-shirt or a shirt that was a dark color and black and white worn out high or low top converse shoes.

The girls were shocked when they saw Serena's new look and didn't even need to ask if Darien was the reason for this sudden change. Rini had told them what had happened and the girls were shocked. Serena didn't want to be noticed by him if he ever saw her again. Serena also didn't want him to hear about her from other people, so she now goes by Rena to her more new recent friends. Darien knows that she hates to be called Sere or Rena, but Serena had gotten used to the name Rena and now she likes it better than her birth name and when she introduces herself to new people she tells them to call her Rena. Another change is that Serena and Rini are finally getting a long and the two actually like to hang out with each other. They bonded and Serena is now really close with Rini, though the 7 year old does still go over to Darien's after school to get help with her school work.

Serena stopped going to the Crown after the break up and got into after school activities. First, Serena's parents got her a tutor to help her improve her marks. Serena's grades went up to all A's and just one B and her tutor/English teacher, Ms. Haruna, had suggested to Serena that she should join the Drama club and participate in the school plays. Mina was in the Drama Club so Serena decided to give Drama a chance. The play that they are working on now is going to be a play written by everyone who is in the Drama Club. The theme they decided to use for the play was Romeo and Juliet. Since Serena was the only one there that actually knew how to play the piano, she and Mina were told to write the music and song lyrics.

The girls were given a summary about what each song should be about and there are thirteen songs that they have to write. Mina helped Serena a lot with what key each song should start in and how fast or slow the tempo should be. A majority of the songs will have the music mixed and there are only one or two songs that will involve a piano to be played.

The Members of the Drama club were given one full month to write an entire script and the music to go with it. There were also some days when Rini would come over after her school got out and she would help Serena and Mina come up with ideas for some of the songs.

At the end of the month the script and music was sent in for editing and approval. Serena was late for the meeting because she had to talk with Ms. Haruna about an assignment. When Serena walked into the auditorium, she jogged down to the stage and Mina walked over to meet Serena at the edge of the stage. Mina then crouched down so she was at eye level with Serena.

"What's going on? What did I miss?" Serena asked as she was catching her breath after running from the other side of the school to the auditorium for the Drama Club meeting about their show.

"Everything was approved!" Mina said excitedly and then she continued "And they love your songs!"

"My songs? Mina we worked on all of them together." Serena stated and got confused. Serena then realized that all of the songs that she and Mina had wrote/worked on were all written in her song book. 'When I gave Mina my book to type the lyrics she must've looked through all of my other songs. Oh No! I hope she didn't submit any of the songs that I wrote about HIM?!' Serena then gave Mina a worried look and then asked "Mina… what did you do?!"

Mina looked at her best friend with a shocked and confused look upon her face. "Rena what are you talking about?!" Mina shot back in defense.

"What songs are you talking about? The ones that I wrote to express my feelings or the ones that we wrote together specifically just for the play?" Serena asked as calmly as she could.

"Mainly some of the ones that you wrote, I read them and they seemed to fit perfectly with the plot than some of the other songs that we wrote." Mina answered.

"What songs did you pick?" Serena questioned her friend.

"Every Rose Has its Thorn, Stay, Two More Lonely People, Stuck, Permanent December, Liberty Walk and I think that was it." Mina answered as she tried to remember the names of the songs that her best friend wrote from her heart break break-up with that jerk.

"Mina you should've asked me first, but okay." Serena said with a small smile of approval.

"Mina are you coming? Oh hey, Rena when did you get here?" asked Scott who was standing with some of the students who were in the Drama club. Scott is a senior and he is a shoe-in for the lead role in the play. He's an amazing actor and has received a full scholarship to any college of his choice for acting. Scott is pretty tall and has hazel green eyes and light golden brown hair that is cut short but his bangs hang half way over his eyes.

"Rena just got here and yeah we're both coming," Mina responded back and then jumped off the stage landing next to Serena.

"Mina, where are we going?" Serena asked has Mina grabbed her wrist and started dragging her out of the auditorium to catch up with the rest of their group.

"We're going out to celebrate and we're going to be talking about who's going to be doing what part in the show." Mina responded not looking back at Serena as she just kept walking trying to get to the group faster.

Serena then started to try to pull her wrist out of Mina's tight grasp but came to no avail. "Mina, where exactly are we going?" Serena kept questioning but Mina had stopped answering her questions and just kept on walking and Serena started to fear for her life since she had a good feeling about where they were heading to.

Hey guys! So this is the edited first chapter, I had Serena use the Luna Pen to change her looks instead of her actually cutting and dying her hair. She also changed the color of her eyes to green, but the first thing to change when she goes back to her old self is her eyes and her hair! Don't worry guys Serena will forever be a blue eyed blonde hair Moon Princess to me! lol.