A/N: All right, all right, all right! You've guessed it! Another SOA story and this one, I started last night, I just had a new and totally different idea, which I hope you will like. Not explaining who all the cool people are, because we all know, since we watch it! LOL. I'm also going to do my own thing with this and wing it, of course, there will be stuff from the show, but let's see what happens! So… enjoy this and as always R&R peeps!

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from Sons of Anarchy or Hardison from Leverage, just my OC's! Thanks a bunch! Just him being a hacker in the show, works for my story, in more ways than one.

…Chapter One…

It had been a crazy and hectic day for Kaitlin Brody or 'Ashley Morgan' is what she's known by her fans and around the world, was just physically, mentally, and emotionally drained since six in the morning, from two photo shoots, two telephone interviews, and a radio station interview.

For the past couple of months, she's been thinking about quitting or taking a break from acting and singing, because she just wants to live like a normal person for once, plus she's thinking about trying to find her biological father, who might be living over on the west coast.

Kaitlin was up in her penthouse, relaxing on a lawn chair on the balcony, that has an awesome view of Central Park, playing on her laptop, when her assistant - best friend came out with her planner. "Okay, Kate… your schedule for the next two weeks is completely booked, with a few photo shoots, filming for that new Eli Walsh movie, which you need to start looking through the script, and filming for your new music video."

"That's nice, but." Kaitlin shook her head. "I don't think so, Trish."

"And why not?"

"Because I'm tired of this… hell, I'm tired of being tired, and I'm not happy, at all."

"Okay then, what do you want to do?"

"I just…" Kaitlin sighed. "I just want to live a normal life, like, without the paparazzi and reporters all up in my shit… and go somewhere nobody knows 'Ashley Morgan' and be different for a change."

Trish raised her eyebrow. "Hun, are you feeling okay? I mean, did you happen to bump your head or something?"

Kaitlin frowned. "No, I'm being serious."

"What place did you have in mind?"

"Well." Kaitlin paused to take a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea, then looked up at Trish. "I want to go somewhere over on the west coast and possibly find my biological father."

"Are you nuts? Leslie will kill you."

"I don't give a shit. She can't tell me what to do. I'm twenty five years old and a grown ass woman."

"But she is your mother."

Kaitlin scoffed. "Not by choice."

"Well, you know, once you do this she will freeze all of your assets and trust funds, which will make you go broke. She'll take it all."

"So, what's your point?" Kaitlin shrugged.

Trish sighed. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes… 'Ashley Morgan' is going off the grid for a while on a long ass vacation."

"Alright, well, I gotta go. I have dinner plans with my parents."

"Okay." Kaitlin waved. "Bye."

"Goodbye." Trish nodded, then walked out.

A few minutes later, Kaitlin took out her cell phone and called a number. "Hello?"

"Hey, Hardison."

"Oh, shit! Miss Kaitlin Brody A.K.A Ashley Morgan, what's goin' on, Girl?"

"Nothing much, just taking a break from all the madness, how are you?"

"Good, good… got a few jobs here and there."

"That's cool." Kaitlin took a deep breath. "Hardison, I need a few favors from you."

"Okay, whatchu' need, Baby Girl?"

"First, I need you to find someone for me… his name is Clarence Morrow."

"And this guy is?"

"My biological father."

"Okay, okay, I can do that, but what else you need?"

"Alright, now… this favor is gonna take some finesse."

Hardison laughed. "Baby Girl, I'm all about finesse… what is it?"

"Where ever my father is located, over on the west coast, I want you to set me up with a P.O. Box, and fix me up with a new bank from there… I'll give you the account numbers and when you get my new bank account, I want you to switch all my money over, can you do that?"

"Of course, I can."

"Okay, thank you, because once my mother finds out what I'm doing, she'll cut me completely from all my funds, just everything."

"Damn… seriously?"


"Alright, so what's the name on the new bank account? Spell it out."

"Kaitlin K-A-I-T-L-I-N, Ashley A-S-H-L-E-Y, LeighAnn L-E-I-G-H- capital A-N-N, Brody B-R-O-D-Y." she paused. "Yeah, I know, it's a long name, blame my mother for that one."

Hardison chuckled. "It's okay, but thanks… let me get all of this started and I'll call you in a little bit, when I'm done."

"I'll text you the account numbers."

"And you want all of your money switched over?"

"Yes, all that is mine, if you can." she paused. "And go ahead and keep five grand for yourself."

"What! Five grand?"

"Yeah, why not? You're one of my good friends and I love you, Buddy."

"Love you too, Baby Girl… okay, I'll give you a call in a bit."

