Hello, all you iCarly fans! I'm numbuh777, kinda new to the iCarly fanfiction writing thingy. But in my spare time, I thought of several fanfiction ideas and decided to post them - but not as oneshots, as I usually do (because I have no perseverance for longer stories), but as a compilation of 'lost' episodes. This means that I will be attempting to make the stories and the characters as true to the show as possible. Of course, if you find anything you think should be changed to make it better or if you have any ideas to add, feel free to leave a comment and flame me.

This first one is an almost-done-to-death theme, the infamous "Griffin/Seddie" version of iBeat The Heat. I, just like probably most of you, was sorely disappointed when the much rumoured Seddie drama with Griffin did not come about. This story is, well, my remix of it, and my take on how the episode should have been. But relax, it's gonna be much better than you think. Hopefully. Oh please.

However, before the "Creddiers" flee screaming, relax. While I am a Seddie fan, I am not going to put in obscene amounts of romantic interaction between those two (sorry to disappoint). I hope that everyone would see this as for what it is, a pretend episode. That said, this IS a take on the 'Seddie/Griffin' version of iBeat The Heat, so some Seddie-ness is to be expected.

Well, with that out of the way, let us begin. I'm aiming for a 3 or 4 parter, so stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly or any of it's related ideas or merchandise. Wish I did, though.


Location: The Shays' Apartment, Bushwell Plaza
Time: 1200 hours

It was a Saturday afternoon in sunny Seattle - a day where the streets would usually be filled with tourists and teenagers shopping, hanging out, and having fun outside. The sun was high in the sky, burning down upon deserted streets, and save for a hobo rummaging through a rubbish bin, the city resembled a ghost town.

"Freddie, how hot is it now?" The brown haired girl yelled from the kitchen, craning her neck in an attempt to see through the window from a meter away. She had made the mistake of touching it a while ago, and she was still trying to cool down the burn. As if there's anything out there that can make the day cooler, she thought.

From his comfortable spot on the sofa, a similarly dark haired boy in a polo shirt and shorts tapped a few keys on his laptop with one hand while attempting to fan himself with the other. "It's 45 degrees!" he shouted back.

There was silence for a few seconds, and then an ice-cube flew out from the kitchen, hitting Freddie on the head. He jumped in shock as the girl stormed out of the kitchen, waving her burnt hand in his face and screeching loudly.

"You think I got burnt on a hot window in FORTY-FIVE degree weather?"

Freddie immediately stepped back. "Celsius, Carly! 45 degrees Celsius! Sorry!" he stammered.

"Oh." Carly muttered in realisation. "Sorry."

It was this blasted heat wave, she thought. Seattle was going through a massive rise in temperature, and everyone in the city was suffering. Her extensive array of fans and her air-conditioning system were on full blast, and even with some software tweaks from her friend, technical producer and neighbour Freddie Benson, it was little better than a sauna. It was so hot, the windows was practically melting off the sills.

On the sofa, the boy himself was absent-mindedly rubbing his head, thinking of exactly the same thing. This morning had seemed perfectly fine, with bright blue skies and not a cloud in sight…and then it had just degenerated from there. The heat was making everyone go crazy, Freddie concluded - himself checking an Australian website for the weather in Celsius, and Carly causing him pain.

He chuckled to himself - causing pain was definitely out of character for Carly Shay. No, that department was very much ruled by -

At that moment, the main door flew open with a crash and in entered a hurricane with blond hair, better known as Samantha Puckett, the other best friend of Carly and Freddie. Despite the heat, she entered the kitchen quickly, opened the freezer door, and stuck her head inside, letting out a sigh of relief at the cold air.

"Err…guys? What's Sam doing?" came a voice belonging to a lanky raven-haired adult as he emerged a back room cradling a fan, only to spot Sam with her head in a freezer.

"She's cooling herself down, Spencer." Carly answered with a nonchalant shrug, running cold water over her burnt hand.

"Or feasting on the frozen pizzas." Freddie added, used to his friend's crazy antics.

"Am…not…" came a muffled voice from the freezer. Sam pulled her head out, her hand now grasping a half-eaten frozen pie. "This pie tastes like burnt road kill…or like those horrible prune-and-haggis pies Freddie's crazy mother keeps making!"

"Hey!" Freddie retorted. Then he grinned. "Oh, that's where those pies went, Sam."

The blonde's eyes widened in horror and she dashed to the sink, spitting out the remnants of the pie inside. Carly just shook her head and turned back to her older brother.

"So, Spencer, why are you carrying a big heavy fan around? Wouldn't it be better to sit in front of it all day?", she asked.

Her older brother smiled like a kid with a secret, striding towards his sister in the kitchen. "Well, I'm a very busy person, and now I'm receiving constant chilled air as I walk around the house, staying fresh and relaxed. I can go anywhere I want and stay coo-"

At that point, the power cable pulled away from the socket in his room, flying out in front of everyone and causing the fan to die. Spencer glared at the trio's giggles.

"Yeah, laugh all you want…" Spencer paused, cut off by the others' mirth. "But then you won't get to see my super awesome AIR CONDITIONER!"

That sobered all three up, as right on cue the elevator dinged, doors opening to unveil a huge metal gadget with holes and yellow tubes that looked like something out of a science fiction movie. With a whoop, the twenty-six year-old Spencer dashed over, wheeled it out and plugged it in, and glorious cold air spurted out almost like magic.

Carly, Sam and Freddie couldn't believe their eyes…and their now much cooler skins. All three rushed over and took their places beside Spencer and next to the air conditioner, revelling in the cool air.

"Should I be wondering where this came from?" Freddie mused.

"Just shut up and enjoy, Frednub." Sam replied, her eyes closed and her blond locks blowing back from the force of the wind.

Spencer grinned smugly and answered Freddie, "Remember that Japanese salesman Carly and I helped move out of his apartment last week? Well, he just dropped this off about an hour ago, with a personal thank you card for both of us."

Carly nodded, remembering. "Yeah, that took ages!" Pausing, she winced, adding, "Perhaps you should have told him that you accidently set his ancient urn on fire, Spence. I'm sure that his great-grandmother's ashes shouldn't be roasted twice."

The four laughed.

"Man, this is the best air I've ever had in my whole life!" Sam shouted in joy. The others couldn't agree more, and all of them leant in to enjoy the chilled air.

At that exact moment, the power went out, shutting off the air conditioner.

All four stood in stunned silence, confused stares on their faces. Then they sprung into action.

Freddie immediately tried to formulate and expound on a rational explanation. "It's probably a citywide blackout, caused by the thousands of people using their air conditioning systems at the same time…"

Sam instantly shut Freddie up by hitting him on the back of the head, hard.

Carly was already two steps ahead. "Wait, Spence, remember the generator you used for some crazy sculpture last month?"

Spencer leapt up, galvanised into energy. "Me remembers! Me go get it!" He was so excited that his command of grammar went out of the window. The lanky adult dashed out of the room, heading to his storage space. In a flash, he was wheeling another monstrous machine inside, obviously the generator.

"Well? Plug it in!" Sam yelled.

Spencer did just so, adjusting all the connections with Freddie's help. He flipped the switch, and…

Instant cold air. They were now the only people with electricity and air conditioning in Seattle. Everything was going swimmingly now, Carly thought joyfully as the rush of air blew her hair back. It was looking like she could just lie back and chill.

She was wrong. Things were just getting started.


(A/N) Sorry if that seemed a little slow, but this was serving as an introductory chapter. More action will be coming soon, I promise!

Okay, a few things I want to tell you before you go:

1. Sneak Preview: The next chapter is going to have revolving POVs. And a mystery person shows up. Who is it? Give me your thoughts!

2. You can find more of stories like these on my blog. Yes, shameless self-promotion, I know. But please do have a look. It can be found at www(dot)thewritestories(dot)wordpress(dot)com. The (dot)s are, well, dots. You know, ".". Hope that wasn't too hard to follow.

3. Also, you can check out my other fanfiction by clicking on my username hyperlink.

4. Who's excited for the next episode of iCarly? I know I am! Just thought I'd get that out there.

Alrighty, please remember to post messages! Questions, comments, snide remarks, anything. That little button with "Review" underneath? That's the one. Click it!