IM SO SO SO SO SO SORRYY! It's really hard for me to find time to write and work on my stories, but luckily enough I managed to finish this chappie yesterday.

ENJOY! ^_^

Lunch came 3 periods after Chemistry. In my old school, our cafeteria was a crummy little room about the same size as our classrooms. Actually it probably was a classroom before they put grease stained lunch tables in it, with dirt crusted benches for seats. Hey, it was a cheap public school, not a private one, but you wouldn't be able to explain my shock when I walked into this school's cafeteria. Instead of the rectangular lunch tables, there were circular ones about 6 feet from each other. I glanced over toward the lunch line to see if they had good food or not, and my mouth began to water. There was roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, meat, vegetable, and seafood lasagna, fresh off the grill hamburgers, and so much more that I didn't even recognize. This was school lunch food? It looked like we were in a gourmet restaurant! After admiring the food, I realized that Naruto was sitting at a table with Hinata, Sasuke, a brown-haired kid with red paint on his face, and another brown-haired kid that looked like he was sleeping. I walked over to them and plopped my bag down in between Sasuke and Hinata. I met Hinata in my 4th period class. She had been extremely nice to me but on the other hand she was also almost unnaturally quiet. Thankfully she was my dorm mate instead of someone like, say, Sakura.

"Tenten!" Naruto cheerfully called me. "I didn't know that you had lunch with us! We could have met you somewhere and could have walked here together." I guess being friends with Naruto was a good thing. He could always put a smile on my face.

"It's alright Naruto. I found the place just fine." I smiled back at him. "But to make up for it, wanna give me the rundown of this place?"

"Oh, that's easy. I guess you already figured out that none of us are normal." "Except for me." I whispered under my breath. I guess Sasuke heard me because he turned toward me and mouthed the words "Don't worry about it."

Naruto seemed to not notice Sasuke whispering and went on. "But basically this school was built so that people like us can learn how to control our powers. For example, I am a doppelganger, meaning I can make clones of myself."

"I know what it means Naruto." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"Heehee, I guess you do."

"Then what are your powers then?" I said while looking at Sasuke and Hinata.

"W-we-ll, I'm a-a shape-shifter." Hinata said.

"And I'm a pyromancer." I looked in confusion at Sasuke. "What's a pyromancer?"

"It means he can control fire." Naruto jumped in before Sasuke could say anything. "Isn't that so cool? But it also takes a lot more control to master it, not to mention how dangerous it is."

Dangerous? Sasuke smirked at me. "You scared now?"

"You wish Sasuke." I smiled and punched him in the arm. He was about to make a comeback when I heard a cough and a snore. Turning to look next to Naruto, I realized I had totally forgotten about the two strangers sitting at the table. "Aren't you forgetting about someone?" the guy with the paint on his face said.

"Hah, sorry about that Kiba. Tenten this is Kiba, one of my other friends, and the lazy one there sleeping is Shikamaru." Kiba smiled but my eyes were focused on the small dog on his head.

"Oh, this is Akamaru. He's like my best-friend and brother in one person."

"He's so cute!" I almost screamed. "But I thought pets weren't allowed in school?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Well Kiba has sort of an attachment to animals. All animals like him, but dogs like him the best." Naruto explained. "That's basically what his power is. Oh, and the lazy butt over there has telekinesis."

Everybody had such cool powers; again I doubted myself to whether or not I should have come here, and to make me feel even worse Sakura had just walked in with her posse.

"Oh crap this day just gets better and better." I muttered. "Who are those people walking next to her?" I asked Sasuke.

"Well the boy is Neji, he's her boyfriend. The two girls behind her are Ino and Temari." I gave him a look when he said "he's her boyfriend" and he laughed. "I know, it's hard to believe, but that doesn't mean that he's her only boyfriend."

"Well that explains why she was all up on you today in chemistry." I murmured. "What are their powers?"

"Keeping tabs on them?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry, I would do that too if I were the new kid." I gave him another aggravated look when he mentioned me being the "new kid," but it quickly went away when he laughed and told me that he was complimenting me. What kind of compliment was that? Then his face became serious and told me to stay away from them.