"Okay, thanks, Hardison, I really really appreciate it."

"It's no problem." he told her, then Kaitlin hung up her phone,and minutes later, after she found the numbers of her bank accounts, she sent the texts to him.

Kaitlin's on and off boyfriend and fellow actor Dylan James walked into her room pissed off, an hour and a half later, and crossed his arms over his chest. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

Kaitlin slowly looked up from her laptop. "Well, hello to you too, fucking grouch."

"I hear you want to quit your career?"

"God! Trish has a big mouth." Kaitlin groaned, shaking her head.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway, because you are not quitting."

"Uh, first of all - I can do whatever I want, second - you're so not my boss, and third - you can go to hell." Dylan frowned, then Kaitlin's phone rang. "Excuse me, I have to take this." she pressed the talk button. "Hello?"

"Alright, Baby Girl, it's all done. I emailed you everything… your new bank account, all the information on your father, and your P.O. Box, which is in Charming, California, plus I even sent you a map of the town he's in."

"Thank you, so much, Hardison… did you get your five?"

"Yes, I did, and I thank you. Talk to you later, Girly."

"Okay, bye." she told him, then hung up her phone.

"Who the hell is Hardison?"

Kaitlin glared at Dylan. "Just an old friend, damn."

"Yeah, whatever."

Kaitlin shook her head, then turned her attention to her laptop. "Dylan, you can leave at any time… you're being the worlds biggest asshole and I really don't want to be around you."

"You're such a bitch." he muttered as he stomped out of her penthouse.

"Jackass." she mumbled, then started looking through all of her emails that Hardison sent to her. As she was checking them, she sent him a text. "Please for the love of God, do not tell anyone about what we discussed. I don't want anyone else to know."

Hardison sent her a text a few minutes later. "Your secret is safe with me baby girl."

The next morning, Kaitlin woke up early and bought a one way plane ticket to California, then she started packing all the things she'd need, when she heard a door slam. "Here we go." she thought to herself. "In 3... 2... 1.."


"Hello, Leslie... it's so good to see you too." she rolled her eyes.

"Would it hurt to call me Mom?"

"You tell me, since you're the one that told me to call you by your first name, because 'Mom' makes you feel old."

Leslie groaned, shaking her head. "Whatever… what's this I hear, you're quitting the business?"

"Not exactly, I'm just taking a break."

"For how long?"

"Until I feel like it."

"Look, I don't know what kind of shit you're trying to pull, but you're not going anywhere near your father, besides, you don't even know where he's at."

"Maybe I do or maybe I don't… who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Oh, so I suppose being in labor for twenty-seven hours, giving birth to you, and being your mother doesn't count."

"No." Kaitlin shook her head. "Not really."

"You listen and you listen good, you spoiled brat… you leave New York to find your piece of shit father and I'll take away all of your trusts and assets away." Leslie paused. "Is that what you really want?"

Kaitlin smirked. "Go ahead, if that's gonna help you sleep at night, then be my guest."

"Fine… you will regret this." then her mom stomped out of the penthouse and Kaitlin just laughed out loud, as she finished packing.

When Kaitlin was done with everything, she had her limo driver Max, grab her luggage, while she went over to Trish's to say goodbye. But after she knocked and the door opened, Kaitlin saw a half naked Dylan with a guilty look on his face. "Wow… I can't say that I'm surprised." she laughed. "I knew sooner or later, this was bound to happen, and I'm glad because I have nothing or nobody holding me back."

Dylan just looked at her with a blank stare, as Trish walked up wearing nothing but a sheet wrapped around her. "Kate, I'm so sorry."

"No, you're not… but what the fuck ever, we all get a clean break, right?" she looked at Dylan. "Obviously, we're over." then she looked at Trish. "And you're fired as my assistant and my best friend." she quickly took out her phone and took a picture of them. "Okay, there, just in case I need this in the future, you know, in case TMZ needs it or something." she chuckled. "Okay, as you were." then she walked away, leaving them upset, and confused.

"Kaitlin!" Dylan yelled, but she had already got on the elevator.

She walked out of the lobby and over to her limo. "To the airport, Max… I need to go find my father."

"As you wish, Miss Kaitlin." then she got in the limo and Max drove off. Kaitlin got to the airport an hour later, and got on a plane to Los Angeles, California and drive up to Charming to find her father - Clarence Morrow.

A/N: Okay… peeps, that's chapter one! I hope you like it and don't worry, I have major plans for this one, but I have not yet decided what Son she'll end up with, except Jax though, I mean DUH. The first couple of chapters will be slow, but it'll be building up soon! Thanks and don't forget to R&R!