An old oak tree.

That was where he was going.

Everyday when the sun was the highest in the sky the blond would walk to the same oak tree on a small hill.

This little ritual started when he was 10. The townsfolk didn't know why he did what he did. When one would ask the male why he did it he would shrug and say, "I don't know why myself. I was 10 when I started to and I have been walking to the same tree for the past 10 years everyday" and start to walk again.

The oak tree was about a mile out from the town, but the blond would walk to it everyday. Some say that he would still walk to it even if it was further out from the town.

The male would sometimes bring a lunch for himself but would forget about it. His eyes where always searching the horizon for some unknown reason.

After about an hour or so the blond would get up from his spot under the oak and slowly make his way back to the town, a little disappointment shown in his clear blue eyes. The reason he went to the tree everyday rain or shine hadn't showed up.

Now to this day the people who live in the same town say that the ghost of the blond will still walk to the oak at lunch time. They have made sure to kept the oak alive and in doing so have kept the mystery alive. The people tell this story to their kids. It's a story of loyalty, of true love, and of faith.

But the true reason the blond would walk to the tree it lost in time.

AN:Thanks for reading! This little idea hit me last night while I was trying to get some sleep. And please review I can't get better unless you help me.