Disclaimer: -man doesn't belong to us! We're just random people who really like Secret Black Vow and -man :D

Ellen had gone out to buy groceries. Lavi sat on the grassy plain, admiring his wedding ring. He had spent a lot of money and time choosing this ring and he was glad he did.

The ring he chose was very unique. It was gold and had the shape of a flower with five white petals, while the diamond was located in the middle, of course. The distinct contrast between the gold color and Ellen's light skin made the ring stand out. Somehow, it told everyone that Ellen belonged to him and only him. She was now officially Ellen Bookman. Lavi smiled blissfully.

Ah, the forbidden sin,

A few metres away, a blue haired angel was gritting her teeth. This inferior human! The attractive short haired angel could not believe that she lost to a mortal of all beings! Allen was hers, and no human was supposed to interfere with fate.

Kept cutting at the unhealed wound.

'Fine' the angel thought.

'If he can't be mine, he can't be with that weak mortal either,' she added, summoning her pink and purple stripped candle.

The angry judgment of the arrow,

Aiming at the male mortal with undisguised fury, the angel shot the human with her pointed candle.

Penetrated the pitch black groom.

Lavi turned just in time, his eyes widening in shock as he fell to the ground. A trickle of blood escaped from the corner of his mouth.

It was quiet, too quiet, Ellen decided. She got held up on the way back home, by a stranger who was harassing her. It was extremely nice of the passers-by to help and get rid of the nuisance.

"Lavi! I'm home!" Ellen shouted, looking around the small apartment after putting the groceries down. Where was Lavi? Heading over to the garden behind the house where Lavi liked to go in his free time, Ellen was in for a big shock.

She stepped into the small garden and froze in horror. On the grass laid Lavi's body, lifeless and still. The end of a candle stuck out from his chest; it had pierced through his heart. To Ellen, the culprit was obvious: Rhode Kamelot.

Immediately, Ellen rushed to his side, hugging Lavi's dead body. As tears filled her silver eyes, she caressed Lavi's cheek. 'No, no, no. You can't die,' Ellen thought desperately. There was no her without him. Therefore, she had no doubt to what she must do.

My dear, lying cold.

I will spend my life for you as I swore on that day.

My sin against God…

Drops of tears fell, as Ellen made her last decision. It was so ironic. Before she had killed all her lovers so she could continue living. Now that she had experienced true love, she knew she could never go back to what she was before. She would give up her own life to see him live.

All acts of treachery should be paid by my death.

So, I will die for you…

Ellen Walter looked at her lover for one last time.

I believe that's my fate.

As Lavi's eye slowly opened...

Ellen smiled her last smile, as her white hair grew shorter and shorter.

"Ellen…" Lavi said weakly. No, it wasn't her.

One final tear fell...

Lavi quickly sat up. "No, please stay. Don't go please… Allen!" He finally understood.

The angel with now black wings vanished away...

Leaving behind a single black feather.

Lavi snatched the feather before it dropped, both his hands clashed together. In that exact moment, his tears fell. He did not even try to hold them back. This time, he really was heartbroken. Allen was Ellen. His lover had sacrificed so much… so much that now, he had even exchanged his life for his. Lavi Bookman let out an anguished scream.

Lavi stayed in that position for a long time, wishing that everything was just a dream. He cried and cried but nothing would change. Lavi knew that. He also hated himself for not realizing earlier. How could he have not noticed? They even had the same white hair! How many people had hair that was naturally white? He truly was blinded by love.

He finally understood why there were two scars in the middle of Ellen's back, and the wave of nostalgia when he had first saw it.

Now Lavi understood. He had loved Allen. But the denial of loving the same sex had made him think otherwise. It was already too late.

The words "I love you, Allen" was still lingering on his lips. They had never escaped his throat, not once. And now, they would never get the chance. He clutched the feather tightly, lost in his memories and of what could have been. He had no one but himself to blame.

Even after falling to the ends of the earth,

They were trapped in the oath's keystone.

Bearing forbidden love,

They wait as the fruit of sin perishes.

A pitiful angel,

A sullied groom,

Their story ends here,

The sun had just risen somewhere in the twenty-first century, when a boy breezed through the twilight city. His shoulder length white hair flew in the light morning wind. Though he had just reached town a few days ago, he felt as if he had been living there his entire life.

He began to explore this new place, trying to see how much of it he really knew. Passing by a strangely familiar alleyway, he felt his heart skip a beat, but continued past it. He walked by a fountain in the middle of town, and into a small garden where an old pavilion stood tall.

A sudden feeling of warmth overwhelmed him and he started running forward, as if he was about to win a race. The short boy with sparkling silver irises closed his eyes, enjoying the wind. The relaxation stopped when he felt something hard bump against his shoulder blade. He opened his eyes to see a red headed teenager with one eye sprawled on the ground.

"I'm extremely sorry I knocked you down!" The younger boy bent over, offering a hand to the stranger. A wave of familiarity washed over him. "Are you okay? My name is Allen. What's yours?" He smiled graciously.

Till the day they meet again…

Izzy: Hmmm, I forgot to upload it again.
Keely: Yes... now you know.
Izzy: You didn't remind me y'know.
Keely: Shhh, never speak of this!
Izzy: Bleh, whatever you say.
Izzy & Keely: This is our last chapter, please review! :D