Batman and Robin, the Dynamic Duo. They were unstoppable, everyone knew that. Well, until one day Batman receives a note from an unidentified writer about Robin, that involves the circus. Being Bruce Wayne, he is torn that Dick had been kidnapped. Or was he? Continued from The Foster Father saga: book 3, A Birds Tale tells a story about how one boy might live to see another death, his own. You don't have to read the first two books. Please enjoy "A BIRDS TALE"


Dear Batman,

By now you must've notice that your little sidekick is missing. Well, don't worry; he's in safe hands. Well, if you call me safe hands. I'm just doing a little test is all to see if this bird can really fly. See me at the circus, yes the circus…yes…I know everything about you and him.



Bruce crumpled up the note as he drove in the Batmobile to the circus. He put his mask on and got out of the car as he finally reached the destination. He heard a pack full circus, there was a show going on. He entered the tent to see people at amazement of the circus. Suddenly, a voice was heard over the intercom.

"And now for the Acrobats!" Batman looked up to see Dick standing up there smiling.

"Dick? What's he doing?" No one seemed to notice that it was him and cheered him on as he did his moves. But suddenly, something went wrong. Dicks face turned to be saddened as the rope broke and he started to fall. Batman leaped up in the air trying to catch him, surprised that he wasn't screaming, or doing anything to try to survive, he was just accepting it. Dick was going to land in his arms but suddenly he went straight through them, like he was a holograph. Batman landed on the ground to see Dick just standing there starring at him.

"You fail." Batman was surprised.

"At what? You're alive." He suddenly started charging toward him and beating on him. Batman was so confused and pushed him down. "What are you doing?"

"YOU FAIL! You let them die! You weren't there!"

"I tried to be there!"

"You failed!" Batman held him tight as he cried. "I hate you! You failed! I hate you!" Suddenly, Bruce woke up from this dream with sweat on his face. He wiped it off as he stared at the clock. It beamed 7:02am.

"Oh crap!" He jumped out of bed and put some cloths on. "I got to get ready for work!" It was 7:30 by the time he got downstairs to eat the breakfast with Dick. He smiled at him as he sat down.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you're worn down." Dick said.

"Just had a bad dream."

"Oh, well today's the first day back to school. Man, summer just flew by this year."

"I remember those days. Always feeling like you get no free time."

"Yeah, it's the start of high school. It's a completely different school now." He fiddled with his food.

"Are you nervous?"

"Me? The boy wonder nervous of a new school? Pfft, yeah right!" He looked down again. "Well, maybe a little…since that whole Ally thing."

"Don't think about her, she was a criminal and she's gone now."

"Yeah." He fiddled with his food again. Alfred looked at Bruce and nodded his head. He knew what that meant.

"I know today's especially hard since it's two years since…that day. But you got to look up, you can't live every day like a sore thumb." Dick looked up at him. "It's hard, I know."

"Yeah well, now since Dwayne isn't a bully anymore and is my friend, what if someone else starts bullying me?" Bruce rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about it. You're a freshman now, be proud of that." Dick smiled.

"Thanks Bruce." He smiled.

"No problem." Bruce thought. "You know what? How about I pick you up after school today in the Mercedes, and we go out to eat. Maybe that'll cheer you up." Dick smiled.

"That's cool, we can do that, but what I really want is to see my parents grave. Will that be ok too?" Bruce smiled.

"Whatever you want, it's your day."

"Thanks Bruce! You're the best!" The clock beamed 8am.

"Well, it seems we have to be getting you to school Master Richard, it starts at 8:15." Alfred said.

"I guess so, see you later Bruce!" Dick jumped into the limo as Alfred drove off. Bruce smiled knowing today was going to be ok.