An Unexpected Detour

A Doctor Who and

Chronicles of Narnia


by Lona B. Undorina

"Well, Miss Tyler," said a very tall man, walking down a street in New York City , wearing a tan trench coat, a navy blue suit, and red coverse, "where do you fancy going to?"

The 'Miss Tyler' he was referring to was nineteen year-old Rose Tyler, her hair was a brilliant blond and she had deep dark brown eyes.

"Well, Doctor," she said, looking up to him. "How about we go into this resturant for a quick bite before we go looking for trouble?" She pointed to the building they had stopped in front of. A sign that said 'Last Stop Cafe' hung above the door. Through the windows they could see people eating a tables and waiters serving food.

"Well, I don't see why not," said the Doctor. "Especially if they have bananas. Do you suppose they got any?"

Rose laughed at her friend's question. Opening the door, The Doctor and Rose stepped into the cafe.

"And that is how I saved the Telmarines from extinction with my sonic screwdriver, a t-shirt, and various objects that I found in the TARDIS."

The Doctor and Rose had just finished eating their lunch, while The Doctor was telling of his adventure on Telmar. He ended the story with a big grin on his face.

"But," he addded. "I was exiled from that planet, as is the case with many. The Telmarines are a very ungrateful lot."

As Rose swallowed her last bit of spahgetti, The Doctor stood up. He set his napkin on the table. "Well, where are we off too now?" he asked, a mischevious twinkle in his eye, that crazy grin on his face.

"I say you pick," Rose said.

"No, I picked last time," retorted The Doctor.

" So?"

"How about we let the TARDIS pick? She got some good locations," he suggested.

Rose smiled; "Works for me," she said.

The Doctor set down a couple of dollar bills on the table and stood up. He took Rose by the hand and he led her out of the building and they started to walk back to the TARDIS.

The Doctor and Rose walked about half of mile until they reached a park. They walked down a path for a while until they came upon a blue police box. The TARDIS.

"'Ello, old girl," said the Doctor, giving the TARDIS a fond pat on it's door. "Where are you going to take us today," he asked as he unlocked the door with a key. He opened the door and let Rose in first, walking in after her.

The TARDIS, which stood for Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space) was a time machince. Although on the outside it looked like a normal police box, it's inside was bigger. Time Lord technology.

The Doctor took of his coat and threw it somewhere. "Alright, old girl, where you going to take us, he hit a couple of buttons, flipped a switch, and pulled a lever. With a terrifying jolt, the TARDIS started to move.

"Where are we going this time," asked Rose. "We better not be going to Jenfini again. I don't want to be

at the risk of being fried, again."

"I specifically told the TARDIS not to go there" answered the Doctor. "But besides that I have no idea where we a going."

"No idea at all?"


Rose smiled. "I like it."

Sunddenly, there was a big jolt and the Doctor and Rose were thrown to the ground. With a big smile, The Doctor exclaimed, "We're here!" He got to his feet quickly, grabbed his coat and opened the door. He stepped out with Rose behind him following.

"Where are we now," she asked. "It doesn't look Jenfini." She sniffed to air, "it smells to clean to be Jenfini. Doctor where are we?"

With a grave look on his face, he said; "The last place I wanted to be."