AN: As I start this chapter, I would like to announce that I have no idea whatsoever who left me reviews and whatnot. But to those who did, Thanks. I'll try to leave notes to you all as usual, at the end of the chapter. I actually had about 4 pages done when I opted to scrap what I'd done up to that point and start over. So, here it is. Enjoy.

EDIT: My hubby's back from Iraq!! Yay! Happy dance! He's finally home::Cough:: Anyways, enjoy 3

WARNING: This story alludes to rape and contains swearing and violence. If you have issues with any of those things, DO NOT READ. I don't want flamed because someone read this not knowing.

Bringing Kagome Back

By: Demonsaya




Sun shone through the trees, dappling the red shoulders of his haori. His beautiful gold eyes were gazing towards the horizon, lips pulled down into a slight frown. It pulled deeper as she watched him. "What?" He finally snapped defensively.

Kagome smiled faintly. "Thank you for staying with me." He looked towards her fully, a wary expression on his face.

"It's what any friend would do." He huffed, crossing his arms in an impatient manner.

She bit her lip. "After all this time, that's all you can say?"

"What would you have me say?" He snapped.

Her heart fell a bit, but she soldiered on. "That maybe...I'm helping you as much as you've helped me. That you feel for me like I..." She saw him frown. Her heart began a free fall, but she couldn't stop the flow of words. "I love you, Inuyasha..."

It was like his open gaze turned cold, then it closed off. "You want me to love you."

She blushed. Why did she have to say anything?! Now she'd ruined it. "Only...if you really do." She whispered miserably.

Then he said the words that caused her fragile heart to hit rock bottom and shatter. "Who could love someone that fucked their enemy?" He turned his back to her. "Keh. Foolish little girl with her foolish dreams. I think I'll go to where I really belong. With the woman I really love. Goodbye Kagome." And he left her

"No...No, please...Don't go..." She tried to chase him, but it was like running through warm taffy. "No! No, please, Inuyasha! No! Don't leave me! NOOO!"

"Shit, Kagome, wake up!"

Her eyes snapped open and she found concerned golden eyes looking down at her, his hands on her shoulders, the room still dark. He must have shed his haori at some point during the evening, because it was oddly absent. She shivered, seeing concern and fear in his eyes. "Sorry..." She rasped softly, startled to find herself hoarse. "Bad dream..." She whispered, forcing herself to sit.

Something slid down into her lap.

She blinked, looking down. She reached down, fingering the red fabric. So that's where it had gone.

"I've trying to wake you for almost ten minutes." He said, his fear making him snappish. "Dammit, wench, don't you scare me like that again!" He saw two trails of silver fall down her face and cursed softly. "Shit, I'm sorry..." He whispered, pulling her against his chest.

She turned her face into his neck, breathing his scent, and finally gave into the heart wrenching sobs. Her hands fisted into the haori on her lap and she tried to regain control of herself, but her mind was still weak and her heart was still broken. "Y-you don't h-have to..." She whispered, trying to pull back, but Inuyasha surprised her, scooting beside her on the bed and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, letting her rest her cheek on his shoulder.

"I know that, stupid." He grumbled softly, gently stroking her hair. He badly wanted to lean down, lick the tears from her sweet face, dry her eyes, kiss her sobs silent. He rested his cheek against the top of her head instead and he stared across the room, into the mirror above her dresser. They were an odd pairing, for certain. But they made an attractive couple. Her dark hair and pale skin, and his pale hair and tanned skin. Her modern clothing, his feudal garb. Her human features, his demon ones. Like yin and yang.

Kagome felt his breath stirring her hair and bit her lip slightly. A glance towards the clock told her that the alarm would go off in about an hour. She felt no particular inclination to slip back into her dreams. They'd been growing worse. Now and then, she'd be given a day reprieve from the nightmares, but most often, she'd wake screaming with Inuyasha at her side instantly. It felt good to be held like this by him. Before they'd rarely touched, and almost all of the times they had, she'd initiated contact.

She was very glad her mother let him stay in her room that night.

She felt his chest vibrating slightly and glanced towards the mirror, meeting his gaze. His eyes were soft as he looked at her, but that could have been distortion from the mirror. She lowered her gaze when she felt one of his hands wrap gently around hers. His dark skin contrasted greatly against her pale hand. His thumb stroked the back and she watched that dark slash of skin run across her own.

It broke her heart when he treated her with such tenderness. Especially since she knew he didn't love her. She was simply his friend. But now, those dreams which she'd always been able to follow to a happy, if unlikely, conclusion, had given way to nightmares where reality insisted on breaking her fragile heart further.

Inuyasha smelled her melancholy and hugged her closer against his side, as if through sheer force of will, he could drive her demons away. This was their forth day together in her time, but it almost seemed like she was getting worse. For a bit she'd been better, but this was the second night in a row she'd woken screaming. He was deeply glad that no one had come knocking, considering the volume of her cries.

"I hate sleeping." She said softly. "What good is it if I can't even have my dreams anymore? The happy ones, the ones that gave me hope..." She sniffled softly, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "It's not fair." She felt Inuyasha shift and expected him to leave her for whining.

As was often the case lately, he surprised her by turning towards her and lifting her face so they were looking at each other. "You're right." He said softly. "It's not."

Her lower lip trembled and she was about to burrow into his chest when he tenderly brushed a tear from her eyes. He was wearing another one of those unnameable expressions. His eyes were dark, almost the same color as dark amber, with gold flecks throughout them. He was so beautiful...

"But you'll get your dreams back, and you'll be able to sleep again." He said softly. He leaned forward, unable to stop himself and brushed a soft kiss against her forehead; her skin was warm. He wanted to nose down and kiss her lips, but that would be an unwelcome advance. He was a demon. A demon raped her. A sick, twisted bastard named Naraku raped her. Maybe someday...maybe with the jewel, he could be someone worthy of her, someone whole. Someone who could heal her and be healed by her.

But not now. Not as he was.

Kagome's mind was reeling in shock. Inuyasha's lips were still gently brushing back and forth across her forehead, a definite kiss. A show of affection. She bit her lip, her hands fisting at his chest, her eyes falling closed against her will. He may never love her, but at least she'd have this. She would take every scrap of affection he offered to her and love him more and more for it. Because he hadn't left her. Despite her being damaged. Despite her being touched with violent intimacy by their enemy.

Slowly, Inuyasha pulled back, seeing her eyes closed, her lip caught between her teeth. There was such anguish on her face, he didn't know how to fix it. He did the knee-jerk response and released her face, back-pedaling. "Fuck, I'm sorry..." He backed off the bed and away from her. Her eyes opened, a lost expression on her face. "I shouldn't have..." He swallowed hard, flinching when he saw her open her mouth.

She saw the fear on his face and wondered what he was afraid of. Slowly, she reached up and touched her face where his hands had been, her eyes never leaving him. "Friends...kiss each other like that." She said quietly. It was a half-lie. No friend had ever kissed her forehead. Her mother had done it now and then, her grandfather as well, and she'd done it when Souta wasn't feeling well. Maybe not exactly like it, but who knows, maybe his mother liked to linger, and he'd learned that from her. "Family kisses like that." She looked away, saddened by that thought. A sister. A cousin. A friend.

That's really all she'd ever be.

"Do they?" He asked, eying her warily. She looked depressed. Dammit. He'd fucked up again.

She hummed in agreement, still sitting where he'd left her. He'd leave now. Probably swear up and down that they weren't friends and there was no way in hell they were family.

"Oi, wench..." His voice was a gentle rasp near her ear. "You smell all mopey again." He said keeping his voice low. He felt her shiver slightly and growled faintly. "You should be happy. Today's your day off." He, personally was ecstatic. A full day with Kagome, no shard hunting, hopefully without the rape looming over them like a cloud.

"I wonder if I'll ever be happy again..." She mused, her eyes avoiding his gaze.

She heard a disappointed sigh from the hanyou and felt the bed shift as he stood again. Slowly, she looked towards him, seeing his gaze averted, a neutral mask in place. It broke her heart further. "Inuyasha?"

He looked at her, seeing that she was still shattered. Every time he healed her a little, more of her broke. She was like a jigsaw puzzle made of bone china. So incredibly delicate, fragile. "It smells like breakfast is ready. We're out of herbs, so I should go get some fresh ones..." He saw her sag and desperately wanted to ask her to come with him. He managed to bite back the urge. "I'll be back soon." He promised, then fled her room. Dammit! He should never have kissed her. He'd only wanted to soothe her, comfort her. Instead, he'd made her uncomfortable, upset. She'd smelled of sadness ever since she'd woken and he didn't know how to take it away.

It wasn't fair.

He felt so weak, and he hated feeling weak. When he reached the well, he wrapped his fists around the edge, tears blurring his vision. Dammit...

He managed to regain control of himself and jumped into the well, preparing to dodge the inquiries of their friends. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with it today, but, he didn't have a choice. He needed to get the herbs. He would just be quick about it. Get them and get back to her. Back to the girl he loved, but couldn't have.

He felt the jolt in his stomach from moving five hundred years back in time and landed easily at the bottom of the well. As he headed back towards the village, he pondered what to do about the girl. He seemed to be harming her as much as he was helping her. How does one help ease the spirit of someone when you have no experience on comforting anyone? He wasn't gentle. He was coarse, and he tended to be a jack ass. Especially to her.

He never thought he'd have to regret past actions, but he'd found himself regretting quite a few of his past actions involving Kagome.

He heard several villagers greet him as he walked through the village, and he gave them an easy wave, heading towards Kaede's hut. He pushed the flap aside without announcing himself and found the old woman was alone in the hut. "Oi, babaa." He said softly. "We need more herbs."

The old woman looked up in surprise. "Ah, I was wondering when you'd be back, Inuyasha..." She said, smiling faintly. She got to her feet slowly and began gathering dried herbs that were hanging around the hut. "How fairs Lady Kagome?"

He bit his lip hard. "She's eating. But..." He shook his head. "Not so good, still. Her nightmares are getting worse and more frequent. She had a fit yesterday in one of her classes..."

Kaede saw the worry written all over the hanyou's face. "And you?"


"You look unwell." She said finally. The hanyou looked like he'd aged about ten human years in the last month. There were dark circles under his eyes, which looked dull and unhappy. "Does her time not agree with ye?"

He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, setting his head back with a violent thump. He didn't know how to answer that. "I feel like hell, babaa." He said finally, which was the truth. "And I'm not helping her." He slid down the wall, putting his face in his hands and scrubbing it with his palms. "She seems to be getting worse. She's not happy. It's like Naraku managed to take everything that was her and break it. And she's so fragile, anything...any wrong word and any help I've done just crumbles away."

Kaede listened to him rant in silence, having paused in her mission. She turned and watched him, solemnly.

"Worse, I...I keep wanting to..." He shuddered, wrapping his arms around himself. "I keep wanting to kiss her, and not the friendly kind." He glanced up, seeing surprise on the old woman's face. "I keep wanting to tell her that...I'm in love with her. But I can't..." He squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lip fiercely.

"Why can't you?" Kaede asked quietly.

Should he tell her? The other's weren't there. They wouldn't know. Not until he was gone. They could blame him then. He took a steadying breath. "Naraku raped her. He raped and tortured her every single day he had her and she's so mentally broken right now..." He shook his head. "Being around me is probably hard enough for her, without me dropping a burden like that on her shoulders..." He said softly.

Kaede's face softened. "I think...that Kagome knowing that she's still lovable, is still loved, would do worlds to ease her broken heart." The woman said, returning to her task.

"I'm a demon, a hanyou! I'm the same thing as Naraku. She'd..." He shuddered. "She'd kick me out of her life in a heartbeat." He looked away with an obstinate expression on his face. There was no way he could tell her something like-

"She loves you as well." The old woman mused quietly. "Why do you think you were the one she asked for help? You were the one who could get her to stop screaming. You were the one who took such care of her since she's returned to us, and you are the one who went to her time despite the fact that it must be painful to your senses." She felt the hanyou's gaze on her and continued moving. "You are the one she wanted to be with when she asked to stay here. Which is why she also asked you to come with her. You both are the foundation for the other."

Inuyasha went very quiet, accepting the bundle of herbs the old woman offered him. He stood in a fluid motion, and headed for the door without a word.


He paused, glancing back at her. There was an unreadable expression on his face. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Do consider what I've told you. I think your love could do her worlds more good than harm."

He nodded shortly, then raced through the forest. When he reached the well, he stared down into it, his heart pounding in his chest. "Kagome..." He whispered. The hag had a point. But there was no way to know for certain. She'd never said the words to anyone as far as he knew. He could almost convince himself he'd heard her shout them when Naraku was trying to use her eyes, but he'd pushed the memory under a pile of emotional baggage and had decided that she didn't love him. Not like he cared for her.

She couldn't possibly care for him.

He was tainted. When Kikyou had fallen in love with him, her powers grew weaker and weaker.

Kagome's seemed to be getting stronger until Naraku had broken her.

He closed his eyes tightly at the memory, his heart hurting. When he reached the well, he dove in without a second thought. When he landed, Kagome's scent hit his nose strongly and he jumped onto the ledge, finding the girl sitting, her back to him. She seemed hunched in on herself and her misery was so palpable, it was more a taste than a scent. He moved behind her, gently resting a clawed hand on her shoulder. "Kagome?"

She spun towards him, hope lighting her eyes. When she saw his face, she seemed to relax. "You came back!" She blurted, hardly believing it.

"Keh, what did you think I was going to do?" He asked in a haughty manner that had nothing to do with how he really felt. He saw the hope in her eyes die and wanted to brutally beat himself for dimming the light in them. He reached out, keeping her from turning her face away from him. How desperately he wanted to wipe that pain from her eyes. He bit his lip and acted on impulse.

He wrapped her in a protective embrace and rested his cheek against hers. "Dummy..." He whispered affectionately against her ear. "I told you. Until you don't need me, I'll stay with you." He smoothed her hair, combing it gently with his claws. "I promise."

Kagome clung to him, her eyes teary. She turned her cheek to rest it against his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. "Thank you..." She whispered. It wasn't what she wanted to say, but it would do. It would convey some of the fear she'd felt that morning.

He smiled when she burrowed further into him. It was just until she didn't need him, but if he could, during that time, he'd do everything he could to take the threads of friendship and braid them together between them and turn them into love. Then, maybe she'd always hug him like this. With this tender desperation, like she was glad he'd returned.

He really didn't understand why she'd been convinced he wouldn't.

He would always come back to her. Even when she didn't need him anymore, when she'd found her human mate. Even if she didn't choose him, she was the one he'd always protect.


Mrs. Higurashi was scrubbing away at the morning dishes, taking her periodic glance towards the well house, smiled faintly when she saw the girl embracing the hanyou tightly. Their love would heal Kagome, and she'd no doubt that, in turn, would heal Inuyasha. Discretely, she returned to the dishes, reaching out and picking up the phone when she heard it ring.

"Highurashi residence-"


Her voice died and she felt an old pain wrap around her heart. "Toshi." She greeted coldly.

"Kagome's school called me yesterday." His voice sounded positively gleeful. "Something about our baby girl having a fit during one of her classes..."

"A friend brought her home." She said evenly. Toshi never called. Not unless he saw a way to hurt her.

"They are concerned, because she's already missed so much school this year, her grades are slipping." She wanted to slap the grin off his face. If he'd been there, she would have. "There were some implications that she's been cutting out of school, faking illnesses..."

"Kagome got raped." She snarled in fury. "I think she's entitled to a little recovery time."

The line went quiet. "I see. Have you arraigned a wedding to spare the dishonor."

She seethed. "Toshi, I'm busy. Goodbye." Then, she slammed the phone into it's cradle violently. A five minute conversation and suddenly, she was reminded of every single reason she'd divorced the man. She sank into a chair and took a few minutes to calm herself. Once upon a time she'd convinced herself she could change her ex-husband. She'd convinced herself that their 'love' would fix everything that was wrong with either of them.

She closed her eyes, biting her lip. She'd been wrong. Weeks after their marriage, he'd remained domineering, controlling. Still, she'd convinced herself that she could change him.

Finally, almost seven years into the relationship, after the birth of one daughter and during the pregnancy of her son, her husband threw her down the stairs in a drunken rage. That was when she made up her mind to leave him. She'd moved in with her father the day she was released from the hospital and had the paperwork for their divorce written up.

Her father welcomed her back into the shrine with open arms. She'd been broken-hearted, pregnant and tired, but her father had eased her through the pain, and each time Toshi came knocking, he was the one who sent the bastard packing.

She only hoped she could be so strong for her daughter.

She looked up, startled to find Inuyasha and Kagome standing in the kitchen, looking at her. She stood, walking towards the now shrieking kettle; how long had it been doing that? She began filling cups for tea and waited for the inevitable question.

"Mama, are you okay?"

She turned towards her daughter, smiling. She forced a peace onto her features that she didn't feel. "I'm fine, baby. Your father just called."

She saw the same coldness in her daughter's eyes that she'd felt. Yes, her daughter would remember the shabby treatment she'd received.

"What did he want?"

"The school called him about yesterday." She set the three cups on the table and bit her lip, feeling troubled. "I'll call them and have a word with them about that. It's none of his business. I have custody, not him. Legally, they had no right..."

Inuyasha was looking at her with a gaze that made her slightly uncomfortable. The hanyou recently had shown he was far more perceptive than he usually let on. "What did he say?" There was a slightly cold edge to his voice.

He could smell the anger off Kagome, the anxiousness off her mother. He watched the older woman closely as she fidgeted in her seat.

"Don't worry about it." She said softly. She looked at Inuyasha and gave him a warm smile. "I'm strong enough to deal with Toshi. I'm Kagome's mother, and he's never been much of a father. Everything will be okay."


Dinner that night was strained.

It didn't help that later that day, Kagome's mother had been served with a court notice. Her ex-husband was trying to gain custody over the kids.

It infuriated Inuyasha that someone could take away a mother's 'pups' as he'd put it and he'd been silently seething. If Kagome was taken away, how would he help her get better? The father obviously didn't know or understand the situation, so there was no way the ripe bastard would let him go with her to protect her.

Kagome had been silent most of the meal. Although she didn't say anything, she was afraid. She could remember one or two times when she was young. Times when her mother was bruised and battered. It hurt her to think about, but at the same time, she was deeply afraid. If her father used her school absences as evidence, he might well gain custody over her. And if he'd beaten the woman he'd married, what would he do to her?

She shivered in fear.

Inuyasha noticed and rested a hand lightly against her back. His hope for a peaceful day with her had gone up in smoke as soon as they received the news that her father had called. She'd been on edge and jumpy ever since. He made a note to stay awake tonight, as it would likely cause nightmares. He felt her lean back into his hand and noticed she'd relaxed a bit.

When dinner was over and they went upstairs so Kagome could work on the homework that was due the next day at school, he took point by the window, watching across the shrine for any movement.

"Why don't you rest, Inuyasha, I'll be okay for awhile-"

He turned slowly towards her, fixing her with a steady look. "Keh, the last time there was trouble and I got distracted from protecting you, you got kidnapped and..." He looked away, feeling a surge of guilt.

Kagome looked at him in surprise. "Inuyasha..." The rather sharp reminder of what had happened caused her to lower her eyes, wrap her arms protectively around herself. "I'll be okay, really-"

"Shut up."

She blinked, looking up at him, stunned. There was a slight impatience on his face and his arms were crossed against his chest as he leaned back against her wall. "Excuse me."

He glanced away, hooking one foot behind an ankle. "I'm not leaving you." He said quietly.

A flush heated her face and she glanced away. There was such conviction in his words, such honesty. It wasn't something she was used to from him. Evidentially it wasn't something he was used to from him either, because she could be horribly mistaking, but there looked to be a slight blush coloring his handsome face. She lowered her face, closing her eyes. That's right. He wouldn't leave her. Not yet. Not until she was better. Then he'd leave and break her heart all-

"You're upset." He accused softly.

Those warm amber eyes were on her again, something she didn't recognize deep inside them. Hidden deep behind concern. She blushed, lowering her head again. "It's nothing, Inuyasha."

"Dammit, bitch..." He grumbled softly. "How am I supposed to help you if you never tell me what's wrong?" There was an exasperated kind of affection in his voice and it caused the blush on her face to spread like wildfire down her chest. A callused hand caught her chin and turned her face up to where those eyes were piercing hers. He searched her eyes for a long moment, Kaede's words from earlier that day running through his head. His eyes moved down her face, resting on those soft, petal pink lips for a moment.

She saw that strange expression on his face again and her breaths quickened. "I-Inuyasha...?" She whispered softly, uncertain as his face drifted closer towards her.

God, he was terrified. What if she hated him for this? What if it was too soon? What if he didn't do it right? What if someone walked in and saw? What if a demon attacked right now while he was distracted? There were a million things that could go wrong, but he couldn't stop himself. She was so warm, and alive, and there was that hope in her eyes again. She deserved to know what a real kiss should feel like and he wanted to be the one to show her.

It had only been a month.

She couldn't possibly want him to kiss her.

He was a demon, like Naraku.

But he needed this. He needed her. He needed to show her that she shouldn't be afraid, that he would always protect her, take care of her.

He brushed his nose lightly against hers, breathing her scent deeply. God, this was insane. He must be crazy. Her scent was making him drunk. The hand that didn't hold her face went to her arm, the thumb gently stroking her skin. So close. Her lips were so close. All he had to do was...

He tilted his face a bit, caressing her lips lightly with his own. He felt her sweet breath rush across his face and released her chin in favor of her hair, slipping his hand into the black silk at the nape of her neck. He nuzzled her lips and face lightly with his nose again before bringing his lips back to hers, brushing against them once again.

"You taste good..." He wasn't certain if he'd said it, but, he felt her hands grab his haori and he felt her shaking like a leaf.

Kagome's eyes fell closed at his words and she felt goose pimples rise across her arms. "Inuyasha..."

He nuzzled her face again, smiling at the breathless way she said his name. He slipped his arm around her, pulling her gently against his chest. He brushed his lips across her forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, chin, then settled against her lips, catching her lower lip between his and sucking it lightly into his mouth. He was in heaven. He heard her little panting breaths and smiled, licking the lip gently, before releasing her mouth.

Her eyelids felt heavy. It took some effort to open them. When she finally managed, she found him looking down at her with an unguarded expression. That unnameable, rare emotion, one that had been becoming more and more common shown in his beautiful golden eyes. "Why?" That was not what she'd really wanted to say, but it's what came blurting out of her mouth the moment she'd opened it.

He didn't want to answer that question, but if he didn't, he'd hurt her. If he gave her the completely honest answer, he might do more harm than good. So he settled on half of the truth. "Because you needed it and I wanted to."

She blinked, stunned at his answer. It took her several long moments to realize she was still held gently against his chest and she blushed, releasing his haori from the white-knuckled, death-grip she had on it. Gently, she tried smoothing out the wrinkles her hands had made, for no other reason than to avoid meeting his gaze. She was turning the loaded answer over and over in her mind, trying to dissect it, find all the hidden meanings in it, and she was rather failing. What she managed to grasp was that he'd wanted to kiss her. "You mean you..." She looked up at him, completely and utterly floored at the realization.

His hands moved to cup her face. She looked shocked at the idea. "What?" He asked defensively. It probably came out more gentle than he'd intended, because he couldn't find it in himself to release her completely. Her skin was soft, and though he could see the faintest trace of the bruises, not all of the color there was because of them.

God help him, he loved her. He wished he wasn't such a coward, because now felt like the right time. Now was when he should tell her. It was the right time. But the words wouldn't come. Dammit. He saw something in her eyes and bit his lip, unable to read the emotion there.

"You wanted to kiss me?"

He felt a blush crawl up his neck, across his cheeks and into his hairline when she looked up and met his gaze with hers again. Those brown eyes held a kind of wonder. He brushed a thumb over her lower lip and saw her blush darken slightly. Good, he wasn't the only one embarrassed.

Somehow, that made it easier.

"I wanted to show you..." He said softly.

She blinked, suddenly confused. "Show me what?"

He blinked, and sighed, exasperated. "Are you really that dense?" He snapped softly. He didn't put much heat in it. She flinched anyways and he felt awful. Before she could pull away, he grasped her biceps, preventing the movement. "How many times have you been really kissed?" He asked evenly. "How many people have kissed you?"

She slowly met his gaze, seeing that he was anxious, almost fearful. She blushed, looking away. She didn't want to tell him the truth. But he'd smell the lie. "Naraku is the only person whose ever kissed me." She said in a broken way. She didn't want that bastard in this moment, but now he was there. It hurt her heart. The reminder thrust in his face, he'd undoubtedly release her-

"Did he kiss you like I did?"

She blinked, looking at him again. "No, of course he didn't!" She snapped at him. "He hurt me, you know that-"

"Not everyone's going to kiss you like he did, Kagome." He said softly. "That's...that's what I wanted you to see..." He swallowed hard, slowly setting her away from him, so that he didn't make her more uncomfortable than he probably already had. He suddenly felt very uncertain, and all the fear he'd felt before gripped him again. How he wished she was shocked because she wanted him to. A happy, pleasant shock. But that was unlikely.

He looked away, his courage sufficiently depleted.

A tear fell down her face before she could stop it. The confused emotions running through her welled and showed themselves as tears. She was happy, sad, healed and hurt all at once. He couldn't know how much the action of him brushing his chapped lips against hers meant. The tear fell from her face and splashed on his hand.

His face jerked up and a horrified expression filled his eyes. "K-Kagome? No, don't cry!" He felt panic fill him as more tears fell down her face. He reached towards her, then abruptly stopped himself. He didn't know what to do. He had known better! Why the hell did he have to push his luck?! "Please, don't cry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that." He backed off her bed quickly, heading towards the door, furious with himself.

"Don't go."

The pleading whimper froze him. He turned, seeing fear and worry on her face. Tears still streamed down her flushed cheeks, her brown eyes murky with emotions he dare not read into. He turned slowly towards her, uncertain he'd heard her properly. "Kagome...?"

She looked at him, her brow creased in sadness. "Don't go. You promised..." She lowered her eyes, biting her lip. "Please?" She whispered. "I don't want to be alone..."

His eyes widened and he looked down at her in shock. His heart warmed and slowly he moved towards her. He leaned against the wall, staring out the window, forcing himself back into his more gruff ways. "Fine." He said his voice coming out a little more husky than he'd intended. "Do your homework, wench..."

She blinked, looking towards him. She saw him leaning against the window, his arms crossed, his head turned so he was looking out across the yard once again. Her eyes softened and she smiled a bit, jumping off the bed and walking over to her desk. She picked up her books, quite unable to stop smiling for the first time in a long time.

He'd kissed her.

He'd really kissed her.

Shyly, she glanced towards him, flaming red when she found his gaze on her. Quickly, she looked back towards her books, grabbing a pencil and beginning to work.

Inuyasha watched her as she worked, her face scrunched into that expression of intense concentration, and she worked for no less than two and a half hours, when he heard the faint sound of her snoring and glanced towards her, seeing that she'd dozed off on her books, pencil still lightly grasped in her hand. His face softened with exasperation and he smiled a bit, moving towards her, taking the pencil from her hand and gently picking her exhausted form up. He walked towards the bed, pausing when he felt her arms wrap around his neck and she burrowed into his chest.

His cheeks warmed a bit, but he shook it off, kneeling on her bed and peeling back the covers before easing her onto the bed. As he straightened, her arms tightened and he stared down into her sleeping face, his heart in his throat. She was warm, soft.

Slowly, he leaned down, pressing a yearning kiss against her lips. After a moment, he pulled back, looking down at her sleeping face. "I wanted to kiss you." He admitted softly, brushing her hair back. "But I don't think I could stand it if you were afraid of me..." He rested his cheek on her shoulder, turning his face into her neck for a moment, drawing in her scent. Then, he straightened. "Sleep well, Kagome." He said softly. "Dream happy dreams..."

Then, he pulled away, taking his place in her desk chair, leaning against the wall and watching her as she slept.

Maybe the old hag isn't as crazy as I thought...


AN: Another chapter done. Yay! He actually kissed her! This first kiss has actually moved up two chapters, but notice a difference? No love confession. That's right. Cause the stories not over yet. And yes, I brought Kagome's jerk father back. Jerk 'fiancee' will be in it as well. Will Inuyasha be going to school with Kagome? I eluded to it last chapter, but I haven't decided 100 percent yet.

Anyways, here's the shoutouts: