50 Words Challenge - Supernatural

Chapter: 1/5
Warnings: smut of the incest variety and threesome of the incest and angelic variety
Rating: R
Pairings: Wincest, Dean/Castiel, Dean/Castiel/Sam, Dean/Sam brotherly

Summary: Chapter 1 of 5 in the 50 Words Challenge. Every chapter will have 10 words and their stories.

#01 – Ring

It's dark, almost too dark, and quiet, so it's kind of strange that he doesn't notice the glimmering white of the holy salt ring before he steps in it. A startled sound keens low in his throat and he glances up, startled, eyes dark as midnight, hands outstretched, as he tries and fails to escape the Devil's Trap.

His brother and the angel turn to look at him, his green eyes dim and those blue ones light but solemn. They turn away together, walking side by side, shoulders touching.

"Dean?" His voice is broken, desperate.

The green eyes that turn to look at him are too bright, too sad. "Sorry, Sammy."

#02 – Hero

One would never guess that the two men driving away from town to town in the classic Chevy Impala that can speak to each other without words, simply a twitch of the eyebrows, a meeting of green and hazel eyes, are brothers, as codependent as they are.

But Castiel knows better. He knows these two brothers, with their erotic relationship that is a sin. Castiel should be disgusted, repelled even. He would've been, before. But Castiel has fallen far. Now all he sees is two broken heroes trying to gain a grip on their world and lives before it all comes crashing fantastically down.

#03 – Memory

He's with Ruby when it happens. She's biting along his jaw, licking at his scruff, and they're well on their way to having no boundaries in between. Just skin on skin.

He hears the knock on the door, and the gruff, "Sammy!" and freezes. Ruby stops immedietely, eyes wide, full lips parted in shock. When she opens the door, his eyes pop, adrenaline rushing through his system.

"Dean," he breathes, and he pulls him into his arms, the sweet musk scent filling his nostrils, an old memory finally untrapped from the dark recesses of his grieving mind.

#04 – Box

They're laying together, limbs entwined and tangled together, relaxed and slightly sticky when Dean shifts to put away the lube, and he stops, breath huffing softly in curiosity. Beside him, Sam stiffens, an audible swallow heard.

"Sam?" Dean picks up the velvet square, eyes huge and too bright.

Sam lets out an explosive breath, jaw clenching. "It was for Jessica." Dean's eyes grow brighter, if possible, in understanding, and cradles Sam's head when the first tear rolls down his face, and it's like a dam breaking, the full force of his waterfall sadness following right after. The fingers of one hand clench, knuckles white around the velvet holding something that could end their card scamming days forever, but will never have the chance to do that.

#05 – Run

"No, Sam, I know you! I know how you are! Right when things get real bad, so bad you just can't handle it, you run! Like how you ran away from us all those years to go to college," Dean holds up his hands at Sam's furious gaze. "Don't look at me like that. Hell, I'm proud you went to college but you can't deny that yeah maybe some of it was the want to get a college education, but the other part was you wanted to get away from this family. Dad, the memory of Mom, me." Dean narrows his eyes, breathing hard, fists clenched and jaw tense.

Suddenly, his stance droops, the fight abruptly slipping away from him. He looks up at his brother, eyes dim and sad. "Just...stay, Sam. Stop running, for once, and stay. Here. With me."

There's a brief moment of silence, and then, Sam nods.

#06 – Hurricane

If being Castiel's vessel is like being chained to a comet, being Lucifer's is the equivalent of riding a weather storm, a hurricane, all deceptive calm and sudden, explosive force.

But if being Lucifer's vessel is like riding a hurricane, killing your brother on said hurricane is like a twister coming through and ripping the storm apart, at once calming it and destroying it.

#07 – Wings

He doesn't know how he could have fallen far enough to have actually let the Winchester brothers lure him, seduce him into removing his clothes, laying soft kisses along his neck and collarbone, butterfly kisses on his nose and cheeks. All he knows is that it happened, and it's happening again, less frantic but more passionate, Dean's gruff voice and beautiful soul lighting up in ways he thought it couldn't and Sam's predatory gaze and hidden darkness giving way to soft happiness and indulgent romance.

They are entangled together and the angel is stuck in between them, body writhing, breath catching, eyes rolling back into his head so much that he misses the meaningful look pass between the two hunters.

Suddenly, he feels a harsh tongue and sharp teeth graze along his shoulder blades and he keens, flexible spine arching high into the air.

"Show us them," the voice of his marked human breathes into his ear and he trembles at Sam's soft murmur of agreement, his long fingers stroking his back soothingly, achingly. Castiel's body shakes at their implication, but he doesn't feel any hesitation when he agrees, slowly extracting himself from their arms. He closes his eyes, tenses, and in one smooth fluid motion, unfurls his wings, feathers satiny and so dark they appear violet and green like the aurora borealis.

He opens his eyes and...they are much closer than they used to be, irises filled with awe and something much more carnal, sending an elictric bolt of lust straight through him. When their hands tangle into the feathers, he goes weak-kneed, and finds that he's held up by both front and back.

Later, he finds that the brothers Winchester will stay that way, keeping him up as he falls.

#08 – Cold

Sam thought he could handle it. After all, it isn't like this is a surprise. There'd been a whole damn year of forewarning.

But that doesn't change the fact that he's crying as he holds his brother's cold, still body, blood still warm, eyes dim and unseeing.

#09 – Red

Red is Sam's favorite color. Not for the reasons you'd think because all that came after the fact. No, it's his favorite color for two reasons.

1. It's the color of Dean's lips after sex, all rosy and kiss-swelled, feminine and beautiful.


2. Since the addition of Cas to Team Free Will, in more ways than one, it's the color of the flush on his cheeks when they finish with him, and he's limp and languid, completely debauched.

#10 – Drink

"Thanks," he grins at the bartender and winks, watching her blush and stammer away. Turning away from her to look at the stoic person beside him, he hands him the martini while sipping his own beer.

The angel looks at it and back to Dean quizzically, and Dean rolled his eyes.

"Drink it, Cas. It's good." Castiel tilts his head and picks it up, long fingers gripping the stem delicately, and Dean has a minute where he imagines those slender digits wrapping around something else before squirming uncomfortably and gulping down some of his beer.

Castiel sniffs the drink, then-dear God-sticks his pink tongue out to lap at the edge, and Dean almost has a heart attack, chugging down his beer like there's no tomorrow (which, funny enough...) and waving down the bartendress to get him another before he launches himself at Cas. When he turns back to him, the angel is finally taking a delicate sip, and he watches as those big blue eyes widen and then flutter closed, warm, contented sigh spilling between his parted pink lips. Castiel takes another sip, and then another and another, failing to hear that strangled moan from beside him, so immersed was he in the taste and burning feeling down his throat.

When he turns to look at his companion, he finds him with his pretty green eyes nearly blown black and pouted lips parted soundlessly, hand gripping his beer glass so hard his knuckles are white. Castiel tilts his head.

"Are you alright, Dean?" He asks, unaware of the blaringly obvious fact that no, Dean was not alright.

Please read and review! The next chapter will be up shortly!