This will be the only time I do this, as I don't really like these things on the top. I do not own Bleach or anything to do with it. This is my first story, so I expect flames/construtive critism. Don't hold back.

Better Summary: When Senna returns, Hollows are attracted to Senna because she used to hold the memories of many souls, which would be the equivelent of eating many souls. As more Hollows try to devour Senna soul, the Hollows get tougher and tougher. Eventually, tough enough for Ichigo. How will he be able to still defend Senna?


BBRRIIIIIIIIIIINNG! The bell sounded, ending the day. It also meant that summer break started. A crowd of students burst from their classrooms, yelling in excitement for what awaited them; about 3 months of freedom, of no school. Ichigo, however, didn't not nearly as happy as the other people when he felt the red ribbon in his pocket.

"Hey, Ichigo! Stop being to somber and try to be happy for once! It's summer! You should smile more, Ichigo!" Keigo said, dancing around him until Ichigo held out his arm, causing Keigo to crash into it. "Oowwww…"

"Well, that's what you get for trying to cheer up Ichigo," Rukia told Keigo, laughing. "Seriously, Ichigo. You should at least try to look happy." Ichigo just gripped the ribbon tighter. "Oh wait, I forgot something. Wait for me outside the doors, Ichigo!" And with that, Rukia ran to her locker.

After a minute or so, Rukia went outside, looking for Ichigo. After she saw him, she looked at his depressed face.

Ichigo and Senna are standing above the lake connecting to The Valley of Screams to the World of the Living. Senna grips Ichigo. "Ichigo, I'm scared,"

Senna says shakily. Ichigo turns to look at her, "Senna…"

"I won't do it. I just can't. I can't allow it. Not when this is such a wonderful world with so many beautiful people living in it. Not where you live, Ichigo…" "I can't let that happen!" Senna releases Ichigo. "It's OK. The Blanks are still near me, and I'm not afraid of them now. If I return their memories to them, they'll be at peace, and the barrier between the two worlds will be strong again." Senna holds out her arms.

"But Senna…"

"If the world where destroyed, there would be no more Ichigo." Senna smiles at Ichigo, tears starting to form in her eyes. "I can't imagine a world without you…" She closes her arms again, letting the Blanks take their memories back.

"Stop! You can't do this!" Senna starts crying, unable to hold in the tears in her eyes anymore.

"No, Ichigo! I can never allow you to die instead of me!" The Blanks start to surround her, taking all of her memories from her.

"No Senna…" Ichigo runs for Senna. "Senna!"

"Hey Ichigo, is something wrong?" Rukia asked.

Ichigo was pulled out of his only memory of Senna, and how he felt about her then. He forgot stuff about her every day, but he never lost that memory. He was still desperately hanging on to that one. "What? Oh no. It's nothing."

Rukia was still staring at him in disbelief. "Ok, if you say so. You can tell me anything, you know that, right? I hate to left hanging on before I have to go to the Soul Society and report again!"

Ichigo nodded and said, "No seriously, I'm fine. Now let's get back home; it's way too hot out here. Race you back!"

Rukia grinned, thankful Ichigo didn't look so unhappy now. "You are so going to lose." Rukia sprinted out of the school gates, closely followed by Ichigo.

As Ichigo burst through the door, followed closely by Rukia, he instinctively ducked as he heard "WEELCOME HOME, IIIICHIGO!" His dad flew right over him, and almost hit Rukia in the face if she didn't sidestep the flying kick in time. Ichigo's dad crashed on the ground and writhed.

"Idiot! Is that how you welcome home your own son? By trying to kill him?" Ichigo yelled at his dad.

"Well…" Ichigo and his dad started yelling at each other as Rukia slipped into the house and greeted Karin and Yuzu.

"Well, I'll be upstairs waiting for Ichigo," She told Ichigo's sister above the yelling. They nodded. As she headed up, Karin and Yuzu sighed and went outside to try to break the fight.

When Ichigo finally got into his room, Rukia was preparing for her trip back into the Soul Society. She packed a few interesting things she found into a backpack. When she saw Ichigo, she said, "Why do you always fight your dad?"

Before he could answer, Rukia's Soul Pager and Ichigo's Combat Pass started to beep. Ichigo was about to use the combat pass on himself when he saw Rukia's scowl. He groaned and pulled open the drawer containing Kon and got the Soul Candy out of him. He swallowed it and jumped out of his window in his Soul Reaper clothes, followed closely by Rukia.

When they got back into their own bodies, it was raining. Ichigo spent the rest of the day doing nothing. Right after Rukia left, he noticed something; a familiar swirl of dark purple hair. Ichigo's eyes widened as he jumped outside and tried to follow it, but immediately lost sight of the person. Thinking some more, he ran to Urahara's shop.

After arriving at Urahara's shop, he pulled open the door so hard that while he ran through them, he got caught in the doors and was about to fall but was caught by Youorichi.

"Whoa, what's the big rush?" she asked.

"Nothing. I need to ask Urahara something important," Ichigo said breathlessly.

"Aww, come on. Why are you so eager to leave me?" Youorichi asked, pulling Ichigo closer to her chest. "I find that very rude."

"Youorichi, I'm serious!" Ichigo complained, blushing.

"Relax, Ichigo. You're always so uptight." She pulled him closer to her as Ichigo struggled against her with no prevail. "I know the perfect way to relieve the stress…" She breathed in his ear, pulling him so close that they were completely pressed together.

"Youorichi!" Ichigo said, blushing furiously as he struggled against her. She grinned and kissed his neck. He shivered. "What are—"

Just then, Urahara entered the room. "Hey Ichigo! What brings you to my humble shop?" He exclaimed happily, ignoring his current position.

"I have an extremely important question," he said, still struggling against Youorichi, "but I can't ask until you let go…" Youorichi frowned.

"Who, me?" She saw Urahara serious expression and let go of him. Ichigo sighed and backed away from Youorichi. "Aww, you're no fun."

"Actually, I have to ask you something, Youorichi."

She looked at him, interested. "Yeah?"

"Were you outside earlier today?"

"No, I wasn't. Why?"

Ichigo told them what happened and turned to Urahara. "So can you check to everyone with the same shade of hair as Youorichi's?"

"Yeah, but why—" Just then, Ichigo saw the purple hair again.

"Thanks!" He said as he dashed off.

Urahara sighed. "No respect in my abilities." He walked to his "lab".

Meanwhile, Ichigo was chasing the person with the purple hair. "Wait!" He pulled out the red ribbon he found when he was on his way from school to home. "I have your red—" A strong wind forced the red ribbon out of his hands. Remembering she could control wind in a way, he followed the ribbon. After about two minutes of following it, He lost sight of it. "Dammit," He groaned as he trudged back to the shop. When he got back, Urahara was waiting for him.

"Well, there seems to be no one in Karakura town has the same shade of hair as Youorichi. Or orange hair."

He sweat dropped at the mention of the orange hair. "Thanks…wait. How do you know?"

Urahara laughed. "Don't underestimate me. That's all I'll say."

"Fine, I better go now. Bye." Ichigo said, walking back to his house.

On his way home, it stopped raining. He heard a sigh and turned to where the sigh was. He searched all around him, but couldn't find the source. "I'm just imagining things." After that, he constantly felt like he was being watched. After randomly searching any possible hiding spots, he didn't find anyone. He shrugged it off and kept on walking.

As he lay on his bed, Ichigo tried to make sense of what he saw/heard today. Is it possible… Suddenly, the window of his room opened. He got up only to be tackled again in a hug as he heard an a wavering "Ichigo!" He turned his head around and immediately recognized the teary face.
