Hi guys 8D –waves- well this is my first Halloween story, or really anything that isn't Batman related XDD I hope everyone likes my story and stuff because I have had this idea for awhile now. ENJOY!

P.S. beware of some changing things compared to the movie; I am just fixing stuff with my imagination :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Michael Myers or anything Halloween. Just my OCs :D


Chapter 1

Smiths Grove Sanitarium was away from most towns and cities. The reason for it being secluded was because the mental institution held many of Illinois's insane citizens. They varied from harmless schizophrenics to deranged homicidal psychopaths. Sitting in his room was one of the most renowned and feared psychopaths of them all. This insane criminal killed many people over the years trying to kill his sister, but was defeated and returned back to Smith's Grove by his psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis. This demented man was none other than Michael Myers.

He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the wall. He was barely even blinking, just sitting and staring at the wall, as if there was something through that wall that only he could see. Something he needed to do…something he needed to finish.

His curse made him kill his family. He killed his older sister when he was six, and he tried to kill his little sister when he was 21. She and her husband died in a car accident a couple years after that certain Halloween and then he went after his niece. It took years after to finally end her young life. Now he sat there in his room, staring at a wall, waiting for something. He didn't know what exactly he needed to wait for, but he knew he just needed to wait.

Two orderlies walked by, checking out his room from the window door. They checked every patient's rooms for security reasons, but these two young orderlies couldn't help but stare at the famous murderer in his cell.

"I'll tell ya Rick, that Myers guy freaks me out." The first orderly said as he looked away from the door window.

"Yeah, all he does is stare at that window all day. The guy's a vegetable!" the orderly named Rick replied as he leant against the side of the door, arms crossed.

"Plus the fact that he kills his family members. That is just plain disturbing." On the other side of the door, Michael could hear everything but reacted as if he heard nothing. He just listened to them and their meaningless conversation about him.

"Yeah I would hate to be related to that freak." The first orderly chuckled shortly. "At least he doesn't have any family left to kill."

"That's not what I hear." Rick said as he smoked a cigarette.

"What?" Now this got Michael's undivided attention, he listened more closely to their words then he did before, still appearing to not move a muscle.

"Yeah I was walking near that Dr. Wynn's office right? I heard him talking about Myer's family. He said he had a daughter, living right in his hometown. Do ya believe that? A daughter!"

"Oh my god….that psycho has a kid! That is just too creepy." The orderly said with full shock dripping from his words.

A daughter….Michael Myers had a daughter living in Haddonfield. Even Michael's eyes widened a bit as he heard that. His hands clenched his bed with full force. Now he knew what he needed to do. As soon as the orderlies walked on about their business, the Shape got up from his bed and walked towards the door. He broke the glass window with ease, putting his arm through the window and unlocking his door and walked out into the hallways. The glass breaking had sent the two orderlies running back and stopping with fear in their eyes as they saw who caused the noise.

"Oh shit…" Rick had whispered as Michael tilted his head and looked at him. The other orderly, despite his fear, knew it was his job to stop him. So he charged right at him hoping to tackles him to the ground. Unfortunately the young man underestimated Michael's strength and he soon found himself being held by his head, lifted off the ground struggling.

Michael started crushing the poor man's skull with his hands, loud sickening crunches being heard as the orderly screamed in pure agony as his head was being squeezed.

"PETE!" Rick had exclaimed, utterly horrified at the bleeding body of the orderly being tossed to the ground, blood dripping from his nose and his eyes.

"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH!" he exclaimed as he ran at the killer and punched him across the face. Michael felt nothing and grabbed Rick's face and bashed his head against the wall repeatedly, blood oozing from his head and splattered on the wall until he was dead.

Michael walked on as if it were nothing and went outside the emergency exit door. He saw a nurse walking to her car and saw that as his escape. He walked quickly towards her, the shadows as his disguise and as the nurse opened the car door, Michael reached out and grabbed the young woman's neck. She tried yelling for help but no noise came from her mouth as she struggled for air. All too soon the nurse was dead, and Michael threw her out of the way and got into the car. He took the keys and started the ignition, driving out of Smith's Grove Sanitarium and towards the small town of Haddonfield. And there was only one thing on his mind.



Natalie Warren walked into her science classroom and sat next to her best friend, Amy Henshaw. It was pure luck that these long term friends were able to sit next to each other in their most hated class, but as long as they were able to be near each other, they didn't care if their science teacher, Mr. Berkley was a boring jerk. They sat towards the back of the classroom so they could talk without Mr. Berkley really noticing.

"Man this guy can drone on about shit." Amy groaned.

"Yeah but hey at least we are supposedly learning…even though I haven't learned anything new so far all year." Natalie replied.

Amy giggled. "Well at least the bell will ring soon and we'll be out of here."

"Thank God for that." Natalie sighed and they both laughed a little too loudly.

"Is there something you two want to share with the class, Ms. Warren and Ms. Henshaw?" Mr. Berkley asked in a harsh tone, making everyone in the classroom look at them.

"No sir." They both said quietly as they slunk back into their seat.

"I didn't think so." The school bell had, luckily for the girls, rung and school was out for the day. Natalie and Amy rushed to their lockers and met up in front of the building.

"Man I hate junior high. It's crowded, boring, the subjects are harder, and the teachers are a bunch of assholes." Natalie whined.

"But we have only been here like a month. But I still totally agree with you." Natalie and Amy were both thirteen and this was their first year of junior high. They were in the 7th grade, and already after a month of school, they instantly figured out junior high life sucked.

"Hey dweebs what's up?" a new voice chirped in.

"Oh no…" Amy groaned.

"What do you want Cindy?" Cindy Lewis was a beach blond, blue eyes girl. She was the kind of girl that every guy would want to date and every self respecting girl would hate. Cindy hated Natalie and Amy's guts, and the feeling was mutual.

"What? Can't I say hi to a couple of fellow peers?" Cindy said with fake sweetness. Not only was she the most popular girl in 7th grade, she was the teacher's pet and would rat out anyone who got in her ways of anything. The teachers saw her as a perfect student, the students she ratted on saw her as an undeniable bitch.

"Not when it is from you." Amy retaliated with a glare.

"Oh save it for your poor ass parents Henshaw." Cindy scoffed with a superficial grin. Amy's dad was the town plumber and her mom couldn't work because she had to take care of Amy's little brother.

"Leave her alone Cindy." Natalie glared with ferocity at the girl.

"Or what? You gonna tell your mommy? Oh that's right, she's dead." Natalie's mom, Emma Warren, died in a car accident during a winter storm when she was 7. She lives with her Aunt Catherine. Catherine Warren was the older sister of Natalie's mom, and she worked at a town market as a cashier manager. It wasn't much but it was enough for the both of them.

Natalie's hands clenched, trying to keep her anger in control. "Go away…..NOW." she seethed.

Cindy grinned a malicious grin. "Fine, but I am leaving because I have cheerleading practice in a half an hour." The female bully walked away just as Amy replied with a smirk. "Break a leg."

The brown eyed blond turned to her friend. "Are you okay Nat?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." The brunette answered and looked up at her not believing friend. "Really." She assured her with a smile.

"Well okay." Amy said reluctantly as they walked home. "That bitch is one of the worst things I hate about school, but at least I got baseball." Amy was an awesome baseball player. She could strike anyone out and she could make lots of home runs. She has already been to three practices and their first official game is a day before Halloween, October 30th.

"Yeah and I will be there at your game cheering your home run on." Natalie smiled at her friend. They both chattered about things until Natalie reached her house. "I'll call you later okay?" Any said as she walked away.

"Got it. See ya."

"Catch ya later Nat."

Natalie smirked at her nickname and opened the door to her home she has known for most of her life. Back when her mom was alive, they didn't have a lot of money for a place so even back then Natalie had lived with her Aunt, except now her mother doesn't.

"Aunty Catherine! I'm home!" Natalie set her purple back pack on the floor and walked into the kitchen, where she saw her light brown haired aunt washing dishes.

"Hey sweetie how was school?" Catherine asked as she dried and put away a plate.

"Oh you know, boring old teachers, classes, and assignments." Natalie sighed as she sat down at the counter.

"Well you are still adjusting to junior high. You'll get the hang of school life soon." Her aunt smiled at her.

"I guess."

"Well there is that school dance on Halloween night you can go to. That sounds like a lot of fun to me. And who knows you might make more friends there."

"I have friends! I got Amy don't I?"

Catherine chuckled. "I meant besides Amy, and who knows, you might meet a cute guy there."

"Aunt Catherine!" Natalie blushed. She hated talking about guys with her aunt; it was very embarrassing for her.

"Okay fine, I'll drop that subject." The older woman laughed. "Now do you have any homework?"


"Well go to your room and do it then."

Natalie groaned. "Fine…" she lugged herself upstairs carrying her backpack into her room. She had posters all over her light blue room. Posters of bands she liked actors she crushed on, the whole teenage works. She sat at her desk and grabbed her math book from her bag. They were learning probability at the time. Great.

As the thirteen year old opened her book, she looked at the pictures at her desk. There was a framed portrait of her and Amy, sticking their tongues out at the camera, a picture of her and her Aunt Catherine at her 13th birthday. The third one was different from the others. It held a picture of a dark haired woman with a pale complexion, she had green eyes and a very beautiful smile, and she was holding a young little girl, about 7 years old, who was wearing red overalls and was on the woman's lap.

Natalie sighed. It had been about six years since her mother died, and even though she was little when she passed away, she still remembered a lot about her. And that made her miss her even more. She at least wished she knew her father, but whenever she used to ask her mom or even her aunt now, they would say in time or stay quiet and change the subject. She wondered what her father looked like. She had her mom's face and had darkish hair like her, and without a doubt had her charming smile. But she didn't have her nose and especially didn't have her eyes. Unlike her mother's grassy green eyes, she had brown eyes, with a hint of green around them. She supposed she had her father's eyes and mentally dropped the subject; it hurt too much to think about a father she would never have.

Natalie looked at the calendar to see the date so she could write it at the top of her homework paper. It was Friday October 24th. One week before Halloween.


Well what do ya guys think for a first chapter? 8D Please note that I am fast forwarding the chain of events so the present is now, just so u guys know. Please R&R folks, thank you!
