Hellllo. (:

How are you guys?

What did you guys think of Love Lockdown? Let me know, i wanna hear your thoughts on it.

Clares POV.

The huge hike had led us to the King and Queens's seat; I've seen pictures of this place so many times. ( A/N: this place is in Maryland it's so pretty in the fall. (: )

It was a huge cliff that had an outcrop there are many vertical like 94 feet drops, the scenery was beautiful you could see the leaves changing colors.

It was just breath taking. I felt Eli grab my hand led me onto the outcropped rock.

To say I was scared is an understatement … it was a long drop down. I gripped onto Elis hand for dear life.

"Blue Eyes its fine I won't let anything happen to you. I swear." His voice was very reassuring.

We sat along the rigid edge I looked down and saw a little drop to the next like rock down that I would land on if I fell.

"This is beautiful," I spoke softly. The warm colors of fall were surrounding Eli and I, I felt so calm for the first time in awhile.

Eli pulled out the cheesy, "Yes you are" line. There was something in his eyes that told me he was being very sincere.

I leaned over to him and laid my head on his shoulder his arm immediately went around my waist almost like an instinct for him.

I don't know how long we sat there, it's felt like only minutes but then I realized the sun was lower down towards the horizon. Eli must have noticed too cause he started getting up.

His hands reached out for mine, I quickly grabbed them not wanting to fall.

We walked hand in hand down the trail and ended up near the waterfall everyone goes too in the summer. Falling branch was such a pretty sight the water was freezing by now so usually people just hike near it now.

I felt Eli tug on my hand telling me we had to go.

"I'll bring you back soon, I promise" I whispered in my ear.

I just smiled up at him, and thought how today went. Life really does have beauty in it, you just have to look past all the ugly details and open up for the good.

Soon enough we made our way to Morty. Eli opened the door for me and was soon I the car too.

Eli's POV.

I glanced over at Clare once I heard her soft snores.

She had the biggest smile on her face.

That smile had lighten up my life, where would I be without Clare?

I turned back towards the road and kept driving till I ended up at Clare's house.

I didn't want to wake her up she looked to cute in her sleep. I shook her gently trying to get the sleeping beauty to awaken.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled her million dollar smile at me.

"You're home" I whispered. I reached down and pecked her on my lips they were so soft and warm. I could kiss them all day if Clare had let me.

She yawned and stretched making some funny noise when she did. It was cute and made me smile even more.

I opened up the door to Morty and opened Clares door offering my hand to help her. Always are gentlemen just like my mommy always says.

I walked Clare up to the door, it was around 11 now.

Before I knew it Clare grabbed the back on my neck and pulled me down to meet her lips. I love the aggressive side of her, it was just plain hot.

I pushed her against the wall and put my hands on each side of her head trapping her where she was.

She giggled and pushed her lips against me hard.

We only separated when necessary, for oxygen. It's so stupid.

I wanted her to come closer to me, my body pushed against her the warmth from her was very inviting.

I had to make sure I wasn't crushing her with my weight, she didn't seem to mind.

But, the person who had been standing at the door minded..

"CLARE MARIE! How many times am I going to have to catch you and Eli making out on the front porch?" This reminded me of the night I had brought her home from the club.

"Clare in the house, your curfew is up." Mr. Edwards said sternly.

She reached down and quickly gave me a kiss before walking into the house blushing.

I smiled, looked up to Mr. Edwards and started to turn around. I could have sworn I saw him smiling or at least about to crack one.

I remember the first day I met Mr. Edwards when Clare had to me he wanted to meet me.

"Eli my dad wants to meet you, He was like I need to meet the boy you're associating with and calling your boyfriend. I need to make sure he's good enough for you yada yada yada." She brushed it off real quick.

I could tell she was really nervous; she always bit her lip when she got nervous.

I made sure to dress nicely before leaving and to leave the sarcasm at the door before I was invited in.

Me and Clare drove to her house and walked in.

In the living room were Mr. Edwards and 2 huge guys with lots of muscle. They were shining their guns…

"DAD! Why are Big Bret and Squirt here?" You could hear the panic in her voice.

These guys were 3 times the size of me and definitely scarier.

"Eli this is my dad" She pointed to the smaller guy of the three. I stretched out my hand to shake his and he took it.

"This is Big Bret," She pointed to a guy Clare was smiling at him. "He's like my uncle I've known him for forever."

"You're Clare's boyfriend? You make one wrong move or even make her the least bit sad I will go get a bigger gun from the proving ground and find you, we clear?" This guy was huge at least 6'5, his muscle was the size of my head he had the biggest glare on his face.

Now I was scared, all I could do was nod my head.

"GUYS! Stop scaring him!"

"Clare we're just making sure this guy doesn't hurt you. You're like a second daughter to me." The guy I guess was Squirt walked over and squeezed Clare he had tattoos all over him.

"I'm Reese but you can call me squirt. Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you." He shook my hand.

"These are my dad's friends from the army they're like my uncles, they'll do anything to make sure I'm safe." Clare was still glaring at her dad.

(A/N: My dad has done this too me before with his army friends, it was not fun at all. LOL)

Note to self: Never make Clares dad or Clare upset I might get run over by a tank if I do.

"Well Eli you survived the greeting you're one brave kid. We'll talk more later I need to get to know you better."

Her dad was actually kind of chill. We usually got along which was good, he knew I made Clare happy and only wants the best for his little girl.

I hopped into Morty and drove to my house.

The door was unlocked; hm I guess Mom hadn't had to work tonight.

She was a nurse at the local hospital she was always busy with work. I looked in the fridge to see that she went to the store. Thank you mom!

I quickly ate the leftover dinner in the fridge and went upstairs.

Mom was lying on the bed watching one of her soap operas; those shows were just too dramatic for me. I found them quite annoying actually.

"Hey mom" I pecked her on the cheek. I laid on the bed next to her and just relaxed.

"Hey Elijah, how was your dad sweetie?" She always asked this, she was always curious about what was going on in my life. I told her everything, and I mean everything.

"I took Clare to the King and Queen's seat she loved it." The memory of today brought back a smile too my face.

"I'm glad you two had fun, you guys are always so happy when you two together. I love the change I've seen in you sweetie." She was smiling brightly at me.

"How was your day mom?" My turn to ask, there was always something weird going on at the hospital.

"Well, today guy got a tree branch stuck in his neck boy was the operation interesting it was a scary one at that and then I had to remove a bee bee from a small boys back that his friend shot at him." She loved telling the stories that happened at her work, there was never a dull day.

I could tell she was getting tired so I said my goodnight and she was asleep before I could even walk out the door.

I made my way to my room and plopped onto my bed and decided to call Clare and tell her goodnight.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring..

"Hello?" her voice was very groggy she probably had already fallen asleep.

"Hey Blue Eyes sorry if I woke you up I just didn't want you going to bed without me telling you goodnight and that I loved you first." I could tell she was smiling at the other end of the phone.

"Awh, I love you too Eli. Goodnight and thank you for today it really made me smile." Clare voice had a brightness too it that I just had to smile at.

"I'm glad; I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night Blue Eyes sweet dreams." I heard the line click.

I dozed off a few minutes later. The smile was permanently glued to my face as I thought of today, Clare and just everything.

Pictures of the place Eli and Clare went too are on my page. Check em out. (:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Reviews make me smile. (: