A.N.~ Just another warning for your stomach. :)

"I'm staying. Go." Rose looked at The Doctor and then ran. She heard screams and stopped. She turned and saw The Doctor looking at her, smiling sadly. "Go," he said, as if she was a little girl. "Everything will be fine." The Doctor then collapsed and Rose wanted to run to him, but she couldn't. She looked down at her feet and saw tree roots wrapped around her feet. "Doctor!" she exclaimed. "Doctor, hold on!" Rose could see Peter and Edmund, still fighting. Susan was standing over Caspian who was unconscious, firing arrow after arrow. "Run, Rose! Run!" someone shouted at her. She wanted more than ever to run to The Doctor, but she couldn't. Then a Telmarine charged her, sword in hand. She put her hands up as if they would block the sword. The sun glinted on the sword as it came down. Rose screamed, her hands still up. The sword coming down...

Then Rose woke up.

Rose sat up quickly on the cot. A cold sweat drenched the gown she was wearing. It was just a dream, just a dream, she told herself. A candle that was sitting on a stool lit up the tent where she had been sleeping. Rose saw Lucy looking worried on the cot next to her's. She had been crying: her eyes were all puffy and tear streaks down her face. "Where could they be?" Lucy asked, her voice very quiet,"It's midnight and they still haven't arrived." Rose went over and kneeled besides the cot, taking Lucy's hand. "Maybe," she said, "they had to take the long way here so they would be sure no one would follow them."

Lucy looked at Rose. "But," she said, "it's not like Peter to take this long. He doesn't like taking the long way."

"I know," Rose gave Lucy a hug. "I'm sure they're fine. Besides, The Doctor is with them. Why don't you go and try to get some sleep? I'll wake you up when they arrive."

Lucy nodded, breaking away from Rose's hug. She lay back on her cot, pulled her blanket over her and closed her eyes. Rose stood up and blew the candle out. She walked out of the tent and into the dark camp and shivered from the coolness of the summer night.

Rose didn't know where her feet were taking her but she didn't care. She felt just like Lucy, worried. He mind wandered to what had happened to her that day.

She didn't argue when The Doctor had told her to go, stating that he was staying. But now she wished she had. She wanted him to comfort her by saying that it everything will be okay.

Rose, Lucy and Trumpkin hurried towards where Caspian said the Narnian's camp was. They would've made it sooner if it weren't for the two Telmarines that were following them. Trumpkin and Reepicheep (who went with them unknown to Caspian and the Pevensies) took care of them quickly.

"You're done bastards," Reepicheep had said triumphantly, standing on one of their chests. "Any last words?" He waved his sword dangerously in front of his captive's face.

"Reepicheep, stop that nonsense," said Trumpkin. Turning to Lucy and Rose, he asked "What do you think we should do with them?"

"I'm one for gutting them," said Reepicheep.


Rose thought. What would The Doctor have done? "Let them go," Rose said.

Trumpkin looked at her, shocked. "Have you've gone mad? They'll tell Miraz where we are!"

"No! Wait!" Lucy said. She pulled out her dagger and cut strips off four strips from the bottom of her dress. She went over to the guards and tied two strips two each of them. One, around their eyes as blindfolds. The other two around their hands.

"Get up," Lucy commanded. Rose couldn't help but notice how much of a queen she sounded. The two Telmarines struggled to their feet. Lucy, with dagger in hand, grabbed the arm of one of them and started to walk in the opposite direction of the camp. Rose followed her lead and grabbed the other one with Trumpkin and Reepicheep taking up the rear.

They led away from where they found them for about 15 minutes. Lucy pushed her captive roughly (which wasn't something Lucy would do) and so did Rose.

"Listen now," Lucy said fiercely. "You stay here and in one hour you can go back to your king and tell him not to mess with us. If we catch so much as a whiff of you, I'll send my friend Reepicheep here after you. Do you understand?"

There was a nervous murmur from the two men.

"Good," Lucy said, satisfied. "Good day, gentlemen." They ran off to the camp.

"That was brilliant, Lucy," Rose said.

"Thank you."

After walking for a while, and after making sure no Telmarines were following, the foursome had reached the camp.

After almost getting shot by a faun (huge misunderstanding), identifying themselves (Rose was introduced as 'Lady Rose'), being briefed on the situation, and briefing the rest on what had happened in the woods, Lucy and Rose were brought to a tent were they changed into different clothing.

Slipping a dress over her head, Rose said, "They should be back by now." They waited, until Trumpkin insisted that they go to bed, say that he would awake them the moment they arrived. They agreed grudgingly, but they had a horrible time falling asleep.

Now Rose was waiting in the dark and they still hadn't arrived. She did not know where The Doctor was, whether he was dead or alive. Tears threatened to fall, she wanted so badly The Doctor to come strolling through into the how, exclaiming how incredibly thick the Telmarines are. But he wasn't.

"My lady," a voice said. Rose looked around, then down to see Reepicheep standing there. "Is there anything you require?"

Rose fought back the tears in her eyes. "No thank you, Reepicheep," she said. "I'm just waiting for them to return." She sat on the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Reepicheep sat down by her. "Then I shall wait with you." They sat, waiting for their friends to come.

"Rose! Rose, wake up!" Rose woke up to the sunrising. She had fallen asleep where she and Reepicheep were sitting the night before. Rose sat up and saw Reepicheep standing nervously next to her. "The others have been sighted and they need you and Queen Lucy! You must hurry!"

Rose wasted no time. She jumped up quickly and ran towards the tent where Lucy was. She ran in and over to Lucy's cot. "Lucy," she whispered quickly in her ear. "Lucy, they'rehere!" After a few moments of whispering in her ear, Lucy woke up. "They're here," Rose repeated. Lucy nodded and sprang out off of the cot. She grabbed her belt that held her dagger and, most importantly, her cordial. She followed Rose out of the tent. Rose saw Reepicheep and followed after him towards the center of the camp. The got there just as the others were. Rose gasped at what she saw:

She saw Peter, Susan, Edmund, and the Narnians, all relatively unharmed. But there were two stretchers made out of trees and belts (for a moment, Rose couldn't help where they had gotten the belts). One was carrying Caspian, the other was carrying The Doctor with his trenchcoat draped over his body, both unconscious. Rose rushed over to The Doctor as he was carried into a tent and transferred over to a cot. Rose gasped when they took his coat off of him, she saw two arrows sticking out of his body, one in his is chest, the other in his left arm, dark red spots were on his shirt. Rose was shocked; it was just like her dream. She went to feel his forehead but stopped halfway, she could just feel the heat radiating off of him from a fever. His breath was shallow and his face already looked dead. Rose felt tears once again threatening to overcome her.

"What happened?" she managed to say, fighting back the tears. Peter who was standing next to The Doctor's cot looked at her. He looked exhausted and dirt was all over his face. Edmund, who was standing next to him, looked equally exhausted.

"He got hurt saving Caspian from certain death," he answered. "An archer was aiming for Caspian and The Doctor pushed him out of the way only to get shot. I amazed that he's still alive."

Rose looked back at The Doctor. "But" she said. "Caspian was on a stretcher as well."

"His head was hit as he fell from The Doctor pushing him out of the way, he hasn't woken up since."

Just then, Lucy walked into the tent. Walking over to the other side of The Doctor's cot, she wordlessly took out her cordial and pulled to stopper off. She was about to pour some into his mouth when she pulled her hand back as she realized something. "We need to take those arrows out first," she said. "He won't heal correctly if they are still in him."

Peter nodded, "start by getting his shirt off. I'll go get a healer." He went quickly out of the tent. Rose He was back in a moment with a woman wearing the garbs of a healer. She walked over to the cot and inspected The Doctor's wounds. After a moment, she said "I will be able to take these out but I will need help. He's lucky he's still alive but we must hurry, he hasn't long."

The woman grabbed a cloth and handed it to Rose. "When I take the arrow out, you put that cloth over the wound," she ordered. Peter took Lucy by the shoulder and took her out of the tent.

Rose nodded, she was terrified. The healer woman went to remove to arrow from his chest first. After a couple of moments, she pulled the arrow out. The Doctor, still unconscious, let out a gasp. Rose's stomach was churning as she quickly put the cloth over his chest, blood was already staining it.

The healer woman handed a cloth to Edmund, "Do the same with his arm," she ordered.

Edmund knelt down by The Doctor's arm. A moan escaped The Doctor's lips as the arrow in his arm was removed. Edmund held the cloth to his arm. Peter stepped out of the tent again and brought Lucy back in. Walking back over to the cot, she removed the stopper on the vial containing the life saving cordial and let a couple of drops fall into The Doctor's mouth. They waited in silence as Rose waited for the The Doctor to spring out of bed, ready for what came next. Come on, Doctor, she thought. Please wake up.

Minutes passed. Those minutes turned into hours. Caspian had woken up, dazed, but there was no concussion, which pleased everyone. But there was no sign of life from The Doctor except for his breathing. The stains on his bandages had stopped getting bigger, but that comforted Rose very little.

It was by noon when Rose was ready to scream out of frustration. The Doctor's fever had gone down a little, but he was still pale. What was wrong with him? He was always a fast healer, why hasn't he healed now?

Rose was exhausted. The morning's events and the worrying had worn her out. She was just about to fall asleep when she heard movement. She quickly turned her head to see The Doctor stir, his eyes snapped open. He saw Rose."What's going on?" he asked weakly.

Rose smiled out of relief. "Well, aside from you almost scaring the life out of us, nothing really," she teased. "How you feelin'?"

"Well aside from the pain and exhaustion, great really," he replied, closing his eyes.

Rose smiled, she gave him a quick kiss on the check. "You get some rest," she said. "I'm going to see what's going on right now."

"Mmmkay," mumbled The Doctor.

Rose pulled a blanket from nearby over him and walked out of the tent. When she was sure she was far enough she let out a whoop of joy. Her doctor was alive!

"The Doctor was convinced that the fight with the Telmarines was just a diversion," said Peter. "Just as he was explaining to us how after we thought we had taken care of them all, The Doctor pushed Caspian out of the line of fire of an archer. He took the arrows for him. We took care of the archer. We knew we had to get to the camp quickly if The Doctor was going to survive, but we had to make sure that there were no other Telmarines following us."

Peter had been explaining their adventure to the rest of those who were called to the impromptu council meeting. Edmund and Lucy were sitting on a rock nearby, while Susan stood next to Caspian who was sitting as well. The prince was doing well, but he had a bandage around his head. Rose sat on her own, listening to the tale.

"What do we do now?" Caspian asked.

Almir, who was present, spoke: "I believe we should discuss about just who this 'Doctor' is. I don't trust him."

Peter looked at Almir, then at Rose. "He's right. You've never really told us who you are or where you come from. Why don't you tell us now?"

Rose looked at Peter. She didn't know what to say, or what she could say. "Well," she started. "I – I honestly think that The Doctor could explain it better than I could."

"Why him? Why can't you just tell us?"

"The exact details, I don't know," Rose lied. "But we're just travelers. When The Doctor is better, he can tell you."

Almir shook his head. "My people have spoken of him for years and you want us to wait for him to tell us? It could take weeks before he is able to sit up with out fainting!"

Rose sighed, it was true. The Doctor was having extreme difficulty regaining his strength. It had been a day since he had regained consciousness. Both The Doctor and Rose were perplexed by it.

"Your majesties, with all respect, you're just going to have to wait."

Peter looked hard at Rose. "Fine," he said, frustrated. "He better tell us the moment he is able to though."

Rose nodded quickly, uncomfortable at all the stares she was receiving from everyone. "Don't worry, I'm sure he will want to."

As soon as she was given the chance, Rose made a beeline for The Doctor's tent. She hoped he was feeling better, their lives may depend on it.

A.N.~ Finally updated it! This story is now up to where I have it written on my other account, so new chapter will be up hopefully soon.

Btw, did anyone see the The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe?