Author's Note: Hey, everyone! So, I actually wrote this story before Memoirs, but I literally wrote it out, like in a notebook with an actual pencil (those things are still around?). So, up until now I've been lazy and haven't typed it out. This is just the first chapter, and I've got more but it's just a matter of me typing it out. I actually had to start Memoirs to balance out the seriousness of this story.

So, I hope you enjoy it. I have no idea when I'll actually finish this one since I'm focusing on Lily's POV right now, but I will. Eventually. I hope.

Remember to REVIEW ME!

The Hypocrite Chronicles

Chapter One: The First Encounter

While there are many people in the world who believe in love at first sight, Severus Snape was not one of them. In fact, Severus Snape did not believe in love at all. He had heard about it, of course, in various ways but found it difficult to believe in something he had never experienced for himself. Poor, disheveled Severus Snape had led one of the most unpleasant childhoods in existence, so he was very glad that on September 1st he would be starting at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Until that day, Just three long months away, Severus would have to bear the screaming and arguing of his parents. Just three more months and he would be free.

It was on one particular Saturday in early June that Severus happened to be at the community playground, lying hidden in a huge, plastic tube. The park was not meant for children from Spinner's End, but it was the only place where Severus could go to find peace. As he lay in the tube, shredding a blade of grass to bits, he heard footsteps and a girl's sweet, clear laugh.

"Tuney, look, nobody's here! We have it all to ourselves!"

Severus dropped the grass in surprise and, peaking out of his hiding place, saw a young girl with dark red hair run straight to the swing set.

He carefully peered forward as he saw her climb onto a swing; she rocked back and forth, and in an unusually short time was soaring high into the air. As Severus watched her he was filled with a most particular feeling that he had never felt before. He did not know why, but he wanted to reach out and touch her smooth, pale cheek, or run his fingers through her shining hair. Even from such a distance he could see the bright, spicy green of her almond-shaped eyes, and he wanted to stare into them forever.

But that was nonsense, Severus told himself. Why would he want to touch a filthy muggle, or stare at a muggle, or even think about one? Severus closed his eyes but had to open them again; she was just too beautiful to ignore. Severus was brought back to his senses when he heard the voice of another girl.

"Lily, stop, you are going much too high, and mummy will be angry with me for not keeping a proper watch on you!" The bossy voice rang out. For the first time Severus noticed that another girl had appeared. She seemed to be older but was dull, uninteresting; a filthy, common muggle.

"But I won't Tuney, I promise!" The beautiful girl called Lily replied, earning herself a reproving glare from the muggle.

"Just do as I say, Lily, and get down from that swing!"

"Fine, have it your way." Lily said with a smirk.

She waited until she swung quite high in the air before jumping off of the swing. Flying unnaturally high, Lily let out a shout of glee as she fell back to the earth, landing lightly on the feet.

The muggle had watched this with a look of pure terror, and in her haste to get to Lily had tripped over the corner of the sandbox. Massaging her elbow, she got up and marched toward her sister.

"Lily! What- was- that? You could have broken something!"

Grinning sheepishly, Lily replied "I'm fine Tuney, there's no need to fuss-"

"Fuss? Fuss? Oh, I am taking you straight home!" The muggle grabbed Lily by the wrist and pulled her towards the park's exit gate. "You wait 'til I tell mummy what you did."

They had walked out of Severus' line of vision, but he could still hear the muggle's threats and Lily's protests ("Oh, come on Tuney, I didn't do anything wrong!")

As their footsteps faded into the distance, Severus was overcome with strange and new emotions. It spread throughout his body with a tingling warmth, and his chest felt as though it would burst open with, there was no other word for it, joy. Lily was a witch.

It was the only logical explanation. She was a beautiful, red-haired witch, and he, Severus, would be the one to introduce her to his world. He would open her eyes, and she would love him for it.

Severus had never wanted anything more in his life than the love of Lily Evans, though he did not know it at the time.