Today was the day. Murakami-san's winter ball. Mai was nervous about the whole thing. She was never too good at wearing a fancy gown or heels. She was miss danger prone so it wasn't ever a great thing for her to wear heels. She sighed again as she carried her protected dress out to Takigawa's car. She hopped in and they drove to Murakami-san's home. Once they arrived Mai carried her dress inside to a room where she could prepare herself.

"Let me know when you're good to go Mai-Chan." Monk said. "I'll be your escort for tonight.

Mai smiled. "Thank you Bou-san." She entered the room and sat on the bed. She let out a sigh. "This is going to be one long night." She began by washing up and then working on her hair. She huffed when she couldn't think of any style. She suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Mai, it's me Ayako."

Mai smiled and opened the door. When she did her moth dropped. "Ayako you look amazing."

"Thank you." She smiled at Mai. Ayako's dress was a crimson red. It was a slender dress hugging her in all the appropriate places. Her hair was half up and half down. She had a crimson flower in it. She looked past Ayako and saw Masako standing at the door. She was wearing a white ball gown making her look like a princess. Mai sighed. "Masako you look wonderful as well."

"Thank you Mai."

Mai turned to the mirror and frowned. "Why me? For once I'd like to be able to look gorgeous as just me. But I just don't have the looks. I mean Koujo says I'm beautiful but I wonder if he has ever looked at Masako or Ayako even."

"Stop worrying Mai." Ayako gave her a look. "I'm here to help you with make-up and you're hair." Ayako began with her hair. It wasn't long but still manageable. After that she put on some light make-up." Ayako smiled at her finished product. "You look gorgeous. Just add the dress and you'll be perfect." Mai looked in the mirror and smiled. She did look good and her make-up would match the dress. "Takigawa is going to escort Masako and I downstairs and will be back for you."

"Just tell him to meet me at the stairs." Mai said with a smile. "Thank you Ayako."

Ayako smiled and she and Masako left. Mai retrieved her dress and put it on. She managed to zip most of the back until a knock came. She opened the door to see Youichi.

"Oh Youichi, hello." She smiled at him. He was currently trying to prevent his jaw from dropping he then shook his head.

"Mai you look wonderful."

She blushed and smiled. "Could you help me?" She turned around for him to zip the back of her dress. "Thank you." She said when he finished.

"No worries." He smiled. "Need an escort?"

"Actually I have a few more things to do. I'll just have to see you down there."

"Very well." He took her hand and bowed over it. "Adieu." He turned and left.

Mai entered her room and slipped on her shoes and put on her necklace. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "You can do this Mai!" She turned and walked out to the stairs. She stood at the top watching guests enter all heading to the ball room. Mai swallowed hard.

"I got it! I got it!" She heard Monk yell. She smiled. He was mumbling something as he was climbing the stairs. As his head lifted up to see if she was there he stopped mid-step staring. "Mai." He smiled. "You look great."

"Thank you Bou-san. I must say you clean up well."

"Thank you." He stuck out his elbow for her and she took it.

"I'm nervous." She whispered as they descended the stairs. Guests began to turn and stare at the two. They entered the ball room moments later.

"Don't worry you'll be fine." He whispered to her and walked off to find Ayako.

Mai now stood near the entrance scared and practically paralyzed. She was nervous from everyone's stares. She swallowed and began to slowly enter the ball room. Her dress was an ice blue color ball gown. Her skirt flared out like that of a wedding gown. The top was corset like and wrapped around her snuggly showing only a minimum amount of cleavage. It also had clear beads along the top going half way down and at the waist where the skirt began. She felt like a princess in the gown but could not help but feel uncomfortable from everyone glancing her way every so often.

"Mai." She smiled when she saw Youichi. He bowed and took her hand leading her out to the dance floor.

"Youichi." They began to dance. "You're uncle sure knows a lot of people."

"Yes most are co-workers. Some family. A few are friends. Also others are their family members." He smiled at her. "By the way you look gorgeous." They continued to dance until the song ended. He bowed over her hand and excused himself.

Mai continued dancing with many male partners. Her feet were killing her by the sixth person. She sighed after dancing with about twelve guys. She headed over to a table to grab herself a glass of water. After cooling herself off in some way she went to seeking Takigawa. She found Masako and asked her where he was. She then ended up finding Monk and Ayako making out in the living area. She made a face like she was going to be sick. She turned and walked back to the ball room. She ended up dancing a few more times before finally giving up hope. She wanted to cry when she saw Masako and Naru together. It meant that he hadn't bothered to show up.

"Excuse me. May I have this dance?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you sir but I am going to have to decline you. I do not wish to dance." She began to walk when he grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around.

"Do not refuse me." He whispered. "I have been wanting to dance with you all night long." When he leaned away from her ear Mai's eyes widened in surprise. She then broke into a smile. She hugged him.

"I didn't think you were going to come." She pulled away from him and they began to dance.

"Of course I would. I apologize for my tardiness. A certain someone was refusing to leave work." Mai smiled. "I must say Mai you look stunning. Rather breathtaking really."

Mai blushed. "Thank you but honestly I don't think I look that good. I mean compared to Ayako and Masako I –"she looked away from him.

"You're right. You are incomparable to them."

Mai's heart froze. She was unsure by what he meant. She swallowed feeling her nerves begin to build up.

"I could never compare you to them." He continued. "I believe you are more comparable to a rose. A rose blossoming in the spring, when it is ripe and it's beauty is absolute perfection. You are so full of life and beauty just like that rose Mai."

Mai's eyes looked to him. She was surprised by his words. She blushed when he finished. The song ended and he led her away from the ball room. They left the house and she got into his car. He drove her to his place.

"Lin where are we?"

"My home. I want you with me tonight Mai." He got out of the car and helped her out as well. They entered his apartment and he lifted her up and carried her to his room.

"Koujo, is everything alright?" Mai looked at him curious. He placed her on his bed.

"Everything is perfect Mai." He sat on the bed and slipped off his shoes and began to unbutton his shirt.

Mai blushed when she saw him undressing. "K-Koujo what are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed." He glanced at her and smirked. He stood taking off his shirt. He stood in front of her and pulled her up pressing her against him. He slowly began to kiss and nip her neck while unzipping her gown. He tugged on it and let it fall to the ground.

"K-Koujo." Mai was scared she never knew Lin could be so bold. She wondered if he would push her into it.

He said nothing only lifted her out of her dress and placed her on the bed. He then took off his pants and climbed into the bed with her. He lifted the covers and covered them. He pulled her close to him hugging her. "Mai why are you so tense?" He looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry. I don't want to have sex with you. I just want you here in my arms. Besides I hardly doubt you could sleep in that dress." Lin pressed his lips against her neck.

"You d-don't want to sleep with me?" She looked at him curious.

"Only in the literal sense of us sleeping in the same bed. That is all. I'm not going to try anything. I love you too much to hurt you." He whispered softly. He partially sat up and pressed a chaste kiss upon her lips then lied back down. "I love you Mai." He fell asleep holding her close.

Mai blushed madly but snuggled into him and closed her eyes to sleep. "I love you Koujo."