Hi guys, this is a new story that I'm working on, I do hope you like! If you do, please review with any praise, criticisms, thoughts or ideas. They're ALL welcome :) As stated, this one's M rated for some possible lemon-like stuff in the future, and some choice language too, so not one for the kiddies! Without further ado, here it is!

Anything recognisable belongs to the fantastic Stephanie.


One year ago

The flames flickered behind me, their heat filling the room with a soft, warm glow. I brought the small, wooden stool closer to me, standing carefully as I positioned the angel at the highest point on the tree. Stepping down gracefully I took a step back, admiring my work. It would make him so happy. This was what we had talked about for years. A warm, inviting room filled with presents and the smell of freshly baked Christmas treats. My hand rested on my flat stomach, my thumb gently caressing the smooth yet firm skin. We would have even more reason to celebrate next year.

I heard his key turning in the door and his boots scraping along the doormat. He inhaled loudly through his nose as I poked my head around the door.
"You like?"
"I love baby it smells so good. Any chance I can steal a couple?"
"Sure, they're nearly done."

He didn't even wait for me to ice them; instead he just shoved them into his mouth, protesting that he was hungry. Poor little naked ginger men. After dinner we snuggled on the couch, his arms holding me close as we watched the flickering flames. He carried me up to bed, reminding me that he wanted to keep me off my feet as much as possible, even if I was only in my first trimester. He was sweet, attentive and caring; everything I had ever hoped for.

It wasn't until a few days later that my perfect little world shattered. He had just left for work and I was packing the final bits and pieces for our trip back to Forks. I loved spending Christmas day with my parents. As I carefully lifted my new Dolce & Gabbana from it's prized place in my wardrobe a searing pain shot through my abdomen. I bit down on my lip as my hand flew to my stomach. Then came another searing pain, even more intense than the first. No. This could not be happening. Not to us.

I was finishing the sauce for this dinner as I heard his key in the door. I tensed, preparing myself for the onslaught. He slammed the door, kicking his shoes off and into the corner.
"Alice! I'm starving, and if dinner isn't ready so help me…" He practically growled, slamming his briefcase down onto the counter top.
"It'll just be a few minutes…"
"Jesus Alice…you can't do anything right, can you?"

I merely shook my head. There was little point in arguing with him when he was like this. The table was set, the drinks were poured. I dished the meals onto the plates, setting his down in front of him. There was no 'thank you'. There never was anymore. He cut into the chicken greedily, shovelling it into his mouth as he looked at me. He frowned.
"It tastes different."
"I added a little paprika."
"I don't like it."

I nodded, making a mental note not to add it again. Despite telling me he didn't like he ate everything, leaving his plate on the table for me to clear away. I heard the quiet hissing of the beer bottle as he detached the top, no doubt leaving it on the surface along with the dishes. He returned, glaring at me.
"We're going to try, tonight."

I wasn't entirely sure of his meaning, so I didn't answer immediately.


His fist slammed down onto the table with such force that the glasses shook. I tried not to jump, but with little success.
"Are you listening to me! We're going to try, tonight."

Nausea pooled in the pit of my stomach, as I understood his meaning. A baby. A child to replace the one we'd so cruelly lost.
"Yes, Alice?"

I nodded, closing my eyes over in submission.
"Yes, James.


One year ago

Her quiet, tired crying pulled me from my dreamless sleep. I stirred, frowning as I heard her cough echoing through the baby monitor. We'd set it back up when she got sick, so we could hear her. As I was about to pull myself out of bed, she coughed again.

I yawned, reaching over to shake Maria gently.
"Honey…honey wake up."

Maria shifted, frowning as her eyes opened.
"What?" She spat, closing her eyes again, seemingly oblivious to our daughter's plea.

"She wants you."
"I'm trying to sleep. You get her." With that she snuggled back in, facing away from me. I sighed, exasperated. I was too tired to even be angry with her. Pulling my sweat pants on as I got out of bed, I padded through to our daughter's room. She sat up in her bed, coughing as she reached for me. I quickly lifted her to me, pushing her matted hair from her face. Her fever had not gone down any, the poor thing was clearly miserable. I patted her back gently as she coughed again.
"Momma?" Her tired little voice tugged at my heart.
"Momma's sleeping, Ava."

She whimpered again, clinging her arms tiredly around my neck.
"I've got you baby girl. I've got you."
After some juice and another helping of Tylenol she snuggled into me and yawned. I took her quietly through to her bed, laying her down gently and smoothing her hair from her face once more. She was asleep again in minutes.

Work passed in a blur, punctuated only by mindless chatter and coffee breaks. I loved my students; their thirst for knowledge was the entire reason I chose to lecture in Philosophy. All I could think about, however, was Ava. Had her fever finally broken? Would Maria remember to give her another dose of her medicine? I rushed back to the apartment, my briefcase placed neatly by the door and my coat on its hook in the closet. I could hear Ava's faint cries from upstairs, each individual noise squeezing painfully at my heart.

I opened the door from the hallway to find Maria sitting on the couch, engrossed in some insipid conversation on the phone. She barely looked at me long enough to snap her fingers. There was no need; she already had my full attention. She pointed to the ceiling, silently telling me to tend to our daughter whilst she carried on her vapid chat with whoever was on the phone. Taking the stairs two at a time I reached Ava's bedroom in moments. Her little hands fisted repeatedly, trying to grasp for me as she continued to cry. I scooped her into my arms, gently patting on her back as her crying dissolved into coughs and hiccups.
"Sshh, it's ok angel, Daddy's here."

Holding Ava, I marched downstairs and past Maria. I sat Ava on the counter, handing her some juice and a cookie.
"Did Momma make you Mac & Cheese for lunch?"

Ava nodded and I sighed in relief. At least she was feeding her. As she munched on the cookie I brought my hand gently to her forehead. Definitely cooler. She watched with interest as I poured the Tylenol onto the spoon, but wrinkled her nose and sneezed as I attempted to give it to her. She was much more compliant when I tried the second time.

"Daddy, I color now?"

I nodded to her and smiled, lifting her from the counter top and watching as she toddled off in her little footsie pjs. Maria was still gabbing away on the phone, so I reached over, pulling the connection out at the wall.
"Hey!" She shrieked, tossing the handset onto the coffee table.
"What the fuck, Maria! Didn't you hear her crying just now? Or last night? Don't you care about her at all?"

She huffed as she often did when I called her out on something.
"For Christ's sake Jasper, she's got a cold. A cold. It's hardly going to kill her! She's fine with you seeing to her, I was busy."

"Try telling that to a three year old, Maria! She doesn't understand that. All she wants is her Mom to pay one tiny bit of attention to her!"

"Whatever, Jasper."

"Am I getting a pony?" Her large, crystal blue eyes looked at me questioningly. I chuckled, running my fingers through her golden curls. She had my eyes, and my blonde hair, but Maria's pout, and her cute button nose. Not that anything about Maria was cute…not anymore.
"No sweetheart, not a pony. Do you remember how much pony-poop there was at the pony farm?"

That cute button nose of hers wrinkled as she pulled an adorably disgusted face, nodding.
"Well…you wouldn't want to clean pony-poop everyday just so you could have your own pony, would you?"
"No! It's stinky! I don't want a pony, Daddy!" Her little face was suddenly serious.
"Well then we're safe, I didn't get you a pony."

She sighed, visibly relieved. She really was adorable. The best thing was she had no idea what she was getting for her birthday. I'd done a lot of research and I wanted it to be perfect. My little princess only turned four once. Her little friends from Kindergarten were coming at lunchtime for a tea party, which Ava had insisted was to be fairy themed. To that end I'd bought butterflies that hung from the ceiling, and a butterfly piñata filled with her favorite candy. There was 'fairy dust' covering every inch of the kitchen and lounge, and I was foreseeing having to buy a new vacuum cleaner just to get all the glitter cleared up when this party was over. Her cake was a pink princess castle that she was yet to see, and it matched her present that she was yet to receive.

I had called my sister Rosalie weeks ago, explaining Ava's present and asking her if she would watch Ava for a few hours prior to the party. As the doorbell rang twice Ava squealed, fidgeting as I fixed her shoe on.
"Auntie Rosie! Daddy hurry, she's here!"

The moment I fixed her shoe she shot downstairs and for the door, reaching to open it.
"Auntie Rosie!"
"Ava! Happy Birthday my little princess! Gosh you look beautiful, and so big! Come here!"

I watched, a smile on my face as my sister lifted fairy-princess Ava.
"I just love your dress it's so pretty. I can't believe you're already four years old! Soon you're going to be as old as me and your Daddy."
"Nuh uh, you and Daddy are reeeaally old!" She giggled, squirming as Rosalie started to tickle her.
"I'll bring her back for 1, yea?"

I nodded, kissing Ava's hair before closing the door behind them.

Months ago I'd been scouring the Internet for the perfect 'fairy castle' when I stumbled upon a company specialising in custom made princess castle beds. They were expensive, yes, but nothing was too good for my girl. The workmen were coming to install it while Rose was keeping Ava occupied.

When Ava returned the house was looking like a pink unicorn had thrown up all over it, but she loved it, so I didn't mind. I took her up to her room before her friends arrived, and I could feel my heart just about explode as she gasped in surprise. The fairy bed encompassed most of the room, complete with a spiral staircase, a double bed at the top and a slide to come down when she woke. The doors underneath opened out into a tea-party area with all of her dolls and stuffed animals lined up along the various shelf spaces. It was perfect. I glanced at Rose, who leaned to whisper in my ear.
"Best fucking Dad ever."

I smiled, standing with Rosalie as Ava ran up the staircase and slid down the little slide, over and over again.
"What time's Maria due home? I thought she was taking a half day."
"She said she was. She wouldn't miss this." At least that's what I told myself.

Rose raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me pointedly.
"She wouldn't. She'll come home."


The party was an out and out success. The little ones had so much fun and even the adults looked like they were enjoying themselves. There were no accidents or candy-induced throwing up, and everyone left with a smile on their face. I, however, was seething. Rose stayed silent as she helped me clear everything.
"Don't. Don't tell me you told me so."

Rose's face was sympathetic.
"I wasn't going to. I'm going to head home. Give Ava a kiss for me."

I nodded, heading upstairs to find my little princess. Her door was open, as were the miniature doors of her princess castle bed. She was sniffling softly, and I almost lost it.

Upon hearing my name she crept out of her new castle and into my waiting arms. I sat on the floor with her as she hiccupped softly.
"Why…. didn't…. Momma…come home on…time?"

What do I say to that? Because she's an insensitive bitch? Because she doesn't seem to care about either of us anymore?

"I don't know, sweetheart."

Her hiccupping slowly died down and she sighed tiredly, her beautiful face marred with tears.
""Let's get you into your new bed, ok princess?"

She gazed up at it, nodding softly.

Despite being upset she drifted off almost as soon as she was tucked in. She was my little angel; the most beautiful and well-behaved child anyone could ask for. So what the fuck was Maria's problem?