Yo! So sorry I hadn't updated this since like...a year? Haha sorry! Well, I decided to continue it! Also, check out my other stories! Especially, if you ADORE romance, humor, and a whole lot of HORROR!


Yasu's Evil Plans!

Mai's POV:

SPR was currently attending a ball hosted by their former clients as a thank you. I decided to wear a beautiful, green gown with silver jewelry.

I was currently standing on the wall, quietly sipping my drink. I was thankful they had champagne and sparkling grape juice for the under age people. I happily watched Bou-san and Ayako twirl around to an up-beat song. Naru is nowhere in sight. Probably talking to some rich and famous scientists. After all he is Oliver Davis. I look to see Yasu and Masako, who wore a kimono, of course, dancing too.

My eyes widened as I saw Lin-san and Madoka-san dancing too. They look happy. I smile as I continue to sip my sparkling juice. I watched as the song ended and another up-beat song began.

"Excuse me, may I have this dance?" I turn to see a rather handsome man bowing with his hand extended, his brown eyes looking at me. He looked a little older than me, around 20 or 22. I smiled and set my drink down on the table next to me.

"Yes, thank you," I say as I place my hand in his. He smiled as he lead me onto the dance floor. We swayed to the fast song and we talked. I found out his name was Masamoto Kiro. Once the song ended, he lead me off of the dance floor.

"Thank you Masamoto-san for the dance, I enjoyed it," I smiled up at him. He smiled and said his goodbyes before leaving. I once again stood next to the wall watching my friends enjoy their dances.

"You know Mai-chan, Naru is over there, not dancing with anyone," Yasu said from next to me. I jumped, not noticing him before.

"Wh-what? Where did you come from," I ask astonished by his amazing poofing up skills. He pushed his glasses and smiled.

"I came from everywhere and nowhere. And I said, Naru is over there without a dance partner." Yasu pointed to the corner. Sure enough, there was Naru. Arms crossed, glare in full effect. He just watched the people and sipped his champagne, just how I was doing earlier.

"That's creepy Yasu. So? What are you getting at," I ask as I cross my arms and look away. Yasu hugged me and laughed.

"You are too cute, Mai-chan! I'm getting at, you should go dance with him. I mean, you do like him, don't you," Yasu asked as he detangled himself from me. I looked at him to see him looking over my head, towards the direction of Naru.

"Yeah, but still. Naru would never dance with me," I say in a defeated tone. Before I had time to react, he had swiped his finger through the frosting of a piece of cake and dabbed it onto my cheek.

"Yasu! Wha-what are you doing," I ask, almost yell. He grinned as he looked towards Naru's direction. Then, in one swift action, he turned us around and licked my cheek where he had put the frosting. I froze as he stayed there for a minute before standing straight up. A triumphant smile was planted on his face.

"Yasu...what...was that," I ask as I place my hand on my cheek. I could feel some frosting still there and pulled my hand away to see it on my hand.

"Ahh! I still have some on my face! Yasu!" I go to grab a napkin from the table when Yasu grabs my hand.

"I could help you," he said in a seducing type of voice, getting really close to my face. I hit him upside the head.

"Yasu, you creep! No! No! I got it okay? I'm fine," I say nervously, not wanting him to lick my cheek again. He laughed loudly as he pulled me into a gentle hug and pulled away.

"Mai-chan, you're so funny! Here, go wash up in the bathroom," he chuckled as he handed me a napkin before leaving. I sigh. Yasu can be so weird at times...but, he can also be very sweet. I smile as I walk to the door.

Naru's POV:

I glared as Yasu licked Mai's cheek, his eyes glancing up at me every so often. I couldn't hear Mai's reaction, but it looked like she was flustered. I continued to glare when Yasu hugged Mai and gave her a napkin. Yasu walked off triumphantly. I watched as Mai smiled towards him then walked towards the door. I turned, too angry to stand it anymore. I continued to sip the expensive champagne when Yasu walked up to me.

"You know Naru, Mai was pretty sad because she didn't get to dance with you," he said. I turn to him to see that he had disappeared. I sighed as I walked towards the door Mai had exited from.

I walk over to the bathroom door and knocked. I heard a familiar female voice say she be out in a minute. I smirked as I leaned up against the wall. The door finally opened to show a flustered Mai. She saw me and pouted.

"Naru, you knocked? Jeez, I thought it was someone else so I rushed!"

I smirked, noticing she had left a spot of frosting on her cheek. I then frowned, remembering Yasu's earlier shenanigans. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to me.

"You missed a spot, Mai," I say as I whip the spot of frosting with my handkerchief. I smirked at Mai's blush. We stayed silent as we stared at each other.

"U-Um, N-Naru can I talk t-to you," Mai inquired, pointing to the double french doors in the ballroom, leading to the garden. I nodded and I offered my arm for her to take, not wanting to loose her through the crowd of merry dancers.

I lead her out the doors and into the dimly lit garden. I look over to see Mai's soft, brown hair sway in the warm, summer night's breeze. For a moment, my breath was taken from me as I stared at her beauty.

We continued to walk through the garden peacefully. The silence that was between us was not that of awkwardness, but calmness. I suddenly pulled from my peaceful walk when Mai tugged on my arm lightly, stopping me in my actions.

I look down at her as she stared at the pong intensely. We had been crossing a stone bridge that led to a white gazebo, the only light coming from the ballroom. She continued to stare at the pond, her eyes softening. The moon had revealed itself from behind the blue clouds. Mai slipped her arm out from mine and leaned on the stone side of the bridge.

For a while we did not speak. I leaned on the stones next to her, only our shoulders touching. I gazed out onto the pond, then past the pond into the various flowers.

"You know, the moonlight makes everything look so much more beautiful. It seems the moonlight can transform a fearsome lion to a graceful koi," she murmurs, her soft, understanding eyes gazed lazily over the shimmering water. I stayed silent as I looked at her.

That is true. The moonlight on her pale, smooth skin makes her look as if she were glowing like an angel. I think as she turns to me, her graceful smile enchanting me.

"Naru..." she murmurs, hope in her eyes as she turns completely towards me. She moves closer to me. In the ballroom, I can hear the previously playing song come to an end. A new, slow song began. Then, I did something I never would have done in a million years.

"May I have this dance," I ask as I offer my hand to her and bow slightly. I inwardly smile as I note her blush in the faint lighting. She shyly nods and places her small hand in my large one. I lead her to the gazebo and place my hand on her mid-back.

We swayed to the slow, graceful song. I then remembered about what she had said about the moonlight transforming a tiger to a koi. Unbeknownst to me, I chuckled a bit as I noticed the resemblance between the lion and Mai. Mai looked up at me with a curious look. I closed my eyes and turned my grin into a smirk.

"How you spoke about the moonlight transforming a lion into a koi, it resembles you quite a bit," I say. I could hear the amusement in my voice. Mai's eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't get it," she admitted as we continued to sway.

"Of course you don't, you're too dumb," I say condescendingly. Mai huffed and was about to brake away from me when I pulled her closer to me, preventing her from escaping. I could hear her gasp, but none the less, she rested her head on my shoulder. I could feel a small smile tug at the corners of my mouth.

"You resemble a lion because of your courage and fearlessness of fighting and standing up for what you believe is right," I murmur into her hair. The aroma of vanilla and strawberries invading my senses. Mai is silent, so continue, "however, you tend to become like a koi at times. You become gentle, almost graceful. You have a warm atmosphere about you that just entices people and draws them into you without any resistance."

Our position morphed from the traditional dancing stance to both my hands locked together around her waist and her arms around mine. I rested my head on her head as she rests her's on my chest. We ended up swaying just our hips and slowly spinning in a small circle. I entertwined my fingers together as I waited for her reply. I could feel my cheeks heat up after a moment of silence.

"Even though you are cold most times, and you tend to insult me, you are very gentle sometimes, and you tend to have a softness in your eyes that tells me, you're not as cold as you portray," Mai's soft voice murmured from my chest. I could feel her voice vibrate in my chest.

"Hmm?" I ask at her sudden confession. She pulls away, the reluctance evident in her actions.

"...N-Naru...I-I," she starts, her eyes looking over at the water surrounding the gazebo. The moonlight shined on her face, showing her almost pained expression.

"...O-Oliver..." My eyes widen at my true name. I watched as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. In an instant, she opened her eyes, revealing a determined look in them.

"Oliver, I have told you this once and you questioned me...I love you, and I know for sure that it is you. Not Gene. I just want you to know that; if you are going to reject me, at least reject me properly instead of saying something stupid like last time."

I stood, astonished for a minute. Had that truly come out of Mai's mouth? She doesn't love Gene...but, me...I stared at her. Her expression turning from determination to defeat as she began to brake away from my grasp. A sigh escaping her lips.

Mai's POV:

I watch as Naru just stared at me, his eyes almost glazed over. He moved slightly, causing his bangs to cover his eyes. I sigh as I moved to brake away, the bittersweet feeling of finally getting it over with embroidering my pained heart. I was stopped when Naru's arms wouldn't budge. I look back at him to see his eyes still covered, his face stoic. I press again against his arm, and still it wouldn't budge. My eyebrows furrowed as I gazed up at him.

Ever so slowly, a smile grew on his face. I watched in amazement as Naru looked at me finally. His mesmerizing blue eyes glowed with happiness and a loving warmth. My breath was caught when he pushed me against him in a soft hug. I could feel my breath heighten as I hoped I was reading the signs right.

""...at least reject me properly instead of saying something stupid like last time." Mai, you should know by now, I don't say stupid things. That's your job," Naru says in his usual condescending voice. Only this time, there was a hint of a smile in his voice. I laughed lightheartedly. That was such a "Naru joke"!

Naru pulled away and smiled at me. I wouldn't say I was used to his smile, but I could at least react quick enough now. I smiled back at him as I felt my eyes start to prickle.

"So, does this mean you...what," I ask. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. I was so consumed by his attracting cologne that I couldn't really think straight. He chuckled quietly as he leaned down close to me.

"This means...I love you too. Not matter how clumsy you are," Naru says with a smirk. His remark totally killed my romantic mood, but before I could argue with him, he pressed his lips to mine in a chaste kiss. My eyes widened as all thoughts of fighting with him fled my mind on a gust of wind. I hugged around his neck as he pulled away from me. I pouted and he smiled a small smile again.

"Even though you are clumsy as hell, you are quite charming," Naru murmured as he kissed me again. He pulled away and I pouted again. He rose an eyebrow.

"I keep pouting because each time you kissed me, I was off guard! I'd like to be on guard for once so I can kiss you," I complain. Naru laughed. This time he didn't chuckle, no he laughed, and in such an uncharacteristic way. Apparently, he found it the funniest thing in the world because he didn't stop. He dropped his head on my shoulder as he continued his laughing session. Apparently, he hasn't laughed in over fifty-years... I thought, deadpanned by his weirdness. Maybe hes more weird than I thought...

"You are so unpredictable, Mai," Naru chuckled as his laughing session came to an end. I smiled and giggled. He looked up at me, he was smiling a gorgeous smile that showed his perfect, white teeth. His smile reached his eyes as his cheeks harbored a light tint of pink. I quickly pressed my lips to his as my heart swelled with happiness and love for the man before me.

"You are so adorable like that," I giggle as I moved away. He smiled at me and moved in to kiss me again. He stopped when there was a rustle in the bushes. I turn to see Bou-san fall from behind one of the bushes, rubbing his butt.

"B-BOU-SAN? WH-WHAT THE-" I stopped when out popped Yasu. Then Ayako stood up, an annoyed expression on her face as she crossed her arms and glared at Bou-san and Yasu on the ground. John stood up with his head tilted to the ground, a blush and a guilty look adorned his innocent face. Masako gracefully rose, she kindly smiled, but a hint of pain was held in her teary eyes. Then, unexpectedly, Lin stood up from another bush. Lin only stared at us until Madoka stood up with a grin and a wave, a camera hanging from around her neck.

"Ahhhh, Mai, Naru. Wh-Where did you guys c-come from? I was just-" Bou-san was cut off by Ayako.

"They clearly know we were spying on them because of you two goofing around,"Ayako growled at Yasu and Bou-san. Yasu just shrugged and looked innocently at Ayako.

"What? Watching Mai-chan and Naru-chan kissing got me into a romantic mood, and I just wanted to share it with Bou-saaaaan~," Yasu sang as he grabbed Bou-san's hands. Bou-san shook the college kid's hands away with a shiver.

"Get away! I don't want to freakin' share your moods with you! Especially after you acted like you were going to kiss me! Thats creepy, kid..." Bou-san complained.

"I-I apologize Mai-san and Shibuya-san. Ay-Ayako-san dragged me out here with th-them," John explained shyly as he looked up at us through his blonde bangs. I smiled at him, not being able to be mad at John.

"Congratulations, Mai. I know when I am beat," Masako smiled as she lifted her sleeve to her mouth. I smiled back at her, understanding her pain.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Luella will just LOVE this! Her son finally got a girlfriend! A cute one at that too," Madoka sang as she hugged Lin's arm and hopped up and down. I could feel Naru's glare towards the pink haired woman. Lin just gave a small smile and shook his head.

"Oh, don't be so uptight about it Noll," Madoka waved her hand towards him as she looked through her camera. Naru sighed as he looked at me silently. I shrugged and smiled a bit.

"Oh, and thanks Yasuhara-san," Madoka said towards Yasu. Both Naru and I looked at Yasu questioningly, or at least my confusion showed. Yasu nodded and smiled.

"Oh yeah, this was your plan, wasn't it? Good job, kid," Ayako said as she smiled at him. He smiled then looked towards me and Naru. Yasu's face fell.

"Uh-oh! The jigs up! Cheese it!" Yasu yelled as he stood up and ran away somewhere. Everyone laughed and chuckled as Yasu ran. I whipped the tears from my eyes as we waited for Yasu to come back.

"Um...is he coming back?"

So did you like that? I know I loved it! ^^ I love Yasu, hes so funny! Well, it would be just llllllllovely if you guys and girls would review! I apologize for all the mistakes in this whole story. Also, read my other stories! The Higurashi Case, the one I am currently working on is so scary it will keep you on your toes when your walking through your house at night! Mwahahahahaha! Adieu!

Next Oneshot!-The Beach!