I own nothing. Last chapter. Might have a sequel. I'm not sure yet. Enjoy!

"I love you Chris," Jake said while he thought I was sleeping.

Swallowing back a gasp I tried not to show that I was awake. I had never heard Jake say that he loved anyone. In fact he explained to Wyatt that he hadn't said that since his last boyfriend broke up with him.

Now here he was telling it to me while I was sleeping. And he meant every word. His emotions were so strong and it was amazing feeling so much pure love coming from the person that I was falling in love with.

I couldn't le him know that I heard him. He might be able to say it while I was asleep, but while I was awake is a totally different story. He needed time and I needed time too.

Jake was amazing and I was falling for him. I just wasn't sure I was going to be able to say it back to him this early. We had only been going out for a year and everything was just amazing.

I didn't want to ruin everything by saying anything too soon. Having Jake in my life was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. I couldn't lose him or lose his love.

"Wake up Chris," Jake said a little louder, "Your mom is making us lunch."

"Lunch?" I asked sleepily.

"It's almost noon Sweetie," he said running a hand through my hair, "You were tossing and turning all night that your mom let you sleep for awhile."

"We have school," I said sitting up.

"You look like you're about to throw up," he said kissing my softly, "Both of us are missing school."

"You mean you're ditching," I said softly.

"You got it," he said grinning, "Come on, you're way more important than school. Now, go to the kitchen and I'll make up a bed for us on the couch and we can watch movies all day."

"Okay," I said knowing fighting would do nothing, "But I'm only watching one musical."

"Take away all the fun," he said laughing.

I smiled happy at him before standing up carefully. Jake was right I was feeling sick, though that was no surprise. I would feel better once Jake and I were out to my whole family.

Hopefully no one would react like Dad did. I don't think I could handle anyone hating me. Mom might have said that he didn't hate me, but if he didn't he wouldn't have said what he did.

Today, I would have to tell them today. If I didn't I doubt I would tell anyone for a long time. I had finally got the guts to say something now I had to go through with this completely.

"Mom," I said when I got to the kitchen, "Oh, hey Aunt Phoebe, Uncle Coop."

"Chris," Aunt Phoebe said hugging me tightly, "Are you sick again? What happened?"

"Things got a little emotional yesterday," I said sighing.

"Tell me all about it," she said sitting me down.

"Not yet," Mom said putting some toast in front of me, "Let Paige and Henry get here first. Chris won't want to tell the story more then once."

I nodded my head softly in agreement. I didn't even want to tell the story once, but they needed to know. It was just going to take awhile for everyone to get here so I could tell them.

"Mrs. Halliwell do you haveā€¦Hello people," Jake said coming into the kitchen.

"Jake," Mom said grinning, "You remember my sister Phoebe and her husband Coop."

"Yeah," he said nodding, "Nice to see you guys again."

"You too Jake," Aunt Phoebe said smiling, "Shouldn't you be at school?"

Jake's eyes went wide before he started to stumble over his words. We might have been able to hide our relationship, but Jake was the worst liar out there. He always got too nervous.

"That will all be explained later," Mom said pushing Jake into a chair, "Now eat Jake. Can't have two sick boys."

"Thank you Mrs. Halliwell," Jake said smiling.

"Call me Piper," she said calmly, "Where is that girl? Paige hurry up."

Uncle Coop looked between Jake and I with this weird smile on his face and I knew that he had figured everything out. I was surprised that Aunt Phoebe hadn't figured it out yet.

"We're here," Aunt Paige said orbing in with Uncle Henry, "What's so important?"

"Chris," Mom said motioning to me, "Has something to tell everyone."

Everyone turned to me and stared quietly. I felt my breathing pick up and I tried to keep a calm face. They needed to know and I wasn't going to let them try to figure out things themselves.

"I'm gay," I said softly.

I closed my eyes and waited for something bad to happen. I didn't expect to feel two pairs of arms wrap around me and pull me into a hug. Opening my eyes I saw both Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige holding me.

Smiling happily I hugged them back the best I could before they pulled away. Next I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Uncle Coop smiling knowingly down at me and Uncle Henry nodding his head and smiling.

My eyes traveled over everyone's faces and I saw that none of them held anything but love and understanding. No one hated me for being honest with them or myself and I was happy for that.

Jake was grinning happily from his chair while drinking his water. I laughed at him and threw a piece of toast at him. His eyes grew wide before he jumped across the table at me.

I let out a scream as Jake tackled me to the floor and started to tickle me. Jake knew exactly where I was ticklish, but he usually didn't tickle me. Although I guess he did have a reason this time.

"Jake," I yelled through the laughs, "Please stop. I give."

"Magic word," Jake said smirking.

"Ghost facers," I said out of breath.

"Okay," he said smiling.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're dating," Aunt Paige said calmly.

"Yup," I said grinning, "I'm dating Jake. You already knew, didn't you, Uncle Coop?"

"Yes," Uncle Coop said nodding, "I was the one put on your case."

"Oh," I said softly, "Good."

"Now that everyone knows," Jake said helping me up, "I have the movie set up."

"Which one this time?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"You'll see," he said wrapping his arms around my waist, "Just remember it's my favorite."

"So total musical," I said shaking my head.

Jake laughed happily and walked into the living room with me. He let me sit on the couch and fussed over me to make sure that I was comfortable. He was the type of guy that loved to take care of people.

Every time I brought it up though he just pointed out his zodiac sign. He was a mother hen in ways. Loving to take care of every person that was ever around him. It's what I loved out him.

"Jake," I said grabbing his hands, "Calm down."

"Chris," Jake said sighing, "I'm fine."

"No you're not," I said placing a hand on his face, "Talk to me."

"You're family is amazing," he said softly, "You're luckily to have them."

"Yes I am," I said nodding.

"No one in my family will talk to me besides my mom and dad," he said sadly, "I have an older brother. When I came out he cut off ties with me and my parents. He told everyone else too. I'm jealous that your family loves you so much because I miss mine."

"Jake," I said hugging me, "I'm sorry Hun."

"I know," he said biting his lip, "I shouldn't be jealous. I really am happy that your family loves you so much."

"You'll see," I said kissing his lips softly, "Everything will be fine and you're part of this family now."

"Thanks," he said kissing me back.

I placed a hand to the back of his neck and kissed him firmly. Jake moaned softly and moved closer to me. We sat there making out until I heard someone clear their throat loudly.

"I know that the two of you are happy that you're out," Mom said trying not to laugh, "But do you have to do that? That is just something a mother doesn't need to see."

"Sorry Mom," I said breaking away.

"Will you be staying another night Jake?" she said smirking.

"No," Jake said sighing, "I really should head home later. You know after being here quits being fun."

"So once Wyatt gets home?" I asked innocently.

"Maybe," he said shrugging, "That or when I have to start working."

"You're welcome as long as you want," Mom said laughing, "Just clean up after yourself. Come on Jake. You should know you're like a son now. Although you don't eat as much."