"All of them are extremely dangerous, and not to mention on the Student Council, and it definitely doesn't help that you don't have any powers of your own yet."

I gave him a they-wouldn't-have-the-guts-to-mess-with-me smile but on the inside I was completely terrified. "You still didn't answer my question." I pointed out to him.

"Oh. Hm, let's see if I can remember. Neji has x-ray vision and the ability to create force-fields. Temari is a wind rider, which means she can control air. Ino can control people with her mind. Sakura has amazing healing abilities. Just stay clear of them and I say you'll be fine."

After everything that Sasuke had just told me, the only thing that stuck in my head was, "Sakura has amazing healing abilities".

"You've….got to be kidding me. Sakura? Healing? That completely contradicts her personality!" I almost screamed at him.

"It's surprising, isn't it?" Naruto smiled. "Sakura's personality brings people down while her powers help people get back on their feet. That's why she kept on saying she was so famous. She's saved a lot of people's lives."

The fact that Sakura could be so cruel and yet help people couldn't register in my mind. I regarded it as a joke but stuck the piece of information in the back of my mind. "What would happen if you stood up against them?" I asked, eager for more.

"You would be expelled."

I jerked my head towards the voice, and realized that it was Kiba who had spoken up. I would have thought that he was joking but the pained look on his face told me different.

"One of my best friends, a few years back, had gotten in a fight with Ino because she was picking on the people with weaker powers. What Ino didn't know was that Ren was stronger so Ino ended up being 'beat up' I guess you could say and was humiliated to death. Since Sakura is both her best friend and the president of the student council, the news traveled fast to her. The next day, Ren didn't come to school and later on I found out that she was expelled."

"That's…terrible." I commented. What else was I supposed to say? Good for her? "It's even more terrible how Sakura can stoop that low…."

In the few seconds that I had finished my sentence, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period.

Looking up to Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata, I asked what period they had next, hoping that it was the same as mine.

To my delight, all of them had gym with me.

The building that held the gym was only a few minutes' walk from the lunch room. Halfway through, Naruto and Sasuke left because the boy's locker room was on the opposite side of the gym. They reassured me that Hinata knew where she was going and would lead me to the girl's locker room. Talking to Hinata isn't the hardest thing to do, but sparking up a conversation is. Lucky enough I remembered something that Sasuke has told me earlier and decided to bring it up.

"So, Hinata, I heard you're going out with Naruto." I smiled at her.

"I'm guessing you heard that from Sasuke, huh?" She smiled back.

"Wait." I stopped in my tracks. Was it just me or did Hinata stop stuttering? "How come you're not stuttering anymore?"

"It seems that I only do that in front of Naruto." She smiled again. "Even though we've been going out for a few months, I still get nervous every time I'm near him."

At that point we had reached the girl's locker room and I followed Hinata to her gym locker. She told me that I could choose any one I wanted, and I already had the gym clothes that the school had given me.

"Anyway, I think you should learn to stop stuttering Hinata." I claimed while wagging my finger at her. "I think your voice sounds much prettier this way and I'm sure Naruto would like it too." The shy girl turned away from me but I could see her blush from where I was standing. "You're lucky enough to have a guy that, as far as I can see, is funny, handsome, and loves you more than anything." For some reason when I finished my sentence, my mind immediately went to the thought of Sasuke. Before it went farther than that though, I shook the thought out of my head and looked back at Hinata.

"I guess…it really couldn't hurt to try, right?" She said in a soft tone looking down at the floor.

I couldn't help smiling at the girl that stood before me. Hinata was so pure, and I was happy that someone like her had a boyfriend like Naruto instead of a scumbag that treated her like dirt. "C'mon Hinata, we gotta get into the gym before we're marked as late!" I smiled while pulling her behind me.

"WELCOME BACK MY YOUTHFUL STUDENTS!" The green-spandex wearing gym teacher yelled at us, although we were only about one foot away from him.

