This takes place after "My Body Is A Cage" parts 1 & 2.

I do not own Degrassi, but if I did… mmm… xD

"Adam! Come on, man, I need to go!" Drew yelled at me, from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Hang on, just a sec," I yelled back mildly and calmly.

I look at myself in the mirror, just staring. I'm not conceited, but I'm pretty sure I look good. Hell, I look fantastic. See? That's why I had to say I'm not conceited. I'm back to my old self again and I love it. I love being who I am and I love wearing what I want when I want. I hated being Gracie, it just wasn't my thing, you know? I can't stand wearing those stupid dresses or any other girly thing. I hate acting like something I wasn't. I look down at my arm where my burn mark is from the day before. I have to admit that I'm ashamed I did something so stupid and careless. At that time it was the only thing that I could control. I could control my own pain instead of others inflicting it on me. Which brings the thought of being picked up and thrown door against that glass door. I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head from remembering it. Drew breaks my concentration once again. He always likes to interrupt me when I'm in here. He's so annoying sometimes. All in all though, I love my brother for what he's done for me. I didn't want him to fight Fitz and his friends, but that's Drew for you. He always looked out for me from the day we met. Sometimes, even though I don't like it, he calls me his sister instead of brother. I guess a part of me does like it, at least I know he cares.

"Dude, what the hell? Why are you taking forever," he yelped. He sounds like he's in agony.

I sigh to myself and open the door although I'm not even done yet, "There. Happy now?"

"Oh, thank God," he gasps and runs into the bathroom. He went straight to the toilet. Before I knew it he had whipped it out and started peeing away.

"Oh-kay, I'm out!" I yell and rush out of the bathroom to my room.

I hear Drew puking a few seconds after I walk out. I raise one eyebrow. Gross.

I walk into my room and finish getting dressed. It's so much easier getting dressed as a guy than a chick. You don't need to go through all this stuff, but putting on the ace bandage does get tiring to put on every morning. I walk out of my room, fully dressed, looking sharp. I start to head downstairs.

I approach the kitchen table and grab a piece of toast.

"Is that all you're eating?" Mom asks.

"Pretty much," I say, nodding and smiling, "Well, I'm gonna head off to school."

"Without Andrew?" Mom asks.

"I think," I pause and look up towards the stairs, "he's sick, he's barfing up there."

"Aw, poor baby, I'll go check on him," Mom says in a worried tone and kisses my cheek, "bye, Adam."

I roll my eyes, she should be used to this by now, "Bye Mom," I hug her.

I hug Dad, "Bye."

"See ya, buddy," he says.

At least Dad gets it.

I head out the front door, grabbing my bad and throwing it over my shoulder. I start walking down the street, feeling pretty happy and satisfied with myself. I think, for some odd reason, today is going to be a good day. Have you ever had that feeling? You wake up one morning and you feel happy and giddy for some reason. That's how I'm feeling. That's how I want to feel every day of every second. I want to be happy. Don't get me wrong I'm really happy, but I want to feel this all the time.

I know now that I can finally be happy all the time now that being Gracie is in my past. Gracie is gone and she's staying that way. I keep walking for awhile and suddenly I hear someone yell my name. I look around for the voice, I see no one. I hear someone running up behind me. My eyes widen, oh shit, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. I kneel down in a "please don't hurt me" kind of position, Someone taps my shoulder. I slowly turn around to find out it's only Clare. I sigh in relief.

"Oh, Clare, thank God," I hug her and let out another sigh.

She hugs me back tightly, rubbing my back, "Hey, you okay?" she looks into my eyes.

I smile and nod, "Yeah, of course."

"Good," she smiles at me as we start walking.

As we walk I thought about how lucky I am to have a friend like Clare. She was so understanding about everything that happened, she helped me when I needed her. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have realized that I don't need to change who I am, but everyone else around me needs to change. I don't expect everyone to be so understanding as Clare, but I at least expect them to not want to kick my ass for something I can't even control. Clare was kind of like my angel I guess, in a way. I love Clare, but more of a sisterly way.

"So, I was talking to Alli on the phone last night," Clare said quickly, interrupting my thoughts, "and Sav said that there's a new kid coming to Degrassi."

"How does he know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. How would the class President know about a new kid?

"Well, I guess, ironically, the new kid is also the lead singer of this band that's playing at the dance on Friday," replies Clare.

"Please tell me Sav didn't get some stupid little hick country band," I joke, laughing.

Clare playfully glares at me, "No. They're heavy rock, that's what Sav told me."

I smile at her, "Good, country sucks major balls," I tease, knowing she likes some country.

She glares again, I just laugh, "Sav said their lead singer has an amazing voice."

"What's their name?" I ask.

"Bulletproof Remix. I've never heard of them, but apparently has," she replied.

I nod, thinking it's a good name for a heavy band, "Hmm... sounds awesome."

Oh, great, another new kid. I'm so excited about this. Not. Just another person to add to my list of bullies, but I'll never know I suppose.

We're almost at school and I see Eli's hearse pull up beside us. He's driving slowly next to us, kind of stalking us visibly. Clare knocks on his window and he rolls it down.

"Are you stalking me, Elijah?" she asks playfully.

"Ew, why would I stalk you, Edwards?" He smirks at her playfully.

Clare smiles and I can tell she's blushing a bit. I think I was the only one who actually knew how she felt about Eli. Just hook up already, God.

I chuckle, "I'll catch you two later."

I walk quickly to the entrance of the school and open the doors. I walk in and the first thing I notice are posters that say "Bulletproof Remix" on them. Oh, that must be them. There was no picture of them. They wanted to surprise everyone. The only ones who knew of them or what they looked like was Sav and Holly J, of course.

I started walking to my locker. I turn the corner and see a girl dressed in black talking to Mr. Simpson. I didn't think much of it at first. I saw her face, my heart jumps into my throat. Her eyes are the first thing I notice. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing I've seen. They were bright green, they look like they're glowing. Simpson hands her, her schedule when he spots me.

"Oh, Adam, come here," Mr. Simpson says to me.

"Yeah? What's up?" I ask, getting a good look at the girl. Just as I thought, gorgeous.

"This is our new student, her name's Jett. Jett, right?" He asked and looked at her.

She smiles, it's beautiful, "Yeah, Jett," she states and looks at me, my heart sinks into my stomach.

"Adam, I'd like it if you could show her around a bit?" Simpson asks me.

"Oh, um, yeah, sure, of course I'd love to," I agree.

Simpson smiles, "Great. Well, Jett, looks like you've got yourself a tour guide."

"Thank you, Mr. Simpson," Jett smiles at Simpson then looks at me. If I hadn't known, it kind of looks like she was blushing at me.

"Thank you, Adam," Simpson thanks me, pats Jett's shoulder and walks away back to his office.

"So, Jett? Is that your real name?" I ask, feeling rather stupid. What a way to start conversation. She's obviously the type who loves a smart conversation.

She smiles at me and laughs a little, "No, it's just a name I grew up with. I rather be called Jett than my real name, so…" she seems nervous. Do I make her nervous?

I nod at her, "Cool name."

She smiles and blushes yet again, which makes my knees weak, "Thank you."

We start walking down the hall and I ask, "What's your locker number, we should start there."

"Locker 341? I think. That's what he told me," she replies to me. Her voice is so sweet and innocent. A voice like that could make any man go weak.

"That's next to mine. 340," I say and head over to my locker.

She follows me, "I guess that's kind of convenient, eh, tour guide?" she jokes and laughs sweetly.

I smile at her, "Yeah, I guess so. Well, there's your locker, if you can't get it open, find me. These lockers are tricky."

She smiles back at me, "Well, thank you, kind sir." Her smile is amazing.

"Let's see, I'll show you the caff next, it's not perfect, but hey, it's okay."

We head off to the caff, which gives me time to admire her in secrecy. I feel like a pervert for checking her out. I couldn't help it though. It was something that you couldn't help when around her. I've known her for not even five minutes and I'm already feeling this feeling for her. It was strange. I didn't know what had come over me. I've never had this feeling before.

She's wearing nothing but black, black and more black. She has baggy Tripp pants that has handcuffs attached on the back and random zippers and chains. It's something that I've never seen any girl wear before. She has a Rob Zombie t-shirt on with a black and white horizontal striped long sleeve shirt under it. Her hair's very long, almost down to her lower back. She's wearing really, really thick eyeliner and black eye shadow. This girl is bold. I like her. I like her appearance and even though her clothes are dark I could tell that her personality isn't from her smile and they way she blushed at me and the way she joked around with me. Just thinking about her blushing while looking at me sent shivers through me. Her body wasn't perfect, I admit. But I didn't like skinny, bony, skeletal girls either. She was slightly on the chubby side, which I found childishly adorable for some reason.

We arrive at the caff and I see Eli and Clare looking at me. They motion for me to come over to them. I don't want to ditch Jett at all, that'd be messed up. So, I motion them to wait one minute.

"Well, the room kind of explains itself, I wouldn't recommend eating here though. Grades 10 and up eat at The Dot down the street," I say to her, suddenly smelling her scent. So sweet.

"The Dot?" she asks, looking confused.

"Yeah, The Dot. I'll show you at lunch if you want?" I just have to ask.

She looks hesitant at first then gives me a nods and smiles, "Sounds great."

I smile back at her, "Just give me a minute? My friends need to talk to me."

She nods, "Sure."

I walk over to Eli and Clare, they walk to me and pull me to them.

"Who's that?" Eli asks.

"The new girl," I reply.

"That's the new girl?" Clare asks.

I nod.

"Hmm…" Eli was in thought, "Not bad."

I nod, "I know, right? She's so cute."

"But she's… really, gothic and scary-like," Clare managed to get out.

"And what am I a princess in pink?" Eli smirks and jokes with Clare.

She shoots him a glare. He laughs.

"She's not all gothic, she's kind of bubbly and giddy, it's cute. She might dress that way but I can so tell that she's really… what's the word? Crazy, but in a good way. Like, she knows how to have fun, you know?" I laugh a little.

Eli nudges Clare's elbow, "Someone's in loooooove."

Clare and Eli giggle to each other.

"I am not, she's just cute that's all. I think her and I could be great friends."

"And what about… your… life choice?" Clare asks.

I look at Clare, completely dumbfounded.

"Yeah, what if you two start to like each other, she'll find out sooner or later," Eli points out.

I sigh in frustration. Fuck. This isn't good.

Well, this is my first Degrassi fic, ever. What do you think? Do I have a good plot going? Don't judge me TOO hard. I have feelings too. . Anywho, yeah, read and review? (: I'll love you forever and give you cake. (: