Of Bats, Cats and Children

By: Batgirl2992

Rating: T, nothing graphic just threats and illusions

Months after the season 9 finale, Chloe leaves Metropolis for Gotham and Queen Industries for Wayne Enterprises. Why did she leave, and what keeps her in America's darkest city?

"The bat's lost support of the populace gentlemen. How is he still ruining our operations?" the man's umbrella popped open in exclamation.

"Keep your hat on birdman, too excited and he may fly away." A voice from the shadows purred. "you should know Mr. Cobblepot, bats are afraid of light; And a cage will trap any bird; but a cat it will escape anything, befriend or betray anyone with a hiss and a kiss." Slinking out of the corner, the leather clad woman, flashed a pearly white smile. "And this cat wants to destroy that bat."

Licking his lips Oswald smiled, "well kitty, I think we could come to an arrangement."

A delicate laugh, like the tinkling of bells joined the men's hearty ruckus. Cat woman turned to the Penguin's associates, "I'll keep the bat busy, you boys make the money."

A late arrival finished for her, "and then we'll break Mr. J outta that awful place, and chaos will rule the day!" Harley's grin shone from ear to ear, "just make sure none of you kill the bat, puddin would just hate that."

"Are you sure you want to go the circus?" Clark asked solemnly, "I'm sure Gotham has more exciting, and less childish..." Chloe raised her hand, to stop him.

"Clark Kent, if you keep using that 'I think you are making the worst decisions of your life' voice, I'm going to have to send you back to Metropolis to face Lois." She smiled, "I knew that'd shut you up. My soon to be boss suggested that I go to this, because his boss would be here."

Clark readjusted his glasses, "I can't believe you are working for Wayne Enterprises, Lex always said it was such a bad company."

Chloe rolled her eyes, "because Lex turned out to be such a good guy. And I'm not really working for them until Bruce Wayne interviews me."

Running his hands through his dark hair, Clark scratched his head, but you just mentioned your boss?"

"Mr. Fox said if Wayne doesn't want me, he'll have me freelance for the R& D department. But I really would love to work cyber security; it would be like my last job, only you know for real." Chloe closed her eyes, pushing away the memory of the last few weeks. "Ohh, cotton candy, you want some Clark?"

Last Night, one family fell to tragedy. While performing in Gotham, The flying Grayson's, died while heroically defending the Gotham citizens who attended the first night of the performance. Only the youngest son, Richard survived the fall. Two costumed females were behind the attack, they called out for Batman to show himself,

"Master Bruce, perhaps it is not healthy to watch …"

The billionaire turned up the volume "Not now Alfred."

In more uplifting news, Gotham's resident billionaire has taken in the young boy. At this morning's press conference Bruce Wayne explained this latest decision.

Bruce walked up to the microphone, flashing his playboy smile. "I chose to take in Mr. Grayson, because I still remember how it felt to be completely without family at such a young age, and without the guidance administered by my guardian I never would have became the man I am today. I hope to give the same guidance to Mr. Grayson."

"Mr. Wayne, how will this affect your relationship with Selena Kyle?" one reporter asked.

"Selena and I are in the beginning stages of our relationship, but she understands why I decided to do this. Thank you and have a nice day gentlemen, ladies." He winked at the crowd, before walking back into Wayne Tower.

"Nice speech, so is this like a PR stunt or do you got daddy issues and decide acting like daddy dearest is going to make all your dreams come true?" The teenager stood slightly behind Alfred, dwarfing him in height. The boy's shaggy black hair and piercing blue eyes surveyed the room. "No matter, I like the house." He nodded appreciatively. "I get my own room right, maybe one of those big flat screen TVs, and a PS3?"

"Richard, Alfred will show you to your room. You start at Gotham High on Tuesday, as a freshman. I expect decent grades, you are welcome to do any extracurricular you wish, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Bruce turned to Alfred, "I'm taking the Lamborghini, I've got an appointment at work in half an hour, call me if anything comes up." Bruce stalked out of the room.

"Big on the pleasantries isn't he?" Dick laughed.

Alfred smiled, "I'm afraid that having only me for companionship has ruined his social skills. Give him time, perhaps you shall grow to be friends." Alfred picked up Dick's duffel bag. "This way Master Richard, I'll see to the television you inquired upon."

Chloe smoothed her skirt over her knees, this will be the fourth billionaire she had met. So far, not one of these 'relationships' had worked out. Lex experimented on her, Lionel tried to kill her a few times and well Oliver, she just really didn't want to think about that. Bruce Wayne opened the double doors to his office, from where she sat Chloe noticed it had a nice view. Large wooden desk, black leather chairs, bookshelves lining the right wall, she could tell Bruce Wayne was a conservative and traditional man, with a profound respect for his elders. That respect would explain Lucius Fox virtually running Wayne Enterprises.

He saw the petite blond sitting near his secretary, here to interview for the cyber security division. "Ms. Sullivan, please step into my office." She carried herself with an impressive confidence, her green eyes spoke of years of hardship and wisdom. Sitting down across the desk from one another, Chloe and Bruce tried to size each other up. "Why should I let you run my cyber security division, Ms. Sullivan?"

Chloe smiled, "Besides my impressive list on my resume, I've hacked into almost every governmental agency, and I've ran live defensive firewalls against LuthorCorp, keeping them away from Queen Industries most revolutionary technology and I was the one who Victor Stone had do the final test on his last security system before installing it at all Queen Industries high security locations." She stared him down, daring him to question her.

Bruce tried not to look surprised. "You just admitted to at least one felony Miss Sullivan."

Chloe scoffed, "and now you know I'm qualified. But I explained all of this to Mr. Fox, why don't' you ask the questions I know red flagged me for a personal interview."

Bruce sat up straighter, not used to being called out by potential employees. "You are an un-degreed, college dropout, with years of reporting experience, 9 months of philanthropic efforts, and a year and a half of computer experience with my company's rival." Chloe made to speak. "I'm not done yet. You also have personal connections to Lionel, Lex and Lana Luthor, the maid of honor I believe. And if my source is correct you were in a very personal relationship with Oliver Queen, why should I hire you?"

Eyes thinned and an angry blush to her cheeks Chloe took a deep breath. "Mr. Wayne, I have not spoken to Lex Luthor since the day he fired me from the Daily Planet. Lionel is dead and Lana divorced Lex years ago. As for Oliver Queen, that relationship was ill-advised and short lived, I plan to move on and I felt maybe being across the country was far enough. I understand it's your job to watch out for corporate mutiny, but I am a loyal person, and I keep secrets better than anyone you will ever meet." She stopped to calm herself. "I hope you can move beyond my past. If not, just provide Dick with a stable home, fifteen is too young to be alone in the world."


Chloe choked out, "I was at the circus that night, I just, he needed a hug, you know. Have a nice day Mr. Wayne." She turned to leave the room.

"Ms. Sullivan, you start on Monday morning. I like to be kept in the loop. And I want you to finish your Bachelor's degree." Bruce turned to his computer, dismissing her.

"Clark don't do the guilt thing, you never would forgive yourself if Lois died because you stayed at the circus with me." She paused holding her cell phone farther away from her ear. "Who knows maybe living with Bruce Wayne will be exactly what the kid needs. Night Clark."

Chloe began to speed up her walk, after dark in Gotham wasn't safe, not that it was in Smallville either, but this place was downright scary. She noticed a big thug following her. Chloe whispered to herself, "I am watchtower, I've faced Lex Luthor and lived; a common street thug doesn't scare me." She screamed as a hand grabbed her shoulder.

"And maybe I'll make you fear me girly. Fear me like women should fear men." The thug's dirty clothes gave off a rancid smell and his dead eyes caused chills to run down her back. The guy pressed Chloe into the wall, bricks cutting into her shoulders.

Pinned up against the wall a movement up on the rooftop caught her eye, not being ignorant of Gotham's own resident super hero, she took at chance. Chloe screamed as loud as she could.

Catwoman laughed, "What are you going to do Batman. Follow me and catch the villain or save the girl." She began to run, using her whip like one of Batman's grapple lines.

It took Batman less than a second to swoop down and knock out Chloe's unfriendly visitor. He spoke to her in a guttural grown, "Gotham after dark is never safe, go home and stay there."

Chloe's eyes widened, "I'd be glad to, but unless it's Halloween, we might be in for another fight." She eyed the clowns advancing on them, searching for weak points, just like she was taught working with Oliver and the boys. "I'll be able to take the one with the limp and the guy favoring his right side, but oh boy that one's got a big gun."

Batman rolled his head in her direction exhasboratedly. "I hate guns."

The fight was quick, Chloe managed to take down the limping man, but Batman knocked out the other three. "huh, clown masks, I thought the Joker was in Arkham, you don't think he got out do you?" Chloe glanced around nervously, like the Joker would emerge from the shadows like a villain in the old movies Jimmy liked.

"He may be locked up, but Harley's free and she really wants to destroy me for putting him in there." Batman muttered.

"Well thanks, for everything. Maybe, you should look into a sidekick, and then she wouldn't have gotten away." As the look on his face she relented. "it is Your choice. But, if you ever need me to help out." She handed him a business card.

Confusion passed over what Chloe could see of his face, "What could you do for me… Watchtower?"

"Trust me; unexpected allies can save your skin or wings, whatever. I'm really good with computers and hero support is kind of my thing. Thanks Batman, my building is three blocks from here." Chloe started walking, knowing she had a guardian angel in Kevlar watching from above.

A/N: so let me know if this seems interesting. I love Chruce fics, and since everyone else is writing Chollie right now, I thought I'd do something different. I've only got the second chapter finished, so I'm still willing to incorporate any ideas you guys have.