Hey guys! I'm so glad this story is such a hit! And I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all the supporters out there who have visited my Host fansite :)! I really appreciate it! I also wanted to let those of you know, who aren't following the fansite on twitter, or "like" us on facebook, I'm running two contests at the moment. A Twitter contest which is the older one: help us get to 100 followers and the last person to retweet us wins a paperback edition of The Host! And I'm running a Facebook contest: help us get to 500 "likes" by getting your friends to "like" our Facebook page! Once the contest is over there will be further instructions on how to send in a screenshot of the amount of friends you have who like the page. The winner will revieve a Host t-shirt of their choice from Hobo Skate co.

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Good luck to all! And thanks for reading :)

"What do you think was up with the dog?" Kyle asked as I raced down the street.

I shrugged. "They're all too nice to each other. The dogs haven't needed to protect their owners in years, or bark because of an intruder. Dog had no idea what was going on."

Kyle laughed loudly. "No one ever sees us coming."


When we arrived back at the caves we were quick to start unpacking.

"I'll go get some help bringing in the extra baggage." Kyle said as he hurried into the cave.

I dropped the limp body at my feet, tired of carrying him across the dessert. I leaned against the opening of the cave and swiped the back of my hand across my sweaty forehead.

"Hey!" Jamie's voice echoed through the caves as he ran. "Jared!"

"Hey, kid." I smiled and couldn't help but sigh heavily. It was nice to hear his chipper voice. At least the parasite was still under control if he's walking around happily.

"How was it?"

"Same old, same old." I said a little quieter since he turned the corner and I could see his face. His smile matched the brightness in his eyes. It's been a while since I saw that look on his face. I couldn't help but look at him confusingly. "What's gotten into you?" I asked him.

He shrugged and looked down at the body at my feet.


"For Doc. Would be nice to know what that parasite is inside Mel. Don't you think?"

He nodded slowly, shrugging it off.

"Jamie…" I trailed off as I studied his face. "Where's the alien? We're unpacking by the hole, so did Jeb already movie it?"

He looked down at his feet and kicked a stone.

I stepped over the body and gripped the collar of his shirt in two fists. "Have you been talking to it again? What kind of lies has it manipulated you into believing? Jamie I told you to stay away from it!"

"She's not so bad… I mean… well, Jeb hasn't had her in the hole for a while…" he trailed off when he noticed the flames burning in my eyes. My skin felt hot as I stared down at him.

"Boys, you know I can't figure this out." Doc said as he hurried over to us.

"Just work on it, Doc. The more we know the better." I said and turned to face Kyle and Andy.

"Let's go." I said and walked into the caves.

"Not one word about this to the parasite, Jamie. We don't want to set it off into some sort of panic attack or something."

"Believe me, I wont say a word. I don't want her upset."

I growled deep in my chest. "Who cares what it feels."

"I do." He said quietly.

I sped up and soon Jamie was gripping my arm as I followed the voices.

"Jared, wait!" Jamie begged, but I was stronger than him. I dragged him along as I hurried towards the group of people.

"Jared, now wait a second." Jeb said as he caught up to me. "Let the kid explain."

I looked down at Jamie's smiling face again and had to look away. There was a reason that look was on his face and it wasn't just because I was back safe. It was a smile he always wore when his sister was near him.

I turned the corner, ignoring Jeb and froze in place. In the center of the small gathering was the parasite, looking as if it fit right in to our small community. Fit in the way Melanie would have if she'd come with us. This wasn't Melanie. This creature didn't belong here.

I stepped towards it, raising the hand that Jamie wasn't clinging to, and balled it into a fist. If my decision wasn't made before, it was made now. There was no way this creature was going to find happiness in a body that didn't belong to it. Melanie could never be happy again, so why should it be happy. My decision was made, and I had to admit that it felt good to finally know.

Jamie gripped my arm tighter from excitement. "Wanda is…" He kept talking, but I could only hear his voice calling his sister by a different name. A name that could never fit with the body. That body would always belong to Melanie. I hated myself for letting Jamie get so close to it. He no longer looked at the person in front of him as his sister. He settled with the monster inside, controlling Melanie's body. He named her…

"Wanda?" I spit through my teeth.

Kyle growled behind me, his anger and mine were finally equal. If he was to lunge for the parasite, then I would be right behind him. I would no longer stand in his way. Just as he said. It takes less than two seconds to pull the trigger. Just as I expected, Kyle stepped around me.

"What the hell, people?" Kyle's voice echoed through the room. I made no move to stop his approach on the alien. "You're letting it tell you lies? Have you all gone crazy? Or did it lead the Seekers here? Are you all parasites now?"

I stared at the back of Kyle's head, almost willing him to do what I wanted to do. My own hands couldn't kill the body I now despised, but I could let Kyle do it.

"Easy, Kyle." Walter said. I watched the old man trying to defend the parasite. It pained me to have to now be angry at him.

I kept my eyes focused on Kyle, my palms sweaty. I didn't want to look into the eyes I could feel baring into me. I didn't know why it was looking at me, but I wasn't going to save it now.

The figure moving around the alien caught my attention and I broke my gaze from Kyle to see who had moved.

My breath hitched when I noticed Ian stepping in front of it, protecting it from his own brother. What happened while we were away? Ian was on our side, now he's turned his back on his own brother to protect an alien that's destroyed our world. Destroyed my one and only love. Now he was protecting the body that originally belonged to me. That bothered me more than the fact that Ian was turning his back against his own brother.

"Things changed while you were gone, brother."

Kyle paused, watching Ian with disbelief in his eyes. "Did the Seekers come, then, Ian?"

"She's not a danger to us."

Of course it wasn't a danger to us. There were more of us here than her. She knew she didn't stand a chance.

Kyle reached for his pocket and I thought hard about whether or not he had my blade on him. I could feel the weight of it in my pocket, but then realized he was reaching for a flashlight.

"Don't get in his way, Ian." Melanie's voice ordered.

My mouth fell open.; it knew his name. It spoke of him as if they've been friends for years. I couldn't help the jealousy that flowed through me at the way it's eyes looked at him, pleading with him not to get himself hurt.

Those eyes didn't know how to love or care for another. Those eyes weren't human.

"So what, then?" Kyle asked his brother. "You're not a parasite. How did it get to you?"

"Calm down, and we'll tell you all about it." Ian said smoothly.

"No." I snapped, stepping forward, taking Jamie with me. This was going to end, and it was going to end now. Whether it was by my own hands or not. I didn't care anymore; I could close my eyes and point the gun. I couldn't have it threatening Jamie the way it's already gotten to him. If I stayed away just a few more days, I could have lost him. It would have brainwashed him into becoming one of them. I couldn't lose Jamie, too. He'd forgive me one day.

"I don't think anyone needs to calm down." I said through clenched teeth. "Jeb, give me the gun."