"And then we can get rid of this faggy lamp, and this faggy blanket –"


"Aw, geez, dude, don't cry."

"I'm not."

"I may be dumb, but I'm not that dumb."


"Would you stop? I'm sorry, okay? I'm having…a bad day, that's all."

"Would I – would I stop? Well, I'm sorry, Finn, if I'm a problem for you."


"No, really. Don't let me inconvenience you with my fagginess."

"Look, I said I was sorry."


"Dude…Kurt. Just…don't cry, please."


"Dude, yes you are."

"…no…I'm not…"

"Just…c'mere, will you?"



"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a hug. It happens."

"Ugh. Let go of me."

"That would be more convincing if you weren't, like, snuggling with me."

"I'm not."


"Are you laughing at me?"


"Stop it!"

"…sorry. Your denials are just amusing."

"Whoa, three-syllable words!"

"Hey, that's just mean!"

"You deserved it."

"No, I – Well, I guess I did."

"Yes, you did."

"Kurt –"


"I am really sorry about…about what I said. That was really mean of me."


"What? What did I say now?"


"Please don't cry. And don't tell me you're not crying."


"Don't apologize. I just hate to see you so upset."

"I'm okay."

"Kay, I'm gonna hug you again. If you start crying again, I'm gonna kick that cute little butt of yours."



