Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any name brands mentioned...

MUCH thanks and appreciation goes to my most excellent and wonderful beta, Sonbon! You came up with this idea/concept, so revel in your greatness! You deserve it! XD



"Urahara, what the hell is this?" Ichigo queried, as he eyed the newest arrival. Urahara flipped open his paper fan, and smiled as he waved it back and forth.

"Don't tell me you've never heard of The Legend of Nel?" Ichigo frowned momentarily, until recognition dawned on him.

"Holy shit! That's ancient, Urahara! Where the hell did you get this?"

"Tessai sent it. I wanted to add a vintage selection to the shop, and this is a good start, ne?"

Ichigo nodded vigorously, as he continued to study the classic video game. On the left side of the arcade-styled machine was a picture of the hero of the story. Ichigo couldn't remember his name, but he knew it started with a "G". He had bright blue hair, with equally bright blue eyes, and was displaying a devilish smirk, while he brandished a sword.

This was awesome! Ichigo hadn't played this game in forever, and it would be fun getting reacquainted with the characters and storyline. He was almost fucking dancing in place with excitement.

He loved video games, in case you were wondering. Ever since he'd been a small child, they had been like a drug, an unhealthy addiction. His old man would have to literally drag him away from the tv, just so he could get regular things done, such as school, homework, showering, eating, sleeping...

You get the picture.

"Kurosaki-kun, help me stick this over in the corner by the window," Urahara cut across his thoughts, making him start slightly.

"Uh, yeah."

Ichigo assisted Urahara with moving the heavy ass machine, and went back to his thoughts. When he had become old enough to work, he'd started working for Urahara in his arcade. It was a small place, and not many customers came, but it was nice. There were a few regulars, but that was all. Most children and teens frequented the larger, more popular arcades, but Ichigo loved Urahara's place. Especially since there were never really that many patrons, he was able to play the games whenever he wanted.

Urahara didn't mind as long as Ichigo helped the customers when they needed it. You know, like wanting dollar bills and shit like that, because the arcade had a change machine, so the need for coins was never an issue.

Ichigo grunted as he and Urahara settled the large machine into place, then he straightened his custom-made, gray, short-sleeved t-shirt, with "video game fanboy" across the front in black lettering. He dusted the front of his dark-blue jeans with his palms, and headed to the front counter that held the ancient register, taking a seat behind it, and propping his black and white high-top Converse sneakers-clad feet on top.

There was no one in the shop at the moment, even though it was after six o'clock pm, and since Ichigo had promised Urahara that he would close up that night, he still had four more hours to go. It would be slow going, but he was prepared for that.

He pulled the latest edition of GamePro from beneath the counter, and flipped to the page he'd marked to continue reading. Killzone 3 was coming out in February next year, and Final Fantasy XIII was already in stores. Ichigo's mouth watered at the thought of getting his hands on those two games.

Suddenly, the bell over the shop's door chimed, announcing a patron. He glanced up, and a smile broke across his features when he realized the patron was his best friend, Renji.

"Yo, Strawberry, ain't it time for ya ta get off?" The red head asked, strolling up to the counter, then leaning against it. Ichigo shook his head, and lowered his feet.

"Nah, Urahara asked me to close tonight."

"Aw, man! I got that new Halo game, and I wanted ya ta play with me!"

"Shutup," Ichigo said, deadly serious. "When did you get that? And how the hell can you afford it? You don't make that much!"

Renji grinned wolfishly, and leaned closer towards Ichigo, his face only inches away.

"Two words, my friend. Byakuya Kuchiki," he stated.

"You fuckin' dirtbag. You're such a prostitute," Ichigo muttered sullenly, as he folded his arms across his chest.

He was insanely jealous. Renji's boyfriend, Byakuya Kuchiki, was filthy fucking rich, and anything Renji wanted he got. Lazy, good-for-nothing, spoiled bastard.

"Jealousy is ugly, Ichigo."

"Fuck you."

Renji cackled, and ruffled Ichigo's hair, before he finally sobered, looking around the shop absently. Suddenly, his entire body went rigid, making Ichigo frown in confusion.

"Ichigo," Renji breathed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, moron?"

"Is that what I think it is?"

Renji was pointing at the Legend of Nel game, hand trembling and eyes comically wide. Then, Ichigo remembered that The Legend of Nel had been Renji's favorite game when they were younger, so seeing it now must be like a blast from the past.

"Yeah, Urahara just got it in today," Ichigo answered. Renji nodded absently, his large frame floating towards the game seemingly unconsciously.

"Must play..."

Ichigo dissolved into laughter, as he watched his best friend literally ascend to a parallel universe. Ichigo was bad, but Renji was worse when it came to video games. Renji would completely tune out the rest of the world, only coming back to life for brief moments to use the bathroom or eat. It was fascinating how many hours the guy could go in one sitting.

Ichigo had witnessed Renji's painful descent to Earth once though, at the hands of Byakuya. Byakuya had been asking Renji a question, and when he was steadfastly ignored, he'd taken his foot to Renji's face. Needless to say, after that incident, Byakuya was never ignored again.

"Kurosaki-kun, I'm leaving," Urahara said from the door, as he slipped his arms into a green, cotton poncho, then adjusted his green and white striped bucket hat.

"Ok! Do you need anything extra done before I leave?" Ichigo asked, breaking from his reverie. Urahara shook his head, and pushed the door open.

"No, have a good night Kurosaki-kun."

Ichigo nodded, going back to his magazine. Renji had nicely deserted him in favor of The Legend of Nel, the prick, so he perused the popular games list, making mental notes of what he found interesting. Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder rent the air, making Ichigo jump and swear loudly.

He fucking hated thunderstorms. Man, his luck was just absolutely dreadful. It figured he'd be stuck at work during a thunderstorm, and now he would have to rely on his old man for a ride to his apartment. Fuck.

Renji ambled over, his cell phone pressed to his ear, as he chewed his bottom lip. Ichigo tilted his head to the side, and considered his best friend. He looked kind of nervous, but it soon disappeared once the call was answered.

"Hey, you busy?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm at Ichigo's job, and I need a ride. Thanks."

Ichigo lifted a brow, and Renji gave a smug grin. He really hated his best friend sometimes. He knew Ichigo was single, and he mercilessly teased him about it at every opportunity that arose.

"So, Byakuya's comin' ta pick me up," Renji casually stated.

"Good. Get out."

"Wha? Ya can't kick me out, I'm a payin' customer!"

"I can do what I want. Besides, I'm gonna call Urahara so I can close up early tonight. Thunderstorms suck," Ichigo groused, coming from behind the counter to grab the broom leaning against the far wall.

"Well, it's already 8:30, and it's not like anyone besides me is coming in here with the sky havin' a bitch fit."


Ichigo was on the phone with Urahara, when Renji called out to him, letting him know that Byakuya had arrived, and he was leaving. So, after getting permission to close the arcade early, Ichigo quickly began sweeping the floor. He was sweeping around The Legend of Nel, when the lights blinked, and immediately shut off, pitching him into darkness.

"Oh, great. Just what I need," he grumbled.

Ichigo had just grabbed the joysticks of The Legend of Nel, when a bright bolt of lightning crashed through the arcade window, striking the game. Ichigo felt a quick jolt, before he suddenly felt like he was being sucked through a straw. He couldn't move, he couldn't see anything, and he was scared enough to piss himself.

Then he was falling. Fast.


Ichigo landed with an "oomph" on his back, consequently knocking the breath from his lungs. He lay there for a moment, just trying to catch his fucking breath, when he opened his eyes, and made a shocking discovery.'re not in Kansas anymore...

He was staring up at a bright blue sky, with white, fluffy-looking clouds slowly rolling by, and there were trees as well. Lots of them. Ichigo frowned, slowly sitting up, but scared to do much more. Where the fuck was he? Was he dreaming? Shit. He'd probably fallen asleep again.


That didn't make sense, because he remembered sweeping the arcade, then the lights went out, and there was lightening. After that, things got a little fuzzy. A feeling of being squeezed through a really tiny space assaulted him, as he tried to remember.

Ichigo grimaced, and banished the thought. It felt terrible. He climbed to his feet, and took in his surroundings, noting the abundance of trees and greenery. There was also a rock cave directly in front of him, and he would've explored the inside, but he wasn't completely stupid. Anything could have made the cave it's home, including very dangerous animals, as well as the not so dangerous ones.

Instead he decided to poke around outside of the cave, hopefully finding out where the fuck he was. Five minutes later, Ichigo was right back where he'd started, cursing up a storm. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice, at first, the man glaring and pointing a sword in his direction, until he spoke.

"State your business here," a deep, gruff voice commanded.

Ichigo snapped his head up, and his mouth immediately fell open. Impossible! What the fuck was this shit? A cosplay? Had to be. The man took a threatening step forward, and growled.

"I said, state your business here."

Really, though? All Ichigo could do was stare. Even if it was a cosplay, it was damned good one. The bright blue hair looked completely natural, as did the bright blue eyes. The costume was the same, consisting of a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a silver collar, and navy blue pants tucked into silver boots. He wore the same weird-looking silver wristbands and...and...Ichigo paused in his perusal. Pointy ears? Wow, where'd he buy those? They almost looked real.

"State your fucking business, before I lose my patience!" the man snapped. Ichigo started, then frowned.

"Where the hell am I?" he asked. The cosplayer scowled deeply.

"This is Hyrule. Are you not from around here? By your clothing I would guess not."

Ichigo choked on a snort. Hyrule? That was a little overboard, no? This guy was deep into his shit.

"Uh, dude, am I in the middle of a role-playing game or something?"

The cosplayer was not amused, and let it be known by stepping forward menacingly. It was then that Ichigo noticed the glinting steel of the blade being pointed at him, and he began to feel like little shards of ice were being dumped down his back. Was that fucking sword real?

Ichigo took a step back, and held up his hands in a gesture of peace. He had to get this guy to back up a bit.

"Whoa, whoa, wait!" he yelped, and the man paused, narrowing his electric blue eyes. "What's your name?" Ichigo blurted. Real smooth, Kurosaki, you know he's only gonna give you the character's name.

"I am Grimmjow. Who are you? Where are you from?" Ichigo chuckled. This wasn't going to work as long as the guy was in character, but he'd play along for now.

"Ichigo. Ichigo Kurosaki. Nice to meet you, Grimmjow."

"Grimmjow" nodded, and slowly lowered the scary ass sword. Only once he sheathed it did Ichigo breathe a sigh of relief. "Grimmjow" turned on his heel, and stalked into the cave, only to re-emerge carrying a bag on his back.

"Uh, where are you going?" Ichigo asked, certain he would regret his question once he heard the answer. If he even got one. "Grimmjow" paused, looked Ichigo over as if determining if he deserved to know the answer, then slowly nodded.

"I must find my sister, Nel. She is being held captive by the evil Aizen."

See? He knew he'd regret it.

"Well, if you could steer me towards Karakura Town, I'll be out of your hair." "Grimmjow" gave him very blank and unamused look.

"I have never heard of such a place."

Ichigo rolled his eyes in irritation. Then something dawned on him that he should've noticed as soon as he opened his eyes in this place. It was broad daylight, but in Karakura, it had been night. Holy shit!

Where the fuck was he?

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