"Ouch, my ears. He does know that we're not standing that far from him, right?"

Hinata was standing to the left of me, with Naruto next to her, and Sasuke was to my right. I wasn't expecting any of them to answer my question, considering I couldn't even hear my own thoughts when this teacher talked.

"My name is Mr. Gai, and am the gym teacher for you YOUTHUL students! I'm glad to see that all of you have come back to this YOUTHFUL school for some more YOUTHFUL learning! Being the first day, we won't be sparring right off the bat, but we'll do some YOUTHFUL exercises for the minds and bodies of you YOUTHFUL children! Now I want you to get in groups of 5 and stand on the line in front of me!"

"I'm guessing Mr. Gai has mostly youth on his mind." I joked to my friends standing around me.

"Trust me, you'll get used to it after a few months." Naruto laughed back. "But regarding what we're supposed to do right now, shouldn't we get a fifth member?"

"Please, I'm sure we can do whatever we're supposed to do with just us four." I answered him while rolling up my sleeve.

"Sure, but you haven't seen the gym class here Tenten." Sasuke commented and rolled his eyes at my action.

"Why, what's so special about it?" I began to say, but was cut off by our gym teacher.

"I see that we have uneven numbers here, so one of the people in a group of four will have to YOUTHFULLY run twice." He said while giving off a smile that could have easily blinded a person. "We will be doing YOUTHFUL relay races around the gym, five times!"

Okay, I hated running and all, and relay races I could handle, but as soon as that teacher said five time around our got damn gym that was about the size of a football field, I could have screamed. And I did, but soft enough so that only the three people around me could hear it.

Sasuke smirked at my panicked face and whispered into my ear, "Told you so."

"I…am…NEVER…...going gym class again." I groaned. Luckily enough I had study hall 7th so I was able to go to the nurse's office and lay down in a cot. Luckily Sasuke and Hinata had a study hall too so they were able to go with me.

"Oh, Tenten, was it? It's so nice to see you again!" The sound of the she-devil drifted into the room from the doorway. "You too Sasuke." She added as I heard her voice go up a pitch, and felt Sasuke's hand twitch next to me.

Unluckily, Sakura also had a study hall, and guess where she usually spent her time?

"Wonderful, just wonderful. My life just sprouted rainbows and ponies." I whispered underneath my breath, but Hinata had heard me and covered her mouth before her laugh could come out.

"I was just wondering." Sakura began to speak, putting on an innocent face. "Friday we're starting to spar in gym, and I was just wondering if I could fight you."

Why, would she ask me that? She knew as well as Naruto and Sasuke that I didn't have any powers, so what would be the point of asking me something a trivial as that? I first whispered to Sasuke and Hinata if they could leave the room, because I knew she was just acting her innocence.

After they left, I began our real conversation. "All right Sakura, drop the innocent act cause we all know you're only doing that for Sasuke."

Sakura's innocent smile slowly grew into an evil one before I continued to talk.

"Now, why the hell are you asking me to fight with you in gym on Friday when you know perfectly well that I don't have any powers?"

"Just a little fun." She smirked at me. "And I suggest you do what I say or else."

"Or else?" I smirked back at her. "What are you going to do, expel me? I never wanted to come here in the first place."

"Expel? Oh, no no no. If you don't fight me on Friday, your little 'secret' might just slip out and you'll find yourself in the middle of some big trouble from the other students. Not to mention you'll be humiliated in front of the whole school." Her evil smirk grew even wider. "But then again, even if you DO decide to fight me on Friday, you'll still be humiliated in front of the whole class so there's really no good side to this for you."

Sakura started to cackle as she walked out of the door and waved her hand at me. "I'll see you Friday!" She shouted as she suddenly disappeared.

"Just great. You're in some deep shit now Tenten." I whispered to myself.

Well I hoped you liked it. I have the next two chapters in my mind but the only problem is I have to actually find time to WRITE them...

I'll give you a hint though, Tenten MIGHT get her powers next chapter. *wink*

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