Love Has No Boundaries

Disclaimer: I Own NOTHING!

A/N: While I am a supporter of Clare/Eli I wanted to see how this pairing would go. So Please review! Plus I'm sorry to be bad with my grammar, I'm trying to find someone to review before posting as we speak. And I'll try to make the next chapters longer.

Chapter: Little Angel


It was a normal day of school, while still afraid Adam was comfortable with whom he was, not as Gracie but the person he felt, the person he identified as, Adam.

Rummaging through his locker he tried to look for his book, taking a look around he saw her, the angel of Degrassi, Clare Edwards. Everything about her made him fall for her. She was warm, kind, and when he told her what, who he was she didn't shy away but stood there with him. Who couldn't fall for a person like that? But sad she was with his best friend Eli Goldsworthy.

"Hey Adam," she said coming up to him.

"Oh hey Clare what's up?" he says lamely as pulls out his text book.

"Nothing much, just wanted to know if you wanted to come to the Dot with Eli and me after school?" Clare said holding her books to her chest, flashing a warming smile.

"Um, yeah, just let me ask my mom first," Eli said nervously avoiding her gaze.

"Ok well see you at lunch," she said placing a hand on his shoulder before heading down the halls.

Touching the place she touched him he lets out a breath before looking around and heading to class.

All day he couldn't get his mind off what was happening, sure he wants to hang out with his best friend and crush but hell, and he doesn't want to be the awkward one.

"Hey bro," Drew said coming over, as Adam exchanged books.

"Hey, oh do think mom will be mad if I hang out with friends after school?" Adam asked his brother.

"With Eli and Clare?" Drew asked curiously, smile forming.

"Yes," Adam said awkwardly, at his brother's actions.

"Sure, as long as I get to go with," Drew smiled, which threw Adam off guard.

"Don't you have friends to hang out with?" he asked slightly annoyed.

"Sure, but I just want to hang with my bro this time, so common," Drew said giving a puppy dog face.

"Fine, just don't be too embarrassing," Adam said annoyed walking down the hall to lunch.

"Hey, so can you hang?" Eli asked sitting next Clare at a table outside.

"Yeah, but my brother's gonna be joining us," Adam said sitting down across from the pair," if that's ok?"

"Well…." Eli started but was cut off with Clare elbowing him in the rib.

"Sure, it's no problem at all," Clare said smiling at him, making Adam smile back.

"That hurt," Eli said looking amused at Clare.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Clare said turning her head away nose in the air, making the two boys laugh.

The rest of the day went ok, only harassment came from Bianca and KC. Adam couldn't believe he used to like her, now all he sees is what a bitch. Fitz has been out of school for awhile so no trouble there. As he made his way to the parking lot to meet his friends he couldn't help but be startled as he felt an arm wrap over his shoulders as though he's been pounced on.

"Hey bro, hope you didn't forget me?" Drew asked smiling as they walked to the door.

"No but I hoped you've forgotten," Adam said under his breath.

"Oh don't be like that," Drew smiled as they walked toward Eli and Clare.

"Hey, guys," Clare said waving to them, making Adam blush.

"So you two ready to go," Eli asked coolly, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep," Drew smiled as they got in the hearse.

When they got to the dot they took a booth both brothers sitting across from the Clare as she sat next to Eli.

"So Drew, you're in football?" Eli asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, quarterback," Drew smiled.

"Oh, you play with Riley, sorry about what he did," Clare said looking at the brother.

"Yeah, well it was sorta my fault," at that Adam raised an eyebrow.

"I heard," Clare said dismissively, which made Drew look down guiltily," but still he shouldn't have done that, he still needs to work out his anger."

Adam just looked between the two as Clare shifted in her seat and Drew avoided stares.

"Hey, Clare," everybody turned to see Jenna sitting at a table with an uncomfortable KC.

""Oh hey," Adam watched as Clare forced a smile.

"So you're eating with the quarterback hi," Jenna said smiling at Drew giving him a little wave.

"Hi," Drew said slightly annoyed, which confused Adam more.

"Well, thanks for talking but we're sort of hanging out," Eli said quickly brushing Jenna off making Adam smile but stop when he caught a glare from KC.

"So kiddy's what would you want?" Peter said appearing to take orders.

"I'll take some coffee," Eli said first before looking to the rest.

"I'll have some water," Drew said a little bit more upbeat.

"I'll take a Pepsi please," Clare smiled to Peter who gave one back.

"And you?" Peter asked directing his attention to Adam.

"I'll have the same as her," Adam said looking over to Clare.

"Ok, I'll be back with drinks," Peter said walking away.

"So Adam how's remedial gym going now?" Eli asked twirling his thumbs.

"Sucks since my secret is sort of out, and Bianca is only making it worse," Adam said letting out a sigh.

"Well that's their problem, you are who you are and I think you're great," Clare said flashing him a smile.

On the outside Adam only smiled and nodded but on the inside he was doing flips at Clare's response.

"And don't worry, we're all on your side," Eli added giving Adam a reassuring smirk.

"Yep, annoy one wants to mess with ya, will have to answer to Mr. Quarterback himself," Drew said flexing his muscles making the group laugh.

The rest of the evening they talked about classes and interests of each other. Adam was so glad the time he spent with his friends and especially Clare. As Adam and Drew were dropped off by the house, they quickly made their way inside.

"Hey, you two did you guys have fun?" their mom asked fixing the table.

"Definitly, look I'll meet'cha at diner thanks for allowing me to hang," Drew said before rushing upstairs.

"Ok, whatever," Adam said entering his room, dropping on his bed how could he not think about Clare as his eyes drifted to close.

A/N: Please review, next chapter will follow more Drew, and please don't hate me.